Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 352 I Did It On Purpose

"Bold! Who dares to kill my old Fengxiang's people," the purple light flashed, and the middle-aged cultivator shouted, but it happened suddenly, and by the time he came to the rescue, it was already too late.

In the blink of an eye, the long sword in the middle-aged cultivator's hand took a fierce offensive, dancing with mysterious sword flowers, and directly slashed at the culprit.

"Dang..." The sword collided, and there was a loud "dang" sound.

The two retreated a few steps each, and after stabilizing their bodies, the middle-aged cultivator looked at the villain who was fighting him in shock.

What surprised him was that the other party was just a kid. The Cultivation Base of the fusion stage was perfect, but the real essence was so thick. With his Gold Core middle stage Cultivation Base, he would actually fall behind.

I couldn't help thinking: "When did the cultivator in the fusion period have such a heaven-defying strength? Did Fang Yin hide the Cultivation Base? But so what?"

Thinking of this, the middle-aged cultivator showed a strong fighting intent in his eyes, and his body turned into an afterimage again. True essence poured into the Magic Treasures long sword in his hand, and the long sword blew softly.

Dancing more mysterious sword flowers, instantly forming sword shadows all over the sky, the sword shadows quickly formed a sword formation in the air, and the sword formation directly blocked the young cultivator from all directions.

It was too late to say, but it was soon, Lu Chen also felt that the opponent's attack was more difficult, but he had the body refining king body state, even if there was a gap with the opponent in terms of Cultivation Base, he still had the combat power equivalent to the Gold Core stage of Dzogchen .

So Lu Chen didn't have too many worries. He saw that the purple knife embryo in his hand, under the perfusion of true essence, once again vibrated with purple light,

Based on itself, it spins rapidly like a top, and the purple broadsword condensed with true essence rotates with its own high speed.

If you look at it from a distance, you can almost only see a huge circular purple phantom.

When the middle-aged cultivator's sword formation approached, it was directly crushed by the huge purple sword shadow, which was extremely destructive.

Seeing this, the middle-aged cultivator showed surprise again in his eyes, and then changed his moves. The sword shadows all over the sky quickly overlapped with one of the sword shadows,

Then formed a huge sword shadow, with a terrifying aura, and then directly slashed at Lu Chen from the sky.

Seeing this, Lu Chen quickly threw out black stones, and in the blink of an eye a huge black shadow directly blocked in front of Lu Chen.

"Boom..." The huge sword shadow hit the black stone and immediately collapsed.

Then, under the control of Lu Chen Divine Sense, the black stone smashed towards the middle-aged cultivator as quickly as if Mount Tai was pressing on the top.

Because all this happened in the blink of an eye, before the middle-aged cultivator had time to react, the black stone had already fallen. If he was hit, he would definitely be smashed into a meatloaf.



Two yells suddenly sounded.

One of them, an old cultivator who looked like an old Chinese doctor, saw that he had already spoken to stop him, but Lu Chen still didn't intend to stop.

After a cold snort, he raised his hand and shot out a beam of true energy. The black stone that was falling at a high speed was hit by a golden light beam.

It suddenly stopped above the middle-aged cultivator's head, suspended in mid-air.

"Gudong..." The middle-aged cultivator swallowed subconsciously as he saw that the pitch-black stone above his head was less than the width of his palm.

Hurry up and leave, feeling like a survivor.

"Damn it!" Lu Chen saw that no matter how much he pushed the black stone, the black stone couldn't continue to fall, as if it was frozen by a huge force.

Immediately with a thought, he sent the black stone directly into the world of Jinzhu, and then looked at the person who shot it indifferently.

I saw that the man looked like an old Chinese doctor, about sixty years old, with gray hair combed into a bun, a little goatee beard, red face, quite a fairy air.

Lu Chen recognized who this person was at a glance, and then showed a clear expression, because this old man Lu Chen had seen in the City Lord's Mansion.

He is also a pill refining teacher, and among the pill refining teachers who abused, accused, and humiliated own at that time, this old man reacted the most violently.

Later, Lu Chen inquired about him in private, his surname was Wu, and others called him Alchemist Wu.

And the middle-aged cultivator standing next to Master Wu is Wu Hongen, the lord of Xinyang City, and the other person who shouted "Stop" just now.

"Hehehe... Who do I think is so courageous to cause trouble in this infected area and hinder us from rescuing patients infected with "Yao Li".

It turned out to be the most famous alchemist Lu, I don't know you alchemist Lu, what is the purpose of this move? Could it be that he wants to be an enemy of the cultivators under heaven? "

Alchemist Wu also recognized Lu Chen at a glance, picked up his true energy Yin & Yang and said with a weird smile,

The voice of the speech resounded like a bell, and all the cultivators present could hear it clearly.

With a look of disdain in his eyes, he pushed Lu Chen to the cusp of the storm with a few words.

Sure enough, standing behind the formation light curtain, the cultivators in the infected area looked at Lu Chen with hostility.

Even other healthy cultivators who didn't understand the reason of the incident looked at Lu Chen angrily, and some even pulled out their own weapons, intending to kill Lu Chen.

Such a result, Wu Danshi naturally saw it in his eyes and was happy in his heart. He originally looked down on such a small person like Lu Chen.

Thinking that he just had shit luck to make up the pill recipe and get such an honor, now that he has the opportunity, of course he will spare no effort to suppress him.

Lu Chen sensed the murderous gazes around him, and his face became gloomy for an instant.

He didn't expect this Alchemist Wu to be so shameless that he could say such a not wanting face, but when he was about to turn back, he heard it.

"Hehehe... Is Mr. Wu's words too serious? Lu Chen is the namer of the Xingguo Stone Essence Pill.

If it weren't for his talent and wisdom, he would complete the pill recipe left over from the ancient times, thereby refining the apricot widower stone marrow pill, filling the vacancy that the Cultivation World was infected with "Yao Li" and could not be cured.

I believe that the lives of more than 300,000 cultivators in Yangcheng will be destroyed.

at once.

How could he prevent you from rescuing patients infected with "Yao Li", and how could he be an enemy of the cultivator under heaven? "

Wu Hongen also lifted up the real yuan, sonorous and powerful, and explained with a loud smile.

Lu Chen looked at Wu Hongen in surprise, he did not expect that at this time, the city lord Wu Hongen would stand up and speak up to excuse himself.

Sure enough, the cultivators present, no matter they were infected or healthy cultivators, after hearing that this young man made Xingzhi Shisui Pill, saw Lu Chen's eyes, and there was a completely different change.

Because Wu Hongen is the lord of Xinyang City, many cultivators present recognized him, so they did not doubt Wu Hongen's words. Biqu library

At first, the cultivators who wanted to sacrifice their weapons to kill Lu Chen put their weapons back one after another, looking at Lu Chen with some guilt.

Pill Master Wu's face turned dark when he heard the words, because the city lord had already spoken, what else could he say, and the facts were exactly the same.

"Hehehe... Thank you, the city lord, for your kind words. Today's incident was indeed intentional. I came here to sabotage the sale of the Medicine Pill in Laofengxiangdan Building." Lu Chen looked at Wu Hongen gratefully and laughed.

"Uh... this..." Wu Hongen was stunned when he heard the words, feeling the burning pain on his face,

He thought to himself: "Damn you, there must be something wrong with your brain!

Daddy kindly said good things for you and excused you, why do you still admit in public that you did it on purpose? Isn't this slapping Daddy in the face?

Daddy wouldn't bother to take care of you if Master Kong didn't favor you so much. "

Lu Chen's words once again aroused the dissatisfaction of many cultivators. Many cultivators thought that he was proud of his talent, even if you made the Apricot Widower Stone Essence Pill, you can't do that.

Pill Master Wu had a smug smile on his face when he heard the words, and said in his heart:

"Since you are looking for death, you can't blame me,"

But Lu Chen didn't care about other people's gazes, he just picked up his true energy and continued to say loudly:

"That's right! I'm here to sabotage Lao Fengxiang's continued sale of Medicine Pill,

I'm sure everyone knows that the City Lord's Mansion is also selling apricot widower stone marrow pills, but only 50 middle-grade Spirit Stones, which is almost the cost price.

I don’t know which bastard leaked the pill recipe of Apricot Widower Stone Marrow Pill, which caused the price of Spiritual Herbs to refine Apricot Widower Stone Marrow Pill to skyrocket,”

Speaking of this, Lu Chen looked at Alchemy Wu meaningfully, and then continued:

"As a result, the City Lord's Mansion wants to buy Spiritual herbs but can't buy them, or the price is too high to afford them, and this old Fengxiang Pill Building has made a fortune here,

An apricot widower stone marrow pill actually costs 500 middle-grade Spirit Stones, which is a tenfold increase in price.

I believe that many cultivators can't afford this price, so they can only suffer from "Yao Li" and finally die in pain.

Shouldn't it be difficult to crusade against such a black-hearted pill building? Shouldn't I come to stop him for something like this? "

Lu Chen's words were also powerful and resounding, pointing directly to the hearts of everyone......

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