Pill Master Kong showed up with a tyrannical strength, and he obviously wanted to protect Lu Chen, so Pill Master Wu naturally didn't dare to deal with Lu Chen again.

But he was unwilling to let Lu Chen go just like that, so he did the opposite.

I saw him transporting his true energy to Master Kong Danshi and said:

"Pill Master Kong! Lu Chen killed two of my old Fengxiang Danlou's subordinates for no reason, and asked Pill Master Kong to uphold justice for us.

Otherwise, my Laofengxiang Danlou will stop selling Apricot Widower Shisui Pill. "

As soon as Pill Master Wu's words fell, the infected people who waited in line to buy the Apricot Widower Stone Essence Pill immediately caused a commotion.

There is a shortage of spiritual herbs for refining apricot widower stone marrow pills, if they were made to wait for the medicine pill in the city lord's mansion, they would have died long ago.

So they all accused Lu Chen of being the victim, and even shouted in unison for Kong Danshi to uphold justice and punish the murderer.

Pill Master Kong looked at the cultivators who were infected with "Yao Li", then looked at Pill Master Wu, his face became cloudy, obviously a little angry, but he didn't express his opinion.

"This matter is absolutely impossible, Master Wu, how can you take the lives of tens of thousands of cultivators in Xinyang City to fight for a moment?"

Facing the threat of Alchemist Wu, the city lord Wu Hongen immediately tried to persuade him.

"Hmph! I'm just making a reasonable request, it's not just for a moment." Pill Master Wu said with a blank expression, but he was very proud in his heart.

When Lu Chen heard the words, he sneered and said with a sneer:

"Hmph! Without you Zhang Butcher, wouldn't it be impossible to eat pork with hair? Without you, Lao Fengxiang Pill House, there would naturally be other Pill Houses to sell Apricot Widower Stone Marrow Pill,"

As a result, Pill Master Wu looked at Lu Chen like a fool after hearing the words and laughed loudly:

"Hahaha... boy! I'm afraid you don't know the power of my Wu family in Yichang Prefecture! I might as well tell you, let you know what kind of existence you have offended, and let you understand it.

My Wu family is the largest supplier of spiritual herbs in Yichang Prefecture. You are not surprised if you are stumped. Why is my Laofengxiang Danlou the only one selling apricot widower stone pulp pills in the entire Xinyang City?

In this extraordinary period, even the Feiyu Pill Pavilion of the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce cannot get spiritual herbs, let alone other small Pill Pavilions. "

At this time, a sound transmission of Divine Sense from Wu Hongen sounded in Lu Chen's ear.

It turns out that the Wu family is backed by the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce, which is quite powerful in Yichang Prefecture, and is the largest supplier of elixir. Wu Hongen hopes that he can take the initiative to apologize to Master Wu,

Then he asked Master Kong Danshi to say a few good words for him, let's forget about this matter, otherwise Xinyang City will be in danger.


Wu Hongen's words also reveal a hint that if Lu Chen doesn't listen to him, they will have no choice but to hand over Lu Chen in the end.

"Hehehe... How funny, a wholesaler who sells spiritual herbs, when did he become so crazy," Lu Chen thought to himself after listening to Wu Hongen's Divine Sense audio transmission.

Then take out a blank Jade Slip and start using Divine Sense to carve out what you want to say.

There is no way that I am not yet in the Gold Core period, and I cannot use Divine Sense to transmit sound. I can only express it in this way to prevent the alchemist Wu from eavesdropping on own secrets.

"Danshi Kong! Please take a look at this," Lu Chen walked up to Pillmaster Kong, and handed over the Jade Slip he had just drawn.

Then he smiled disdainfully at Alchemist Wu and said:

"Old guy! Do you dare to make a bet with me? Just bet on other pill houses. Soon there will be a large number of apricot widower stone marrow pills for sale, and the price must be cheaper than yours. Only sixty middle-grade spirit pills will be sold." Stones one.

At that time, I am afraid that no one will come to your Laofengxiang Danlou to buy the Apricot Widower Stone Marrow Pill.

As for the bet, just bet on your dog's life, do you dare? Of course, if I lose, how about my life being at your disposal? "

Seeing Lu Chen's swearing, Pill Master Wu was also very surprised at where Lu Chen had the confidence to dare to speak like that.

You must know that the medicinal materials for refining apricot widower stone marrow pills in the entire Yichang Prefecture are almost monopolized by the Wu family.

Even the City Lord's Mansion can't solve this problem, even if Master Kong Dan is dispatched from Dan City, there will be too little time.

What's more, the other party still set the price so low, this is not courting death.

Thinking of this, Pill Master Wu couldn't find any reason why Lu Chen could beat himself.

So he smiled confidently: "Okay! If the old man refuses to agree to you, others will think that the old man is afraid of you, so I will bet with you and see what tricks you can come up with."

Then, under the witness of Kong Danshi, the two signed the life and death certificate, and the deadline was set at seven days.

Because after seven days, it happens to be the latest stage of the infection of "Yao Li" cultivator, after the seventh day, if these cultivators are not treated, they will only bleed to death from seven orifices.

From the beginning to the end, Wu Hongen looked at Lu Chen with strange eyes, wondering where he got the courage to make this bet with Alchemist Wu.

But Pill Master Kong was smiling when he saw this, he was also puzzled by Lu Chen's behavior, and subconsciously looked at the Jade Slip in his hand.

Because in Jade Slip, Lu Chen begged himself to protect him temporarily, and

However, Lu Chen assured himself that he would solve the problem of all apricot widowers and stone marrow pills in Xinyang City.

To put it bluntly, he just asked himself to be his bodyguard temporarily. I have to say that this kid Lu Chen really dared to think about it, and Pill Master Kong couldn't help but smile.

You must know that you are the master of Dan City, but no one has ever made such a request to yourself.

That's right, Pill Master Kong came from Pill City with a hidden identity, but he is the city lord of Pill City, the president of the Pill Refining Master Association, and one of the three known Fractionated Divinity Dzogchen in Beichen Prefecture. mound.

I don't know how Lu Chen would feel when he knew the identity of Kong Danshi, but he let this big guy act as his own bodyguard,

Of course, these are things for later.

After Lu Chen signed the life and death certificate with Pill Master Wu, he asked Pill Master Kong to go with him, and left in such a swaggering manner.

The Pill God Kong Qiu was also curious about how Lu Chen would solve the problem of spiritual herbs, so he followed closely. I have to say that our Pill God boss is quite down-to-earth.

Seeing what happened to this point, Wu Hongen was also confused, since Master Kong was following Lu Chen, he also dodged to catch up with them.

Seeing this, Pill Master Wu snorted coldly in his heart, continued to organize manpower, and started selling Apricot Widower Stone Marrow Pill.

After Lu Chen left, he brought City Lord Wu Hongen and Pill Master Kong directly to Feiyu Pill Pavilion in Xinyang City.

Because of the "Yao Li" matter, the Feiyu Pill Pavilion, which was originally crowded with people, now looks extraordinarily deserted.

"Welcome to Feiyu Pill Pavilion, what can the seniors do for you?"

As soon as the three of Lu Chen entered the door, a beautiful attendant came forward to greet them warmly.

"We would like to invite you to see your steward, and please pass on a message." Lu Chen smiled to express his intention.

"Okay senior! Please follow me." The beautiful attendant smiled politely.

Then lead Lu Chen and others to the side hall on the first floor to wait, and greet the three of them to drink a cup of spirit tea and wait for a while.

Soon, a man with dark hair, an apricot face and peach cheeks, eyebrows like spring mountains and light eyebrows, eyes like autumn waves, breast augmentation and waist, full buttocks and legs, exuding a refined temperament, it is simply unbelievably beautiful The beautiful cultivator is walking away from the hall with a smile on her face.

The stunning beauty was taken aback when she first walked in, then stared at Lu Chen in surprise, then showed a smile that confused all beings, and came straight to Lu Chen.


When Lu Chen saw someone coming, he just drank the spirit tea in his mouth, and spit it out with a "poof..."

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