Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 362: Pill Master Kong Helps

"senior! Junior Gao Deming is the manager of the Laofengxiangdanlou branch. Please ask the senior to make decisions for us."

After the senior executive knew that the person who came claimed to be from the Wu family, the aggrieved Yu Jian stepped forward and said respectfully with cupped hands.

The man glanced at Gao Deming lightly, then said coldly:

"Let me ask you, who has Alchemist Wu been in contact with these past few days, why did he suddenly fall?"

"Huh? Alchemist Wu actually fell?"

Gao Deming was taken aback when he heard the words, he never thought that the Alchemist Wu who was fine yesterday died quietly.

When Lu Chen heard that the terrifying visitor came for Old Man Wu's death, he couldn't help feeling regretful in his heart.

While surprised that the other party came so quickly, he subconsciously looked left and right, thinking about how to escape.

When Wu Hongen heard the news that Pill Master Wu had died, he frowned slightly.

He glanced at Lu Chen meaningfully, guessing in his heart that it must be because of this kid, Pill Master Kong shot and killed Pill Master Wu.

"Hmph! You haven't answered me when I asked you." Seeing that Gao Deming was only in shock but didn't answer his own words, the senior of the Wu family showed displeasure on his face.

Gao Deming was taken aback when he saw this, he knew that the senior's temper was not very good,

Quickly told everything that happened in the past few days.

During the period, he also glanced at Lu Chen meaningfully, the meaning of which is self-evident.

After the senior of the Wu family listened, he turned his cold eyes to Lu Chen, and then directly shot a beam of true energy at Lu Chen. The true energy turned into a red light beam and struck at Lu Chen like lightning. The shot was very domineering.

As early as when Gao Deming told the senior of the Wu family, Lu Chen was always on guard against him.

When he saw someone from the Wu family come to see himself, Lu Chen instinctively felt the crisis, and subconsciously pushed Su Ruolan away beside him.

Then with a thought, he sacrificed black stones, that is, between the lightning, stone and fire,

The beam of true essence fired by the Wu family just happened to hit the black stone the size of a mountain,

There was a loud "boom..." sound.

The powerful inertia drives the mountain-sized black

The stone hit Lu Chen's body directly and quickly.

"It's fucking like this again," Lu Chen growled in pain, and then his body quickly flew backwards, spurting several mouthfuls of blood in succession, feeling like his own bones were about to fall apart.

Then, he quickly swallowed the Wannian Stone Marrow Vitality Pill that he had held in his mouth beforehand. The powerful medicinal power quickly nourished Lu Chen's body, and soon Lu Chen recovered.

With a thought, send the black stone into the world of Jinzhu,

Lu Chen made up his mind that he must find a decent defensive Magic Treasures in the future.

Although the black stones that breed bitter bamboo are indestructible, they are perfect as defensive Magic Treasures.

But a few times, after blocking other people's attacks, the black stone was driven by huge inertia,

Then it hit Own directly, and every time I was in pain, it was very uncomfortable.

"Lu Chen!" Su Ruolan, who was pushed away, saw that Lu Chen was knocked away by the black stone, so she quickly approached Lu Chen with Yu Jian, and hugged him in her arms,

Seeing that the corners of Lu Chen's mouth and clothes were covered with blood, I felt an inexplicable pain in my heart.

"Uh..." Actually Lu Chen wanted to say, "I'm fine."

But in the arms of the beautiful woman, feeling the turbulent elasticity of the other party, and the faint fragrance, Lu Chen subconsciously chose to continue pretending to be unconscious.

He rubbed his head on the beautiful woman without leaving any traces.

"Lu Chen Lu Chen, are you okay!" Su Ruolan said anxiously,

Seeing that Lu Chen didn't wake up, he quickly took out a Medicine Pill and gave it to Lu Chen, and then shot out a beam of real energy to help him refine the Medicine Pill.

But when Su Ruolan's true essence entered Lu Chen's body, her beautiful eyes froze for a moment.

Because she found that the vitality in Lu Chen's body was very strong, full of energy and blood, and he didn't look like he was injured at all.

Then she found that Lu Chen was lying in own's arms, looking enjoying himself, with a slight smile on his lips,

It was only then that Su Ruolan realized that this guy was pretending to be dizzy and taking advantage of own, and she suddenly became angry.

But when he thought of the crisis moment just now, this kid was the first to push himself away and face it alone.

Dangerous, I can't help but feel a warm current in my heart.

"Hehehe...Little Brother, if you pretend to be dizzy and eat sister's tofu again, be careful that sister will accidentally castrate you."

Su Ruolan said in a charming voice, she didn't know where she took out a dagger, and gestured in front of Lu Chen.

Lu Chen clearly felt a chill in his lower body, quickly opened his eyes, and said in confusion:

"Huh? Sister Su! Did you save me? I really fainted just now. Thank you for saving me. Come and hug me again."

As a result, Su Ruolan pushed Lu Chen away, and Yu Jian kept a distance from him, feeling an indescribable feeling in her heart.

Seeing that Lu Chen was under the attack of own, the people from the Wu family not only took out a strange stone to block the attack of own,

After being hit by a stone, he acted like a normal person, still thinking about flirting with beautiful women, feeling shocked and angry.

Raising his hand, he sucked the storage bag at Lu Chen's waist into own's hand. Divine Sense checked it, but found nothing in it except for some ordinary resources.

"Boy! Hand over the stone just now, and I can consider letting you die," the Wu family came lightly reprimanded.

Because with his vision, he could naturally see the extraordinaryness of that stone, and wanted to take it as his own.

But just now he clearly saw that the stone became smaller and flew into Lu Chen's storage bag, but he couldn't find it.

In fact, Lu Chen's storage bag is just a cover for show, and he puts the real treasures in the world of golden beads.

"Sorry, I don't know what you're talking about. You took all the storage bags away, so why are you asking me?" Lu Chen pretended to be confused, and said innocently.

"You are looking for death! But it doesn't matter, I will search the soul later, and I can also know where the things are."

People from the Wu family looked at Lu Chen like an ant, and smiled playfully.

"Pill Master Kong help me, Pill Master Kong help me, Pill Master Kong help me..."

As a result, before anyone from the Wu family could make a move, Lu Chen picked up his true energy and shouted desperately,

The voice was hoarse, and with Lu Chen's real energy comparable to Gold Core early stage, the cries for help exploded like thunder.

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