Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 346 The Old Man In Tsing Yi

Wu Hongen, the lord of Xinyang City, after finishing handling the things in his hand, just sat in the Lotus Position and closed his eyes, ready to adjust his breath.

A questioning voice suddenly sounded in the ear:

"Are you the Lord of Xinyang City?"

Wu Hongen heard the reputation and looked over, his pupils shrank immediately.

I saw an old man with a light blue robe, a thin face, and unhappy eyes, and a fairy-like old man suddenly appeared in the own room.

You must know that the entire city lord's mansion is decorated with multiple formations. In addition to the Cultivation Base in the Nascent Soul period, I didn't even find out how this old man appeared in his room. It can be seen how terrifying the Cultivation Base of the visitor is.

These thoughts flashed through Wu Hongen's mind, and he quickly got up and said respectfully and fearfully:

"Back to senior! Junior is Wu Hongen, the lord of Xinyang City. I don't know if senior is here, so please welcome senior Haihan."

Regardless of whether the visitor is an enemy or a friend, Wu Hongen tried his best to keep his own attitude very low. If he angered the old man and was slaughtered by him, it would be bad.

"City Master Wu, you are welcome. The old man is from Dancheng. I will do my best in Dancheng for the matter of "Yao Li". Now the situation is urgent.

I need some people, you have this... this... and this..."

After the green-robed old man revealed his own identity, he directly stated the own arrangement, and threw a Jade Slip to Wu Hongen.

When Wu Hongen heard that the old man came from Dancheng, his eyes immediately showed hope, and he pricked up his ears excitedly to listen to the old man's arrangements.

After the old man finished talking about the arrangement, Wu Hongen's eyes lit up, and when he looked at the old man carefully again, he found a faint light curtain floating on the old man's body.

This is equivalent to protecting yourself alone.

"Hahaha... With the method of senior, I believe that the hundreds of thousands of cultivators in Yangcheng will have no worries, so I will arrange it right away.

oh! correct! senior! I haven't asked the senior's first and last name, "

Wu Hongen smiled excitedly, the old man's arrangements are comprehensive, and he just needs to follow them.

"My surname is Kong! Learn this method quickly, and then find a way to publish this method, and then find some pill refining masters to help me." The green-robed old man instructed again.

After hearing the words, Wu Hongen injected Divine Sense into the Jade Slip in his hand, and immediately memorized the information inside.

Immediately, there was a feeling of enlightenment, and I quickly moved the real yuan, followed the method recorded in Jade Slip, and followed the method recorded in Calabash.

Not long after, own body was also surrounded by a circular light curtain.

It turns out that what is recorded in Jade Slip is a special method of light curtain formed by combining true essence and body protection qi.

This kind of light curtain is equivalent to putting on a layer of protective clothing, which can effectively separate oneself from the outside world.

isolation for protection.

"Senior's method! It's really wonderful! I'll arrange it right away." Wu Hongen said happily, and then left in a flash.

Basically, less than one-third of Xinyang City has been designated as a safe zone.

Most of the cultivators in the safe zone are quarantined at home, and the cultivation that should be practiced, the Closed Door Training that should be practiced, rarely go out, for fear that if they are unlucky, they will be infected with "Yao Li".

So when Lu Chen tried some tricks to pass through the formation light curtain between the safe area and the infected area, he found that the streets in the safe area were empty.

"Stop! You don't want to die, you dare to wander on this street, why don't you go back quickly."

Just as Lu Chen was thinking about how to find the City Lord's Mansion, a loud scolding sound suddenly sounded.

Lu Chen followed the prestige and saw that it was a middle-aged cultivator who was dressed in a black suit and was not much different from Liu Qi. The surface of his body was covered by a faint light curtain.

Thinking about it, the other party should also be a member of the City Lord's Mansion, otherwise he wouldn't be able to say such arrogant words.

"Hehehe... This fellow daoist is invited. I am a pill refining master. I want to ask to see your city lord and contribute a little to Xinyang City. Please also tell me the direction of the city lord's mansion." Pen Fun Library

Lu Chen cupped his hands with a polite smile.

"Are you a pill refining teacher?" The man glanced at Lu Chen suspiciously,

Because since the outbreak of "Yao Li" in Xinyang City, the pill refiner either hid or was infected with "Yao Li", for fear of being called by the city lord to do things that contact infected people.

There are very few pill refining masters like Lu Chen who volunteered to contribute to Xinyang City.

"Fake it!" Lu Chen affirmed with a smile.

"Oh! Then come with me!" The middle-aged cultivator said with a straight face, suppressing the joy in his heart.

Now the City Lord's Mansion is employing people, especially the shortage of pill refining masters. If he can bring a pill refining master back, he will be able to get a lot of rewards.

Lu Chen didn't know what the middle-aged cultivator was thinking, seeing that the cultivator was willing to lead the way, Yu Jian immediately followed.

It didn't take long for Lu Chen to be taken to an ordinary five-story tower, if it weren't for the three hollowed out ancient characters "Xinyang Mansion" written on the plaque on the tower.

Lu Chen still can't believe that this is actually the City Lord's Mansion, because as the same as the City Lord's Mansion, the Jade Mansion in Banyue City is obviously much more luxurious than this place.

The entire tower building is covered by a pale golden formation light curtain like a translucent cover.

After waiting for a while, the middle-aged cultivator who just went in to communicate, threw a Jade Slip to Lu Chen and said:

"Look at this first, and learn the spells inside."

"This is?" Lu Chen looked at the middle-aged man suspiciously

Cultivator Road.

As a result, that person immediately became dissatisfied, and said in a displeased tone: "Whatever nonsense you are talking about, just watch it if you are told, it will definitely not harm you."

Hearing this, Lu Chen had no choice but to inject Divine Sense into Jade Slip. After seeing the content and simple explanation clearly, Lu Chen's eyes lit up, and he felt that there is no shortage of smart people in Cultivation World.

Although this method is a bit stupid, it cleverly combines the true essence and the body-protecting qi, and also refers to the theory of arranging the formation light curtain.

At the same time, I also understand the purpose of this little spell. To put it simply, it is equivalent to putting a protective suit on the cultivator to prevent the cultivators from spreading "epidemic poison" to each other.

Immediately, Lu Chen ran the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue, mastering the contents of the Jade Slip within a dozen breaths.

With a thought, a faint golden light curtain also enveloped Lu Chen, which was very mysterious.

"Okay! Come with me, and when you get to the place, remember not to talk nonsense. You can do whatever the higher-ups tell you to do, you know?"

Seeing that Lu Chen had successfully cast the self-isolation light curtain spell, the middle-aged cultivator reminded.

When Lu Chen was taken to the top floor of the tower, Lu Chen thought that he was about to meet the city lord, so he would contribute the solution to the "epidemic poison",

Then the city lord will be overjoyed and grateful to himself, after all, his original purpose has been made very clear.

However, he never thought that he was brought to a room at least as big as a football field. Lu Chen knew that this must be the effect of spatial formation.

In the room, there are about 20 cultivators of different ages at the moment, and everyone looks like a primary school student, sitting in Lotus Position on the floor.

Listening carefully to the words of the thin-faced old man in the light blue robe standing at the front, at first glance he thought he had entered an ancient school.

The arrival of Lu Chen obviously disturbed the old man's thoughts. He glanced at Lu Chen indifferently, but just this one glance made Lu Chen jump.

Because those eyes seemed to have insight into everything in the world, and they directly saw through Lu Chen's heart. In front of him, Lu Chen was as unreserved as if he was naked.

The rest of the cultivators also turned their heads and looked at this reckless boy strangely. For a moment, Lu Chen became the focus of everyone's attention.

"Uh...hehehe...Sorry! Sorry! I went to the wrong place!" Lu Chen subconsciously wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and smiled mischievously.

Because he felt that the green-robed old man was too weird, giving himself a feeling of seeing through all his secrets with just one look.


Just as Lu Chen stepped back and was about to leave, he was stopped by the old man in green robe...

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