Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 340 Sword Tomb Gorge

There are many cultivators following Yu Jianfei, and the cultivator that merged with the early stage rushed out first. When approaching the entrance of the canyon,

He suddenly fell from the air, which startled everyone who followed, Yu Jian hurriedly braked in the air.

"There are Restrictions here, everyone be careful," at this time, a cultivator reminded loudly.

Then the group of people flew directly with the sword and landed on the ground at the entrance.

"Damn it! It's Restrictions, and Shen Elder didn't say anything in advance."

The cultivator, who was thrown into the mud by a dog, climbed up in embarrassment, said indignantly, and then cast Movement Technique as if fleeing, and entered the canyon.

"Let's go too!" Tong Minghong looked in the direction of the canyon, and then cast Movement Technique to leave quickly, followed by Yang Yunfei and others who also cast Movement Technique.

When several people entered the canyon, they seemed to have passed through a transparent light curtain, and the scene in front of them suddenly changed.

"This... this is actually a formation!" Qi Yutang blurted out in surprise.

Yang Yunfei and the others were also shocked by the scene in front of them, and they raised their eyes to look around.

What I saw was an ordinary canyon, and the end could be seen at a glance, but now, the end of the canyon gives people a feeling of looking at the mountain and running a dead horse, which is very far away.

The entire canyon is about 50 meters wide, with cliffs on both sides. If you look up from the bottom, it forms a spectacular scene of a line of sky.

What is even more shocking is that the entire canyon is covered with mountains and fields, and swords are everywhere in sight.

Some swords were stuck on the ground, revealing half of the sword body, some swords were embedded in the cliffs on both sides of the canyon, only a small hilt was exposed, and some were lying on the ground directly, as if they were thrown away at will.

Rather than saying that this is a canyon, it is more appropriate to say that this is a sword mound.

"Now I finally understand what Shen Elder said. This should be a sword mound in Huangfeng Valley.

We can choose a sword here as a saber at will, but we can only take one away, and then pass through this canyon to pass the test. "

Zhao Chengzhi looked at the swords that could be seen everywhere and smiled.

"Hahaha...then what are you waiting for? Let's go ahead quickly, otherwise the good sword will be taken away by others. If you are lucky enough to get a Lingbao-level sword, wouldn't you be rich?"

Qi Yutang laughed excitedly when he heard the words


After speaking, he was about to use Movement Technique to take a step ahead, but Qi Yutang's face suddenly changed and he exclaimed:

"What's going on? Did you find out, the true essence seems to be unusable."

Tong Minghong and others hurriedly tried to use their true energy after hearing the words, but everyone's complexion changed slightly, obviously they couldn't use their own true energy either.

"Fuck! What a scam! This broken canyon not only has forbidden air restrictions, but also forbidden spirit restrictions. Doesn't this mean that we are going to run over like ordinary people? That's not exhausting."

Qi Yutang complained.

"Hehehe... let's go! Didn't you say that you will be safe when you come? Such a long distance, if you don't hurry up, I'm afraid you may not be able to get out of this canyon before sunset."

Yang Yunfei smiled, then put on a running posture and ran into the canyon.

Seeing this, Tong Minghong and the others shook their heads helplessly, and followed suit.

"Ding ding ding..."


It didn't take long for Yang Yunfei and others to hear cultivators fighting each other from ahead, and cultivators screamed from time to time.

Because everyone can't use real yuan, they can only compete with each other head-to-head.

At this time, whoever has a good physique will have an advantage if he is big.

However, if you encounter a cultivator traveling together, generally a single cultivator will choose to avoid it actively.

"Give me the sword in your hand, or I will kill you today." A tall, tough-looking cultivator with a swollen face and a face that is not good at first glance, holding a Magical Item long sword, viciously threatened.

In the case of being unable to use the true element, the cultivator in the canyon cannot take out his original weapon from the storage bag,

So they can only pull out a Magical Item long sword on the ground at will to defend themselves.

"This... this sword was obviously discovered by me first, why should I give it to you, there are so many swords here, why don't you go and search for a better one yourself?"

The person who spoke was a relatively thin person. Due to the other person's tall body, his voice was a little uneasy, and the willow leaf sword in his hand couldn't help trembling slightly.

Just now he happened to find a Lingbao-level willow-leaf sword,

Because they couldn't use the true essence to put it into the storage bag, and happened to be seen by the big cultivator passing by, they forced him to hand over the Willow Leaf Sword.

"Hmph! Since you

If you want to die, then I will fulfill you, "

As soon as the words fell, the big man cultivator swung the Magical Item long sword in his hand and directly slashed at the weaker cultivator.

"Ding..." Although the weak cultivator seems to have a weak personality, he didn't dare to be careless when faced with the threat of Death.

With the same vigorous swing of the sword to block, it collided with the opponent's Magical Item long sword, making a crisp sound of "ding...".

As a result, the opponent's Magical Item long sword broke immediately. The big cultivator looked at the broken sword in his hand, his eyes glowed with fiery light, and he made up his mind that he must take the Lingbao-level long sword as his own. Own.

I saw that the big cultivator drew two long swords again, dancing the sword flowers desperately,

The weak cultivator was not to be outdone, and also desperately resisted. Every time he cut off the opponent's Magical Item long sword, the big cultivator would quickly pull out other long swords and attack. Anyway, there are swords everywhere.

After going back and forth like this, the two fought for no less than a hundred rounds, and both of them began to be out of breath.

The weak cultivator wanted to retreat, but was blocked by the big cultivator every time. If he fought hard, he couldn't kill the opponent.

He was unwilling to hand over the Lingbao long sword in his hand, and thought that even if he handed over the Lingbao in his hand, the other party would not let him go, so the weak cultivator felt very helpless.

"Shall we help that kid?" Zhao Chengzhi looked at Tong Minghong inquiringly.

When several people passed by, they happened to see that big cultivator viciously attacking that weak cultivator.

Judging from the faces of the two, the big cultivator must be a villain, so Yang Yunfei and the others preconceived and stood on the side of the weak cultivator.

And as he continued to resist the opponent's attack, the weak cultivator's physical strength was obviously exhausted.

If this continues, the final result will definitely be that he will definitely die, this point can be seen by Yang Yunfei and others.

"Help! Of course I want to help. I hate those cultivators who rely on their strength and like to bully the weak."

Qi Yutang heard the words and blurted out without thinking.

"Hehehe...then what are you waiting for? Just do it and it's over." Seeing that no one objected to own opinion, Zhao Chengzhi raised his long sword and rushed out first.

Yang Yunfei and the others were afraid that he would suffer, so they quickened their pace and followed closely behind.

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