The three cultivators infected with "Yao Li" recovered after taking the Medicine Pill, and the reason why the Medicine Pill was successfully refined was actually because of a few words from a brat.

This made many self-identified pill refining masters here feel very unconvinced, because they think that even if Lu Chen doesn't say it, they can think of it in the end.

Those pill refiners who mocked, accused, and abused Lu Chen at first, now look at Lu Chen with even more hostility.

Because everyone knows that with this Medicine Pill, it will fill the vacancy that the current Cultivation World is infected with "Yao Li" and cannot be cured,

The significance of it is so important that it cannot be explained clearly in a few words.

Moreover, if this matter gets out, then this kid Lu Chen will definitely become famous in the entire Beichen Continent.

So when Master Kong proposed that this medicine pill be renamed after Lu Chen.

Immediately, it was unanimously opposed by other pill refining divisions present.

Some said that Lu Chen was too young, worried that he would not be able to bear this honor and become complacent, which would affect his Dao heart in the future.

Some said that Lu Chen just proposed a few simple words, and the formation of the pill recipe is mainly due to the contributions of the ancient sages and so on.

Anyway, he strongly opposed Kong Danshi's proposal.

Naturally, Lu Chen could see everyone's faces clearly, and couldn't help but sneer in his heart.

However, Lu Chen himself is also opposed to Kong Danshi's proposal.

Just kidding, named after own, what's that called? "Lu Chendan"? Then every time the cultivator takes the Medicine Pill, isn’t it equivalent to eating himself? I don't know what the old man was thinking.

So Lu Chen took the initiative to propose that he did not want to name the Medicine Pill after his own name.

But Danshi Kong seems to be a stubborn person. Seeing that Lu Chen actively opposed it, he changed his method and asked Lu Chen to rename the Medicine Pill.

There is no objection to this proposal, because many people have thought of the benefits for owning.

Lu Chen had no choice but to follow the results of the analysis of the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue, and casually called it "Apricot Widower Stone Marrow Pill!"

Next, Pill Master Kong assigned corresponding tasks to everyone, striving to refine the Medicine Pill in the shortest possible time, so that all cultivators in Xinyang City could take the Apricot Widower Stone Marrow Pill and resist "Yao Li".

Of course, the City Lord's Mansion will send

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At this time, everyone learned that the middle-aged cultivator who came in before was actually Wu Hongen, the lord of Xinyang City.

Most of the medicinal materials needed to refine the Apricot Widower Stone Marrow Pill will be provided by Kong Danshi from Dan City, but the Millennium Stone Marrow Dew needs to be temporarily raised.

Fortunately, although Xinyang City is small, there are several good aristocratic families and chambers of commerce. It should not be a big problem to raise the Millennium Stone Marrow Dew. The City Lord's Mansion is responsible for the preparation.

Master Kong Dan divided the Spiritual herbs that he had prepared before into more than twenty parts, and the pill refining masters present almost all had one.

And each pill refiner is provided with a separate room for pill refining.

Soon the first batch of millennium stone marrow dew, about a bottle of mineral water, was sent over. Because of time constraints, everyone divided up the millennium stone marrow dew, and each was taken to their own room to start pill refining.

In the room, when Lu Chen opened the storage bag, he frowned, because after checking with Divine Sense, he found that there were only 500 parts of the medicinal materials needed to refine the apricot widower stone marrow pill in the storage bag.

You must know that pill refining masters have a certain success rate, it does not mean that one medicine can be 100% refined to get twelve Medicine Pills,

The general pill refining master's success rate is about 60%, that is, one medicinal material can successfully refine seven Medicine Pills,

A better pill refining master generally has an 80% pill refining rate, which means that one batch of medicinal materials can make nine pills. Of course, if you perform well occasionally, it is possible that one batch of medicinal materials can reach twelve pills.

The reason why Lu Chen frowned was because he knew that because of the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue, the success rate of refining the Medicine Pill was 100%.

That is to say, one batch of medicinal materials can successfully refine twelve Medicine Pills, so 500 batches of medicinal materials can be used to refine six thousand apricot widower stone marrow pills.

Then the question comes, what about other pill refiners? Even if he was killed, he wouldn't believe it, and the success rates of other pill refining masters were all 100%.

Therefore, Lu Chen is sure that if he wants to save the cultivator of the entire Xinyang City, coupled with the late stage preventive reserve work, the spiritual herbs prepared by Kong Danshi are definitely not enough.

Thinking of this, the corners of Lu Chen's mouth raised slightly, and he raised his hand to set up an illusion array in the room, so that people could not see the reality, and then disappeared in place with a thought.

In the next second, Lu Chen has come to the world of Golden Beads, taking the fifty-seven ingredients needed to refine the apricot widower stone marrow pill.

A variety of Spiritual herbs are planted in turn,

Then use the gray matter in the golden bead world to ripen all the spiritual herbs to obtain the corresponding seeds, and then reproduce each spiritual herb in pieces.

The matter was just as Lu Chen thought, the pill refining masters in other rooms, not to mention Chengdan at first, even because of carelessness, the first batch of Medicine Pill was directly scrapped, wasting a share of medicinal materials.

Even if there are no scrapped ones, the success rate is also uneven.

After another day, under the non-stop refining of all the pill refining masters, the first batch of apricot widower stone marrow pills was finally successfully refined.

Then the city lord's mansion sent special people to take the pills and sent the second batch of spiritual herbs.

At this time, Lu Chen found that the weight of the second batch of Spiritual herbs was much less, only about 300%.

So the second batch of Medicine Pill was refined in less than a day.

Coincidentally, Liu Qi is the cultivator in charge of meeting with Lu Chen this time. It seems that most of the first batch of Medicine Pills will satisfy the cultivator of the Sanctuary first. Lu Chen is too lazy to go to such a tacit matter. Tube.

When Liu Qi saw Lu Chen again, he was pleasantly surprised and said:

"Hehehe... Brother Lu Chen, I have also heard about you. I really didn't expect that you are so capable. I heard that because of your words, you have this apricot widower stone marrow pill.

Thank you so much, you not only saved me, you also saved this city of Xinyang, and at the same time you saved countless cultivators in the entire Beichen Continent. "

"Liu Qian, you are really serious. If you want to say thank you, I have to thank you for taking the pains to bring me to Xinyang City, right? The Medicine Pill is here, and I have to take the pill refining too soon."

Lu Chen smiled angrily, if it wasn't for this guy, how could he be involved in such a thing.

"Uh...Okay!" Liu Qi knew that Lu Chen was complaining that he tricked him to come to Xinyang City, so it's normal to be angry,

However, when he thought that it was precisely because he brought Lu Chen that he had the Xinghuo Shisui Pill that he had today, Liu Qi didn't blame Lu Chen for his attitude, but wanted to build a good relationship with him.

When the third batch of medicinal materials was delivered, the medicinal materials were indeed missing again. This time there were only about two hundred copies.

At the same time, Liu Qi also brought something that filled Lu Chen with righteous indignation.

Lu Chen rushed out the door immediately after hearing the words, and rushed out with a murderous look...

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