Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 353 Unpredictable People's Hearts

Lu Chen's words are sincere and holy, very provocative, not only directly tore off the black heart mask of Laofengxiangdanlou,

It directly ignited the fire of justice in the hearts of many cultivators.

However, the scene that Lu Chen was expecting did not happen. According to his thinking, there should be many cultivators standing up to fight with him immediately.

As long as you climb up and call out, many cultivators will immediately respond to you and fight the local tyrants with you.

However, Lu Chen found that whether it is a cultivator infected with "Yao Li" or a healthy cultivator, there is only a moment of burning in the eyes, and then it goes out quickly.

Then what to do, no one dared to look at Lu Chen,

Although what Lu Chen said made sense, how could they dare to resist in this comprehension world where strength speaks for itself.

Leaving aside those cultivators who were infected with "Yao Li", Dantian is as weak as a useless person, what do you ask them to use to compete with Lao Fengxiang Danlou?

Do you use human heads? I'm afraid that if someone randomly sends a disciple in the Qi refining period, they will be able to slaughter all the infected people like them.

Now they only want to get an apricot widower stone marrow pill, no matter how much they pay, they will not hesitate.

Besides these healthy cultivators, everyone has their own Xiaojiujiu, and Lu Chen's Cultivation Base in the fusion period, so why should they be convinced?

Is it because of his enthusiasm? This is obviously unrealistic.

So there was only Lu Chen standing by himself, which was very embarrassing.

"Hehehe... Lu Pill Master, I think this matter is a misunderstanding, why don't we go back to the City Lord's Mansion first? So as not to delay them from continuing to distribute Medicine Pills to the infected."

Seeing that Lu Chen spoke impassionedly, but no one paid any attention to him, Wu Hongen stood up and smiled, smoothing things over for him.

In fact, how could he, as the lord of the city, not know what Lu Chen said?

However, no matter whether it is Dancheng or Laofengxiang Danlou, the result he wants is that as long as all the cultivators in Xinyang City can recover.

As for the process, it doesn't seem that important to him.

Laofengxiang Danlou can collect a large amount of spiritual herbs at a high price and refine a large amount of apricot widower stone marrow pill, although the selling price may be higher,

It even made huge profits from it, but the city lord's mansion is also beneficial, at least the tax is a good income.

It's better than working hard by yourself, and then working in vain, so this matter, in fact, Wu Hongen has already acquiesced,

Even Danshi Kong, the representative of Pill City, can't do anything about this kind of thing.

"Hehehe... City Lord Wu! I'm afraid this matter can't be explained clearly by misunderstanding! After all, my old Fengxiang Danlou lost two of its subordinates innocently.

As the saying goes, the murderer pays with his life, but I can see it in front of you, City Lord Wu

As a matter of fact, he doesn't have to pay for his life, but if I abolish his Cultivation Base, I believe City Lord Wu will not interfere! "

Pill Master Wu smiled faintly, apparently not wanting to let Lu Chen go so easily.

Wu Hongen showed displeasure when he heard the words. He didn't expect Alchemist Wu to refuse to face himself so much in public.

However, considering that Pill Master Wu is not only the manager of this old Fengxiang Dan Building, but also a member of the Wu family, it is not easy to offend too deeply.

So I moved out Pill Master Kong, hoping that the other party would have some scruples, but he smiled embarrassedly and said:

"This... I'm afraid it's not right! After all, Pill Master Kong is very optimistic about Pill Master Lu. If you really do this, I won't be able to explain to Pill Master Kong."

Because Lu Chen completed the apricot widower stone marrow pill recipe, Kong Danshi was very kind to Lu Chen,

Before going to Xiling City and other places to deal with the "Yaoli" outbreak, he had specifically asked Wu Hongen to take care of Lu Chen one or two.

This is also the reason why Wu Hongen will always help Lu Chen speak.

"Hehehe... City Lord Wu, I advise you not to worry about this matter, Master Kong Dan is just an Elder of Dan City, that's all.

Leaving aside whether he can represent the meaning of Dancheng, even if he has some right to speak in Dancheng,

Besides, it was this kid who killed people first, I believe that even if Master Kong Dan didn't take it for granted, he wouldn't embarrass our Wu family. "

Pill Master Wu still smiled reluctantly.

Naturally, Lu Chen heard the conversation between the two clearly. He didn't expect this old man surnamed Wu to be so vicious.

If you want to abolish your own Cultivation Base at every turn, what is the difference between that and killing yourself?

Did he really use himself as a soft persimmon? Now that the thunder beads are full, even if Alchemist Wu has the Cultivation Base of the Nascent Soul stage, he may not be afraid of him.

"Pill Master Wu..." Wu Hongen looked at Lu Chen, shook his head helplessly, and was about to help Lu Chen excuse again.

But it was interrupted by Lu Chen's voice to speak first.

"Hahaha... old man, you want to abolish my Cultivation Base of your grandfather, right! Come here if you have the ability!

Grandpa, today I will not only shatter your old Fengxiangdanlou's treacherous plot, but also make it impossible for you to earn a single Spirit Stone.

Even you, an old guy, will be cleaned up. "

Lu Chen laughed arrogantly and said,

If it was because of my impulsive impulse, I became an angry youth because I wanted to stop Lao Fengxiang Danlou from making huge profits,

So now that he has risen to the Laofeng Xiangdan Tower and is in danger of his life, how could Lu Chen be caught without a fight.

"Boy, you are really looking for death. You have also seen City Lord Wu. It's not that I don't give you Face, it's that this kid is too arrogant. Today I have to abolish him."

Alchemist Wu became angry when he heard the words, and said very angrily.

As the Power of Nascent Soul period, also from

Never before had anyone dared to call him an old bastard in front of him.

"This..." Hearing this, Wu Hongen's old face was too dark, and he felt that this guy Lu Chen couldn't support the wall with mud, and he tried his best to protect him, but he was blindly trying to die.

The other cultivators onlookers also felt that Lu Chen was a little too arrogant, and dared to provoke Nascent Soul's Power, which is no different from courting death.

Seeing that Wu Hongen didn't speak this time, Pill Master Wu knew his attitude.

Then it disappeared directly in place, and in the next second, it was in front of Lu Chen.

Lu Chen's pupils shrank when he saw this, he didn't expect the speed of the opponent to be so fast, he quickly dodged back, and communicated with the thunder beads in his mind, preparing to cast Thunderbolt.

"Thunder... Ting..." But just as Lu Chen thought of the word thunder, a Daoist figure appeared like a ghost and stood in front of Own.

"Teleport!" Lu Chen and Alchemist Wu were shocked at the same time.

"Huh..." The visitor waved his right hand lightly, and an invisible force like a spring breeze forced Alchemist Wu to retreat.

"Kong... Pill Master Kong!" Pill Master Wu steadied his figure and shouted in shock after seeing the face of the person coming.

At first he always thought that Kong Danshi was just an Elder in Dancheng, although he couldn't see his Cultivation Base,

But guessing in my heart, Master Kong is at most Nascent Soul middle stage or Nascent Soul late stage Cultivation Base,

But the teleportation of the hand just now really surprised me, indicating that the opponent has at least the Cultivation Base of the Expanding Aperture period.

"Pill Master Kong! You're back so soon?" Wu Hongen said respectfully with his cupped hands.

"Old Kong is actually the Power of the Expanding Aperture period?" Lu Chen looked at the same shocked, and the cyan-robed Pill Master Kong was puzzled.

"Pill Master Wu! Why did you attack Lu Chen?" Pill Master Kong said flatly.

"Uh...too bad! It seems that what City Lord Wu said is true, this old guy really has a lot of patience with that kid Lu Chen," Pill Master Wu thought bitterly after hearing the words,

Forced by the opponent's strength, Wu Pill Master still bite the bullet and briefly explained what happened without embellishing it.

Pill Master Kong couldn't help giving Lu Chen a high look after hearing the words, but he didn't expect it to be because of this matter.

In fact, he already knew about the matter of Laofeng Xiangdan Building, but people's hearts are unpredictable, and the skyrocketing price of Spiritual herbs for refining Apricot Widower Stone Marrow Pill is beyond his control.

With his identity and Cultivation Base, it is impossible to grab it hard, so his idea is similar to that of Wu Hongen,

As long as the cultivator infected with "Yao Li" can be saved, as for the process, since it cannot be changed, it is better to let him go.

However, Pill Master Kong has already thought about how to solve the problem of Pingqiong cultivator taking Apricot Widower Stone Marrow Pill.

Not long after he came back, he was about to discuss with the city lord Wu Hongen how to implement it, when he saw Alchemist Wu make a move on Lu Chen,

So I showed up to stop…………………

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