Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 344 Heart Of Compassion

In Pill City, in a room at the headquarters of the Pill Refining Masters Association, Pill God Kong Qiu looked at all the Elders who didn't dare to look up at him, for fear that he would call someone by name, and he sighed softly in his heart.

But I didn't blame them, after all, the "Yao Li" incident was too terrifying, even Power in the transformation stage could not be spared, let alone them.

No way, for the sake of the common people in the world, the god of alchemy Kong Qiu had no choice but to propose to go in person.

All the Elders at the scene remonstrated one after another after hearing the words, not to let the God of Alchemy Kong Qiu go in person, after all, the God of Alchemy Kong Qiu has a special identity.

The entire Beichen Continent has such a seventh-rank alchemist, no matter it is for the alchemy city or the cultivator in the world, it is of great significance.

If anything happened to Kong Qiu, the Alchemy God, the consequences would be disastrous.

But God of Pill Kong Qiu didn't listen to everyone's advice. After arranging many matters briefly, he strictly prohibited everyone from revealing his whereabouts, and then left quietly.

The news of the outbreak of "Yao Li" in Yichang Prefecture almost plunged the entire Central Plains into panic.

Especially the big and small sects in Yichang prefecture have temporarily closed the gates and prohibited sect disciples from going out.

The surrounding cultivation cities, large and small, also temporarily closed their city gates and opened their large moats to prevent foreign cultivators from entering.

Such a move did not cause much panic to the cultivator. After closing the test casually, time passed. Many cultivators also took advantage of this opportunity to calm down and practice.

Lu Chen drove the flying boat, carrying the middle-aged cultivator Liu Qi who was rescued by him halfway, and headed north all the way to Tai Bai Cheng.

Through mutual conversations, we learned that this middle-aged cultivator who called himself Liu Qi was a steward of the Wu family in Xinyang City, Yichang Prefecture.

Because someone in the family suffered from a strange disease, Liu Qicai went out to seek medical advice from a famous pill refiner, but he was attacked by powerful Demonic Beasts halfway, and he managed to escape with all his might.

Later, he was rescued by Lu Chen who was passing by. Of course, these were all what Liu Qi said, and Lu Chen didn't ask too much about the authenticity of it.

"Liu Dage! We have entered the border of Yichang Prefecture, look..."

While Lu Chen was driving the flying boat, Divine Sense looked at the map in his hand, Jade Slip, but he didn't say anything later,

But the meaning in it is obviously saying: "Look, you should leave by yourself, I have been driving you for so long."

But when Liu Qi heard the words, he pretended to be confused with a smile and said:

"Hehehe... Brother Lu Chen! You and I hit it off right away, and you have saved my life. Xinyang City is coming soon.

No matter how I say, I should also do my best to be a landlord, otherwise my Dao heart will be in trouble!

Brother, please show me your face, how about moving to Xinyang City? "

Lu Chen showed embarrassment when he heard the words, and he did not save him at first.

It's just for a little benefit, but this Liu senior would be so enthusiastic.

"Hehehe... Brother Lu Chen, why are you hesitating? I said before that you can enter the Alchemy tower at any time as long as you have a certificate.

There is no time limit, it won't take long for you to go to Xinyang City with me. "

Seeing that Lu Chen didn't refuse directly, Liu Qi continued to invite warmly.

"Uh...hehehe...Liu senior is really too polite, so I'd rather be respectful than obedient."

Hearing that Lu Chen couldn't stand the other party's enthusiasm, he agreed after thinking for a while.

When the two of them drove the flying boat to the sky above Xinyang City, Lu Chen found that the entire Xinyang City was not very big.

You can see its whole picture from a bird's-eye view. It is a bit similar to a small county town in the third line. The wooden ancient buildings are like a piece of Yellow Dragon jade inlaid in the mountains.

"Liu senior, is the moat formation of Xinyang City always open?"

When Lu Chen lowered the flying boat, he saw that the entire Xinyang City was shrouded in a faint formation light curtain, and there was also a pale golden halo flashing, so he asked suspiciously.

"Hehehe... Brother Lu Chen, you don't know that Xinyang City is close to the Banyue Mountains, and there are often groups of Demonic Beasts attacking human cultivators,

Therefore, the protective array of Xinyang City is basically in an open state.

correct! Let's go this way, I have a special relationship, I can take a shortcut, so I can still save some expenses for entering the city. "

Liu Qi said with a smile, then pointed in a direction, signaling Lu Chen to land the flying boat on the right side of the south gate.

Lu Chen was very moved when he heard the words, Liu Qi senior knew that he could save as much as he could.

But when Lu Chen landed the flying boat according to the place Liu Qi pointed out, he didn't find any passage, except for the tall city wall.

Just when he was wondering, he saw Liu Qi took out a palm-sized jade tablet in his hand, poured real energy into it, and the jade tablet shot out a golden beam of light.

When the golden light beam embedded in the city wall, a formation light curtain appeared instantly, and then quickly spread to both sides, and a circular passage appeared in front of the two of them.

Moreover, this kind of channel also belongs to the channel with transmission effect.

"Liu senior! Who are you?" Lu Chen turned his head and asked in surprise, because in his opinion, this move is not something ordinary people can do, and there must be something strange in it.

However, a big hand suddenly struck at him like lightning, and he was caught off guard by mental calculation or unintentional. Before Lu Chen could react, he was pulled into the passage by the other party.

Immediately, Lu Chen felt his eyes go dark, and when it became clear again, he found that he had appeared in a small palace.

And Liu Qi was standing aside at this time, looking at him with apologetic expression.

"Liu! What the hell do you mean? Don't you want revenge

, hurt daddy? "

Lu Chen looked gloomy, looked at Liu Qi coldly, and cursed angrily, a powerful aura surged out of his body in an instant, and the knife embryo in his hand suddenly appeared in his hand.

Without the slightest fear, Liu Qi is a Gold Core early stage senior.

Liu Qi's face changed slightly when he saw this, but it was strange to say that his own Cultivation Base was obviously one level higher than the other party, but for some reason, the other party gave him a dangerous feeling.

"Uh...hehehe... Brother Lu Chen, please don't get excited, please listen to my explanation, the thing is like this..."

In the end, Liu Qi didn't do anything, but chose to persuade him with good words, telling him why he had been tricked, er, why he invited him here.

Liu Qi is actually not the steward of the Wu family, but the personal guard of Wu Hongen, the lord of Xinyang City.

Because of the outbreak of "Yao Li" in Xinyang City, the city lord Wu Hongen asked Liu Qi to find the pill refining master.

In order not to hang himself on a tree, the city lord Wu Hongen sent people to Dancheng for help.

On the one hand, send people to find some pill refiners to come back to do defensive work, or they want to brainstorm, what if any pill refiner can have a solution to "Yao Li"?

Although he knew that the hope was slim, it was better to make such an arrangement than not to do it at all.

Liu Qi was one of the people sent to find the pill refiner,

To say that Liu Qi was really unlucky, he was attacked by Demonic Beasts as he said not long after he came out, and happened to be rescued by Lu Chen.

After taking the healing Medicine Pill given by Lu Chen, Liu Qi realized the extraordinary quality of the Medicine Pill, so he took the initiative to get close to Lu Chen,

In the end, he really got some information, and learned that Lu Chen was going to Tai Bai Cheng's Alchemy tower for trial, which also confirmed the identity of Lu Chen pill refining master.

That's why he tricked Lu Chen into Xinyang City, and hoped that Lu Chen could contribute a little to the cultivators of Xinyang City for the sake of the lives of hundreds of thousands of cultivators in Xinyang City and the common people in the world.

After Liu Qi finished talking about what happened, Lu Chen finally understood that he had fallen into the other party's trap from the very beginning.

But Lu Chen saw that the other party's tone was sincere and didn't seem like he was lying. Since the other party didn't intend to harm own, Lu Chen's expression softened a little.

"Sorry! I still have something to do, please open the transmission channel and let me go," Lu Chen said flatly.

He didn't want to meddle in these nosy matters, thinking to himself:

I just want to practice with peace of mind, don't use any benevolence, righteousness and morality to kidnap myself,

To be honest, do the common people in the world have anything to do with me?

Obviously not, I am just a small person in the integration period, and such a big event in the world should be left to capable people. …………………

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