"Stinky boy! What are you talking about? How could the pill recipe passed down from ancient times be missing a single medicinal ingredient?"

When Lu Chen shared the idea that Fuling Qingyun Pill lacked a single medicinal material, it once again attracted the attention of other pill refining masters.

"Hmph! I think he's just grandstanding, trying to win our attention!" Another pill refining teacher said coldly with disdain.

"Young people nowadays really don't know what to say. They think that they have learned some superficial knowledge, so they dare to judge the pill recipe in ancient times without shame."

A pill refining doctor who looked like an old Chinese doctor said sarcastically.

The scene became noisy because of Lu Chen's words, and everyone accused Lu Chen one after another. Only that Kong Danshi couldn't help thinking deeply after hearing the words.

To be honest, I am afraid that few people will doubt the things handed down from ancient times, even Master Kong preconceived that there should be no problem with the pill recipe,

But something went wrong in fact, which made Danshi Kong wonder if there was really something wrong with the pill recipe.

Pill Master Kong fell into deep thought following Lu Chen's words, but his meditation gave other pill refining masters a different idea.

They all mistakenly believed that Master Kong was acquiescing that they pointed at Lu Chen. Now, more pill refining masters will attack Lu Chen verbally.

The more they talked, the more intense they were, and some even threatened to kill Lu Chen, a reckless boy who dared to talk nonsense in front of such an important matter.

Lu Chen's face turned dark when he heard this, and he was suffocating with anger. If it weren't for most of the old men who couldn't see their Cultivation Base, he would have to curse back.

There are so many types of spiritual herbs, and each pill recipe has been confirmed countless times by the sages before it can be preserved and passed down.

"Yao Li" erupted so suddenly, how could Danshi Kong have time to verify the effect of the Medicine Pill, why not find someone to try the Medicine Pill temporarily.

However, even if one medicinal material is missing, or many medicinal materials are missing, it cannot be confirmed in a short time.

If combined with the power of Pill City, it can shorten the time to complete the pill recipe, but the key is that time waits for no one. I guess when I go back and complete the pill recipe, the hundreds of thousands of cultivators in Xinyang City will be completely cold.

After Danshi Kong thought for a while, he shook his head helplessly and withdrew from his thoughts.

He just heard the noisy voice in the room, and then he frowned slightly, and a powerful aura emerged from his body,

Everyone in the room suddenly felt the pressure doubled, their bodies were suffocating like a heavy weight, everyone quickly shut their mouths, he

It was only then that they remembered that there was still a big boss in the room, how could they tolerate their troubles.

Lu Chen also looked at Danshi Kong in shock. At first he thought that the other party should be at the same level as the father-in-law Yu Tongwei, at most it was the Cultivation Base of the Nascent Soul period,

But after feeling the opponent's aura just now, Lu Chen felt that this alchemist Kong was unfathomable, and probably at least he had the Cultivation Base of the Expanding Aperture period.

Pill Master Kong saw that the atmosphere had calmed down, so he withdrew his own aura, then looked at Lu Chen and smiled and said, "What's your name? Can you tell me how you noticed that you lacked spiritual herbs?"

In his opinion, since this young pill refining teacher can say such words, he will definitely not be aimless, and he still understands the reason why three people must have my teacher.

As soon as Pill Master Kong withdrew his aura, Lu Chen panted heavily as if he had received an amnesty, and the others had similar results, thinking that this old man is really terrible.

"The former...senior...Junior's name is Lu Chen. Junior knows well that the formation of the pill recipe is nothing more than familiarity with pharmacology and medicinal properties, combined with the theory of Yin & Yang harmony,

In the pill recipe provided by the senior, twenty-eight kinds of spiritual herbs such as golden jade lotus and nasturtium flower belong to yang, and twenty-nine kinds of spiritual herbs such as resurrection grass and soul lotus belong to yin. The positive spiritual herbs are generally inferior to the negative spiritual herbs. herbs, thus leading to the prosperity of yin and the decline of yang.

Therefore, Junior boldly speculates that the pill recipe of Fuling Qingyun Dan lacks a medicinal herb. "

Lu Chen cupped hands respectfully said,

As for whether it is the Yin & Yang reconciliation theory, how does he know this, these words are just made up by him.

But Pill Master Kong fell into deep thought again when he heard the words, and then seemed to have suddenly realized, and looked at Lu Chen with relief.

The rest of the pill refiners who mocked Lu Chen in advance also followed this line of thinking after hearing the words.

As the spiritual herbs in the pill recipe of Fuling Qingyundan, a pill refining master, they are all familiar with it. After analysis, they quickly came to a common conclusion,

That was the young boy, and it seemed that what he said made sense, but no one thought about it beforehand.

"Hehehe... Being able to observe such subtleties, it seems that your basic knowledge of pharmacology and medicinal properties is very solid. Then can you tell me, in your opinion, which medicinal material is most suitable for this lack?"

Pill Master Kong stroked his beard lightly, as if intending to teach Lu Chen, he smiled gratifiedly, and his eyes on Lu Chen also softened a lot.

After Lu Chen heard the words, he gave three examples of elixir with positive attributes, and explained the corresponding reasons. Among them was the elixir of Millennium Stone Marrow Dew.

Moreover, Lu Chen is also intentionally or unintentionally strong

Tune, I am most optimistic about the Millennium Stone Marrow Dew.

After hearing the words, all the pill refining masters present showed embarrassing expressions, because after the results they deduced in their minds,

Many people have to admit that this young boy is probably right, and they all regret why they didn't think of this, feeling like they can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour.

As the saying goes: "It's a mule or a horse, pull it out for a walk."

In order to confirm the final result, Master Kong added the three elixir mentioned by Lu Chen to the original pill recipe in front of everyone, and personally refined three medicine pills.

It has to be said that Kong Danshi's pill refining technique is extraordinary, almost bringing the traditional pill refining technique to the extreme,

Whether it is the mastery of the heat or the purification of the liquid medicine, they are all perfect. Everyone was amazed, even Lu Chen was impressed by the old man's technology.

Soon, three kinds of medicine pills were successfully refined, and all of them were top-level medicine pills. Each medicine pill had a faint halo, which showed that Master Kong had a high attainment in alchemy.

Soon, three more cultivators who were infected with "Yao Li" were brought into the room. After Kong Danshi explained the reason to them,

The three of them seemed to have grasped at straws, and without thinking about it, they excitedly took the Medicine Pill in front of them.

Next, the three of them waited for the result in full view.

Fortunately, the tragedy did not repeat itself. After the three of them took the Medicine Pill, although two of the cultivators did not respond better, they did not have any adverse reactions.

On the other hand, the abscess on his face was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it was miraculous that he recovered quickly.

Dantian, who was originally sluggish in his body, was also filling up rapidly, and then he was able to recover as before.

"Hahaha... this pill is really a god pill! Thank you, thank you for saving me. I thought I was going to die, but I didn't expect that I could recover. With this Medicine Pill, I believe that Yangcheng will have no worries. "

The rescued cultivator experienced the own situation, and laughed inexplicably excitedly.

Seeing this, the other two infected people looked at Pill Master Kong with great anticipation, hoping that they could also get one of those Medicine Pills.

Seeing that the Medicine Pill really had a miraculous effect, Master Kong was so happy from ear to ear, he raised his hand again, and two Medicine Pills passed through the protective light curtain of the two infected people and floated in front of them.

The two infected people recovered quickly after taking the Medicine Pill, and the three of them expressed their gratitude to everyone again, and were then taken down for follow-up observation...

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