Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 361 The Terrifying Visitor

In the middle of the night, there was a sudden loud noise in Xinyang City, which immediately attracted the attention of many cultivators.

Soon everyone followed the sound and rushed to the place where the incident happened. When they saw that the five-story tower of Laofeng Xiangdan Building had been split in half from top to bottom.

Suddenly, there was a burst of small and broken discussions.

"Hahaha... Well, well, it's really satisfying, let me just say, a black-hearted pill building like this will suffer retribution sooner or later, but I don't know which senior is the one who vented this anger on our behalf."

A Gold Core early stage cultivator couldn't help laughing when he saw the current state of affairs in Laofeng Xiangdan Building.

He was infected with "Yao Li" before, and almost died because he didn't have enough Spirit Stones to buy the high-priced Medicine Pill from Laofengxiangdanlou,

Fortunately, the Feiyu Pill Pavilion later sold the affordable Apricot Widower Stone Marrow Pill, and he was able to recover, so he couldn't get used to the old Fengxiang Pill Pavilion.

"Hehehe... Brother, if you want to say what it is senior, then you will guess wrong. Look there, I guess it is the little brother who did it, otherwise the senior executives would not be able to confront him."

Another Fatty cultivator pointed, Lu Chen in the air and the executive said.

As a result, the cultivator next to him was shocked when he heard the words:

"How is it possible? That person's Cultivation Base is only in the integration period, and the Cultivation Base of senior executives is higher than him, not to mention the old Fengxiang Danlou and the Gold Core early stage Wu Danshi,

Where did he have the guts to destroy the tower of Laofeng Xiangdan Building? "

"Hehehe...I'm afraid you don't know something about this, I recognize that young cultivator, a few days ago he even came to find fault with the old Fengxiang Danlou, and made a desperate bet with alchemist Wu.

It is said that apricot widower stone marrow pill is this cultivator named Lu Chen, who completed the pill recipe in ancient times and was able to be successfully refined.

Moreover, the affordable apricot widower stone marrow pill sold by Feiyu Pill Pavilion is also because of Lu Chen's relationship, otherwise everyone can only pay a high price to buy the Medicine Pill from Laofengxiang Pill Pavilion.

I just don't know why, but he actually came here and destroyed the tower of Laofengxiang Danlou. "

The Fatty cultivator continued with a smile.


Fatty's words immediately caused an uproar from the crowd, one spread the word to ten, ten spread it to hundreds, and soon everyone knew about it, and looked at Lu Chen worriedly.

At the moment, Lu Chen was looking at the executive with disdain, and the knife embryo was buzzing under the infusion of true energy, as if declaring war on the executive.

"Hmph! Boy! Did you do all this?" The senior executive squinted his eyes, looked at Lu Chen and asked.

At this time, other personnel in Laofeng Xiangdan Building also came to the senior executive with their swords, and looked at Lu Chen angrily.

"'s obvious, don't talk nonsense, even if it's a group fight, it's useless

So-called. " Lu Chen admitted indifferently, thinking in his heart that he just wanted to try Saber Technique with these people.

Lu Chen's words immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of everyone in Laofeng Xiangdan Building, and they all took out their own Magic Treasures, intending to tear Lu Chen into pieces

"Then go to hell!" The executive didn't expect Lu Chen to admit it so directly, and after a loud cry, he rushed out first, intending to kill him.

"Stop!" At this moment, a sound of stopping suddenly sounded, and then a figure flew towards the air quickly, almost in the blink of an eye, before his eyes.

The executive looked at the reputation, and then frowned, because the person who came was Wu Hongen, the lord of Xinyang City, and he told himself to stop, this face had to be given.

But he didn't know that Wu Hongen saved his life, Lu Chen frowned when he saw this, and there was a little disappointment in his eyes,

Because Lu Chen knew that with Wu Hongen's pissing nature, he would definitely not allow himself to continue doing things.

Wu Hongen glanced at the senior management, then at the five-story tower that had been split in half, and then at Lu Chen, the culprit, and he knew it already.

"Lu Chen! You don't sleep to practice at night, what the hell are you doing?"

As soon as Wu Hongen saw the indifferent corner of Lu Chen's mouth, he yelled angrily.

If it wasn't for Master Kong Dan's patience with this kid, Wu Hongen would have wanted to teach Lu Chen a lesson a long time ago, causing trouble for himself every day.

"Lu Chen, are you alright!" At this time, Su Ruolan, the steward of the stunning beauty, also rushed to Yu Jianfei, and then came to Lu Chen's side, and asked in a sweet voice.

"I'm fine, I came here specifically to trouble Laofengxiang Danlou," Lu Chen first replied to Su Ruolan in a low voice.

Then he smiled embarrassingly at Wu Hongen and said:

"Hehehe... Lord City Master didn't expect such a coincidence. I happened to pass by just now and saw a thief doing evil in the Old Fengxiang Pill Building.

Out of a chivalrous heart, I tried to capture the thief, but the thief's Movement Technique was extremely fast, and he ran away without a trace.

As for the tower, I accidentally split it like this. "

"Oh? Hehehe... Then according to what you mean, do I have to thank you on behalf of the City Lord's Mansion?"

Seeing that Lu Chen didn't make a draft when he lied, Wu Hongen smiled angrily.

"City Master Wu, that kid is obviously talking nonsense with his eyes open. Just now he admitted that he did this on purpose. Are you so partial to him, City Master?"

Seeing Lu Chen open his eyes and talking nonsense, but Wu Hongen didn't do anything, the senior management immediately became angry, and blurted out angrily in desperation.

"Hmph! Do I still need your advice when I do things?" Wu Hongen heard

With a cold snort, he raised his hand and shot out a beam of real energy in the air, hitting the senior officer like lightning.

"Pfft..." The executive's pupils shrank when he saw this, but the gap on the Cultivation Base was here,

He couldn't dodge this attack at all, he spat out a mouthful of blood on the spot, and his body was on the verge of falling. Fortunately, his subordinates rushed to support him in time, otherwise he would definitely fall down. After stabilizing his body, he didn't dare to argue any more.

"Be careful with what you say in the future, don't forget your identity, okay! Let's go!" Wu Hongen glanced at the senior executives, then at the cultivators watching around, and said calmly.

"Hehehe... City Lord Wu, you have such a high status! When did members of my Wu family fall into such a humble situation?"

Just when everyone was about to leave, a voice clanging like the sound of metal,

Suddenly there was a sound from all directions, which made people shudder, but it was impossible to distinguish the whereabouts of the visitor from the sound.

Then a powerful momentum enveloped everyone, and the powerful coercion made many cultivators breathless.

There are quite a few cultivators, feeling that things are not going well, and want Yujian to escape from here, so as not to harm the fish pond,

However, when the cultivators who were about to flee didn't fly far, they all let out a scream and died tragically on the spot.

This scene immediately terrified everyone, because no one saw who made the move and how it was done.

Seeing this, Wu Hongen's heart fell to the bottom, because even with his Nascent Soul early stage's Cultivation Base, he hadn't found any trace of that person yet.

However, from what the other party said, it is certain that the visitor must be a member of the Wu family.

Seeing this, the senior executives showed excitement, because the person who came was obviously a senior from the Wu family,

He suddenly felt like he had found an organization, and the grievances he had suffered before were immediately wiped away.

Su Ruolan's beautiful eyes were solemn, and she secretly circulated her true energy to resist the opponent's coercion.

A bad premonition also rose in Lu Chen's heart.

Immediately, a ghostly figure appeared in the sky above Laofeng Xiangdan Building.

The visitor was tall and tall, dressed in white, with high nose and deep eyes, brown beard, full of heroism, his eyes were sharp like knives and swords, and he was looking coldly at the dilapidated old Fengxiang Danlou.

"Teleportation?" Cultivators shouted in horror when they saw the man appearing almost instantly.

Because the person who came has the Cultivation Base of the Expanding Aperture period, if the other party really wants to get angry and kill everyone present, then no one will be able to escape.

But no one dared to act rashly, fearing that they would follow in the footsteps of those who died tragically before......

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