Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 347 Broken Sword And Destroyed Soul

Huang Fenggu, Yang Yunfei and others originally thought that after passing the Wuliang Mountain assessment test, they would be able to become Huang Fenggu's disciples smoothly.

But who would have thought that after everyone arrived at Huangfeng Valley, Sect Shen Elder said that he must pass through a canyon before sunset in order to become an Outer Sect disciple of Huangfeng Valley.

Yang Yunfei and others clamored that Huang Fenggu was not an ordinary scammer.

However, in line with the idea that what comes is safe, several people still entered the canyon with others.

To their surprise, this seemingly ordinary canyon actually hides a mystery, which is full of swords, and according to Shen Elder, everyone can choose a sword as their own.

It is precisely because of this reason that many disciples fought each other for a sword, and some even died tragically on the spot.

Yang Yunfei and his brothers just happened to meet a tall, tough-looking cultivator with a swollen face. He was holding a Magical Item long sword in his forehand and was bullying a weak-looking cultivator.

Zhao Chengzhi immediately proposed to help one or two, Qi Yutang took the lead and rushed out when he heard the words, followed by Yang Yunfei and others.

"Hahaha... boy! You have no strength! If you don't hand over the willow leaf sword again, I will cut off your limbs after a while, and you will be in pain."

The big cultivator smiled triumphantly, but the long sword in his hand kept slashing out, making a piercing sound in the air.

He saw that the weak cultivator was exhausted without real energy. If it wasn't for the fact that the sword in his hand was so sharp that it could cut iron like mud, he would probably have died by the own sword.

But the more this happened, the more he wanted that sword.

"Damn! What to do?"

At this moment, the weak cultivator was already out of breath from exhaustion, his movements were obviously much slower, and he was holding the willow-leaf sword tightly with both hands, and he had already lost consciousness.

Just when the frail cultivator was at a disadvantage and several cuts had been stabbed in his body, Qi Yutang raised his sword and danced the sword flower, like an elegant knight, and swiped away the long sword that the big cultivator had slashed.

The powerful strength caused the big cultivator to retreat several steps in a row before stabilizing his figure. Seeing Qi Yutang's intervention, he frowned slightly, and cursed angrily without thinking:

"Where did you come from? Get the hell out of here! Otherwise, believe it or not, daddy will kill you too!"

"Hahaha... What a joke! We don't believe it!" At this moment, there was a sound of running footsteps,

Yang Yunfei, Tong Minghong, and Zhao Chengzhi ran over quickly. Zhao Chengzhi looked at the big cultivator with disdain and said with a smile.

The big cultivator saw that the opponent had four more helpers, although he was angry, he did not act rashly.

After all, the other party has a lot of people, and it is pointless to know that it is meaningless to continue to entangle, otherwise the only one who suffers will be himself.

So he snorted coldly and said with a smile:


...You guys are not bad, you dare to spoil Zhang Deyi's good deeds, I remember you, let's wait and see. "

After finishing speaking, the big cultivator dropped the long sword in his hand, then turned and ran away, not caring about own face at all.

"Cut! Let me say that he is a bullying guy! You see, when we came, he was so scared that his ass drenched and ran away."

Qi Yutang Yin & Yang laughed strangely.

"Thank you!" The weak cultivator said two words gratefully to Yang Yunfei and the others, then raised his long sword and ran away.

" could this man be like this! We came to rescue him with good intentions, why did he run away without even saying a few polite words? I suddenly regretted suggesting that you save him."

Zhao Chengzhi complained with a very astonished expression when he saw that he and others had hot faces and cold buttocks.

"Hehehe... What's the matter! Don't you just want to hear a few more words of thanks for saving people? I don't think we need to care about these things."

Tong Minghong smiled very indifferently.

"I guess he is worried that we will snatch the Lingbao-level long sword in his hand, but it doesn't matter, as long as we have a clear conscience.

It seems that there are still many good treasures in this canyon, we have to hurry up. "

Yang Yunfei looked at the fairy mountain at the end of the canyon in the distance, and said with firm eyes.

Then the four of them continued to run deep into the canyon.

At noon, the scorching sun just shined in the sky, and the sun shone into the canyon, and countless sword blades reflected the sunlight, making the whole canyon shimmering and beautiful.

"Huh...huh...I'm really exhausted, I won't run anymore, if you want to run, run away!

what! You see those people are really desperate, is it necessary to climb so high for a sword? "

Qi Yutang sat down on a boulder, panting.

Yang Yunfei and others looked in the direction of Qi Yutang's finger, and saw that there were indeed many disciples, with the help of the sword inserted in the mountain, stepped on the exposed hilt, and carefully climbed up the canyon. Biqu library

"Huh...huh...don't care, I...I really can't run anymore, let's take a break...

These people may think that the quality of the sword inserted high on the cliff will be higher! "

Zhao Chengzhi put his hands on his knees, bent his body, and was also extremely tired, and he was a little out of breath.

"That's right! It's all because of the damn Restrictions, and I don't know what Huang Fenggu is up to, to come up with such a boring assessment."

Yang Yunfei put his hands on his hips and complained out of breath.

"Let's talk! Have you found a sword you like? How about you take a look at my one?" Tong Minghong raised the sword in his hand and showed it to everyone.

Yang Yunfei and the others looked at each other after hearing the words. The long sword in Tong Minghong's hand,

Zhao Chengzhi even smiled and commented:

"Hehehe... This sword is a thin-cut sword, the two parts are even, and the wax has a long

It is short, with thin grid, round stem and no hoop. It is really good, but unfortunately the quality of this sword is Magic Treasures level. Brother Tong, why not look for a sword of Lingbao level? "

"Hehehe... It's okay, I like this kind of lighter sword, I just take it when I see it." Tong Minghong said happily.

"What are you talking about? What is the Boge Sword?" Qi Yutang asked doubtfully,

Although his natal Magic Treasures is also a sword, he only cares about the quality of the sword. As for the classification of the sword, he has not had a deep understanding of it.

"To say that this sword is mainly divided into: willow-leaf sword, round-stem sword, flat-stem sword, thick grid sword, thin grid sword, etc.

The willow-leaf sword is in the shape of a willow-leaf flat stem. It is in the shape of a willow leaf as a whole, with rounded edges and sharp angles along the edge. The center of the wax is slightly raised. There is no sword grid, and there is no obvious boundary between the wax and the stem..."

Zhao Chengzhi proudly explained the classification of swords and the characteristics of each kind of sword, which can be said to be detailed.

"Hehehe...Brother Zhao is really knowledgeable and talented. Listening to Jun's words is really better than studying for ten years!" Tong Minghong couldn't help but praise after listening to Zhao Chengzhi's eloquent talk.

"Huh? What kind of sword is this?" Seeing Zhao Chengzhi's smug show off, Qi Yutang was a little unconvinced, looking around, trying to find a sword to embarrass him.

I just happened to see a sword not far from own, with a unique shape, a dark body, and half of the sword body exposed outside. Then he walked over and pulled out the sword.

It turned out that the drawn sword was only in half, but it gave him a very mysterious feeling, as if it had a certain resonance with his soul, calling for it to be taken away.

For a moment, Qi Yutang was staring at the broken sword in his hand. On the hilt of the broken sword, the word "Mie Hun" was engraved in relief, and he froze there.

"Cousin Yu, what's the matter with you?" Seeing Qi Yutang in a daze, Tong Minghong called out in confusion.

"'s okay, I think this sword is a bit weird, you guys have a look." Qi Yutang raised the broken sword and showed it to everyone.

Zhao Chengzhi and others first watched from a distance, and then passed each other to examine carefully, only to find that the broken sword is just an ordinary Magical Item, not even Magic Treasures.

But they couldn't bear to sweep Qi Yutang's face, so everyone congratulated Qi Yutang for getting a good sword that he wanted, but there was an expression of wanting and holding back on his face.

"Hey, hey...don't be so perfunctory to me!" Qi Yutang said with a sullen face, unwillingly.

"Hahaha... It's fine if you like it, why care about other people's opinions, let's go! If there is any delay, we can only go back and set up a street stall."

Seeing Qi Yutang's deflated appearance caused everyone to burst into laughter,

Seeing that many people were chasing after him, Yang Yunfei hurriedly urged everyone to continue on their way.

Immediately, several people continued to run towards the end of the canyon...

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