"Tong Wei! Tong Wei! How can you be so stupid! Zhong Fatty, come quickly, something happened to Tong Wei!" Gu Feng shouted eagerly.

Immediately, he took out a healing Medicine Pill, kneaded it into powder and sprinkled it on the wound, and shot a beam of real energy into Tong Wei's body to help her stop the bleeding.

As soon as Gu Feng entered the door, he saw Tong Wei lying on the simple bed in the simple room, with a pool of blood flowing on the ground in front of the bed.

"What's the matter! What happened? This?" Zhong Tao, who hurried over after hearing the sound, saw eye-catching bloodstains on the ground as soon as he entered the door.

Seeing that there was a hideous scratch on Tong Wei's wrist, with blood still flowing from the scratch, Zhong Tao immediately realized that Tong Wei had actually committed suicide by cutting her wrist.

Fortunately, Gu Feng discovered it in time, and under the treatment of his Medicine Pill and Zhen Yuan, Tong Wei's wrist had scabs, which stopped the bleeding.

It didn't take long for Tong Wei to wake up. When she saw Gu Feng's figure, tears flowed out, and she said in a broken voice:

"Gu... Gu Feng... I'm sorry... woo woo woo..."

"Silly girl! How can you be so stupid, do you know? If there is no you in this world, what's the point of my life?

Don't you just have the heart to abandon me and let me live alone? Are you enduring this endless loneliness and torture? "

Gu Feng gently hugged Tong Wei into his arms, and said affectionately.

"But... but... I have become a useless person now, I am no longer worthy of you, and I don't want to drag you down,"

Tong Wei broke free from Gu Feng's arms, and said with tears.

"Fool! I like you, so why would I care about these things? Promise me! Don't do stupid things again, okay?

I will find a way to cure you. After you recover, I will take you to travel around the world, okay? "

Gu Feng looked intently into Tong Wei's eyes, and said tenderly.

Tong Wei was deeply moved when she heard the words, she nodded slightly and gave a "huh".

Seeing this, Gu Feng finally let go of his worried heart. He was afraid that Tong Wei would commit suicide again while he was away.

At this time, the two were deeply in love, embraced each other, and were about to kiss affectionately.

Seeing that the lips of the two were about to collide, an extremely discordant voice suddenly sounded.

"Hey, hey... am I still here? Can you pay attention to my feelings?" Zhong Tao cursed.

Tong Wei noticed that Zhong Tao was still in the room after hearing the words, and her face turned red.

"Damn Fatty! Don't you know what avoiding suspicion is?" Gu Feng said angrily.

"You called me here, okay? By the way, I have an idea. The speed at which we earn Spirit Stones can't keep up with the speed of consumption.

Why don't we refine some talismans, starting with setting up a street stall, you must know that the talisman drawn with the Zhutian pen is much more powerful than the talisman of the same level. "

Zhong Tao proudly reminded.

Ancient rumors

As soon as their eyes lit up, they also felt that this method was feasible, so the two of them figured out how to implement this matter......

In Yichang Prefecture in the Central Plains, Xinyang City was originally divided into two areas by formation because a large number of "Yao Li" infected people appeared in the city.

At this moment, the infected area is like a purgatory on earth. The air is filled with a strong smell of corpses. There are many cultivators lying on the ground like beggars everywhere on the street.

There is no trace of the appearance of a cultivator. Everyone's face is ashen, and their eyes are full of confusion, fear and helplessness.

Horrible abscesses were also growing on the face, and some of them had even festered, making one's scalp tingle.

These infected people are well aware of the consequences of being infected with "Yao Li", so many cultivators are almost in a state of waiting to die.

Of course, there are also many cultivators with extremely abnormal psychology. Knowing that they will not live long, even if their bodies are extremely weak, they will not forget the messy things between men and women.

As a result, quite a few female cultivators committed suicide with unbearable humiliation and hatred.

Of course, there are also male and female infected people who are voluntary to each other, thinking that they are going to die anyway, so it is better to comfort each other while they are still alive.

At this moment, in a room in a small yard on a street corner in the infected area.

Dongfang Yuanhua was doing that mediocre thing with a female cultivator, but he was no longer as strong as before, but he still enjoyed it.

And in the yard outside the room, there was an old man lying with less air intake and more air output. In addition to the complications caused by the "Yao Li" infection on his body, his face was even more bruised and swollen, and he was beaten into a pig's head.

This person is Dongfang Yuanhua's uncle, pretending to be Dan Chi Bai Chao.

After the two suffered setbacks in the Yu Mansion, they came to Xinyang City, Yichang Prefecture in collusion.

In order to obtain the Spirit Stones, the two had discussed in advance, poisoning the cultivator in this small town on the edge,

Then, under the banner of curing diseases and saving lives, they refined special detoxification pills in order to obtain huge profits from them.

At first, Dongfang Yuanhua prepared some poisons himself and put them in places with a lot of people.

As a result, Dongfang Yuanhua overestimated the poison he prepared, and the poisoned cultivator could just take a whole detoxification pill by himself, but it couldn't achieve the effect they wanted at all.

Seeing that the plan to earn Spirit Stones was about to fail, Bai Chao suddenly remembered that he had obtained many jade bottles in a certain Immortal Cave of cultivation in ancient times.

It seemed that there was a sign that it was forbidden to open. At that time, Bai Chao didn't think too much about it, so he took it away.

Now he also suddenly remembered that maybe the jade bottle marked with the words "forbidden to open" was some kind of poison from ancient times.

So Bai Chao took out the jade bottle and asked Dongfang Yuanhua to check it out.

If it is poison, can a corresponding antidote be developed based on the poison, so that their plan can be implemented again.

However, when Dongfang Yuanhua and his uncle

When Bai Chao worked together to break the restrictions on the jade bottle, he found that the whole jade bottle was empty.

So the two had no choice but to give up and plan to discuss in the long run.

But the next day, the two anxiously found each other, only to find that many abscesses the size of soybeans had grown on each other's faces, which were densely packed and very scary.

Moreover, their respective Dantians began to slump rapidly. Dongfang Yuanhua immediately realized a terrible thing. He and his uncle might be infected with the legendary "Yao Li"

This frightened Dongfang Yuanhua half to death, so the two of them dared not go out, for fear of being seen through by others and beheaded to death.

It wasn't until a few days later that they heard a lot of commotion outside that they realized that the area they were in had been completely sealed off, and the streets and alleys were full of "Yao Li" infected people.

After thinking about it, the first thing Dongfang Yuanhua suspected was that there was something wrong with the jade bottle that his uncle Bai Chao took out, otherwise how could things be so coincidental.

"Yao Li", which hadn't appeared for millions of years, appeared just after they opened the jade bottle.

What's more, the jade bottle happened to be marked as forbidden to open, and it also came from the Immortal Cave of Comprehension in ancient times.

The more he thought about this, the more Dongfang Yuanhua felt that this possibility was very great, and the more angry he became.

Then the angry Dongfang Yuanhua beat Bai Chao half to death in order to relieve the hatred in his heart.

Thinking that he was going to die for sure, Dongfang Yuanhua felt a burst of sadness in his heart. He still had a lot of things to do, not to mention that he was still so young.

So Dongfang Yuanhua tried every means to find a female cultivator, and forcibly had sex with her, to fulfill his last wish before death.

And the safety zone is no longer safe, because a large number of cultivators have been infected with "Yao Li".

The city lord Wu Hongen had no choice but to organize his staff again and rearrange the formation isolation. Now the entire Xinyang City has less than one-third of its area left, which is a relatively safe area.

And as the nearby Xiling City, Tongling City, and Jiujiang City were also closed one after another, and rumors spread that "Yao Li" may have appeared in these three cities.

Suddenly, there was an uproar in the Central Plains, causing countless cultivators to dare not approach Yichang Prefecture.

Because the incident happened suddenly, when Dan Cheng heard the news, the God of Dan Kong Qiu immediately held an Elder meeting to discuss the matter.

And organize the manpower to refine the corresponding therapeutic Medicine Pill according to the pill recipe left over from the ancient times.

However, "Yao Li" has not appeared for millions of years, and the god of alchemy, Kong Qiu, is not 100% sure whether this medicine pill is effective, after all, medicine pills have not yet passed clinical trials.

And at the meeting, when Confucius proposed to send several Elders to Xinyang City, Yichang Prefecture, all the Elders lowered their heads one after another, and no one made a statement. The meaning is self-evident... ……………

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