Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 345 Purgatory On Earth

"I'm sorry, Brother Lu! It's my duty, and I can't let you go either. You can feel wronged here first, and I'll go back as soon as I go."

Liu Qi glanced helplessly at Lu Chen and said guiltily. After speaking, he was ready to open the door and leave.

After all, Lu Chen saved him, but he lied to him, so he felt somewhat guilty.

But in order to complete the mission of the city lord, and for the sake of the hundreds of thousands of cultivators in Xinyang City, he can only feel sorry for Lu Chen first.

However, the moment Liu Qi opened the door, an afterimage floated past him like lightning.

Liu Qi was startled when he saw this, he knew it was Lu Chen's figure without even thinking about it, but what surprised Liu Qi was that Lu Chen's speed was so fast.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he was already in the sky hundreds of meters away, but what puzzled Liu Qi was that Lu Chen stopped flying,

Instead, Yu Jian stood motionless in mid-air,

Seeing this, Liu Qi quickly threw out his own Flying Sword, and Yu Jian flew to catch up with Lu Chen.

At this moment, Lu Chen looked at the scene under his feet with complicated eyes.

Because the Xinyang City in front of him doesn't look like a city of cultivators.

This is clearly a purgatory on earth,

The strong stench of corpses filled the air, making Lu Chen hold his breath quickly.

You can see it everywhere on the street, and there are many cultivators lying on the ground like beggars.

There is no trace of a cultivator, everyone's face is ashen, and their eyes are full of confusion, fear and helplessness,

The faces of these cultivators are covered with horrible abscesses, some of which have even festered, making one's scalp tingle.

What is even more shocking is that there are quite a few female cultivators lying naked in a yard or street somewhere, obviously dead.

Needless to think, these female cultivators must have been abused by other cultivators during their lifetime, and their bodies were covered with abscesses, some of which had even festered, it was simply appalling.

Seeing this, Lu Chen felt an inexplicable discomfort in his heart, and then Divine Sense quickly extended out, and found that the surrounding scenes were almost the same.

"This...what the hell happened? How could this happen?" Lu Chen thought in shock.

"It's not good, Brother Lu Chen, our area is also infected, come back quickly."

Just when Lu Chen was stunned by the scene in front of him, Liu Qi's call came from his ear.

Seeing that he had returned to the gate of the palace just now, Lu Chen's figure turned into an afterimage again.

He has come to Liu Qi's side.

"What's going on? Why did it happen?" Lu Chen asked with his brows furrowed.

"Didn't I say it before? Yaoli broke out in Xinyang City," Liu Qi looked at Lu Chen suspiciously after hearing this, thinking that Lu Chen knew about Yaoli.

"Yao Li? What is Yao Li? Is it a poison?" Lu Chen was even more confused when he heard this.

He has not been in the cultivation world for a long time, and he rarely reads Jade Slip, so he doesn't know what "Yao Li" is, let alone the horror of "Yao Li".

"'s useless to say anything now, Brother Lu Chen, I'm the one who killed you! This evil has spread to our guard's base camp, now it's's estimated...ah..."

As Liu Qi was talking, a painful expression suddenly appeared on his face, and then he let out a scream, and then fell to the ground, his body twitching non-stop.

Soybean-sized pimples appeared on the face at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this, Lu Chen's pupils shrank, and he quickly picked up his true energy to check for himself. After confirming that there was nothing abnormal about own's body,

Only then did a ray of true energy enter Liu Qi's body for inspection.

It was very strange to find that his Dantian was rapidly sluggish, and his true energy dissipated extremely quickly, but he couldn't find out what caused it.

At this time, the pimples on Liu Qi's face were festering at a speed visible to the naked eye, just like the cultivators Lu Chen had seen before.

Lu Chen guessed that these cultivators must have been infected with some kind of highly contagious poison, otherwise Liu Qi was fine just now, why did he suddenly collapse.

But the strange thing is, why is there nothing wrong with me?

Lu Chen thought for a while, and finally attributed all this to the golden bead world in his body, because since he got the golden bead world,

Under the transformation of golden particles, the Meridians and Dantian in the body are different from ordinary people, and they are also invulnerable to all poisons. Lu Chen discovered this problem when he was in the poisonous mist swamp.

"You... How could you be fine?" Dantian's depression caused Liu Qi to fall into pain, but he was surprised to find that Lu Chen was not infected.

I came here with Lu Chen, and I was infected. How could Lu Chen be like a normal person?

"Don't move! I don't know why I'm fine, maybe it's because I took some detoxifying Medicine Pill before, let me be immune to all poisons!" Lu Chen said lightly,

then do

With a strange movement, he stretched his finger towards Liu Qi's face, at first Liu Qi tried his best to avoid it,

After being scolded by Lu Chen for a while, Liu Qicai kept his motionless posture, letting Lu Chen do whatever he wanted.

In order to find out what was going on, Lu Chen suppressed the nausea in his heart, and gently touched the abscess on Liu Qi's face with his fingers.

there's no way! If you want to use the powerful analysis function of Chaos Dao Sheng Jue, you must have something in direct contact with Lu Chen, otherwise it will have no effect.

Feeling the sticky pustules on the fingertips, Lu Chen almost vomited.

Fortunately, the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue did not disappoint Lu Chen, and a piece of information immediately appeared in his mind.

Lu Chen quickly took his hand back, then performed water polo, and washed his hand well.

Only then did I come back to think about the information in my mind,

"Epidemic poison", also known as "Yao Li", is colorless, odorless, and has a wide range of transmission routes. The poisoned person will develop abscesses all over his body, accompanied by the smell of corpses. In January, the seven orifices will bleed to death.

Fifty-eight kinds of spiritual herbs, such as Millennium Stone Marrow, Golden Jade Lotus, Golden Lotus Stone Flower, Resurrection Grass, Soul Inducing Lotus, etc., can be used to refine apricot stone marrow pill, which can cure this "epidemic poison"...

Lu Chen thought for a while, he didn't seem to have the corresponding spiritual herbs on him, it seems that he must go to the Santo's Mansion,

Otherwise, relying on oneself alone, surely cannot rescue these tens of thousands of cultivators.

With this thought in mind, Lu Chen's figure flashed, he stepped nine steps into the sky, his body turned into an afterimage, and quickly disappeared on the spot.

At this moment, in the City Lord's Mansion, City Lord Wu Hongen has already been fidgeting, and the number of cultivators infected with "Yao Li" is still increasing.

If this continues, all the cultivators in Xinyang City may not be spared, and Death will be waiting for them in the end.

In order to prevent himself from being infected with "Yao Li", Wu Hongen arranged the entire city lord's mansion with corresponding formations, and even arranged multiple formations in his own place.

Everyone who wanted to see him had to pass through a formation light curtain. Only in this way could Wu Hongen feel safer.

At noon, a Daoist figure came across the sky quickly, and stayed in the sky above Xinyang City for a while, after confirming the location of the City Lord's Mansion.

That person's body swooped down like a stream of light, and he passed through the large protective formation covering Xinyang City directly and easily...

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