Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 363 Lu Chen Is Seriously Injured

The Wu family member thought that he could easily deal with the boy with a wind blade technique, but he didn't expect to be dodged by the other party.

In the next second, the body disappeared directly in place, and when it reappeared, it was already in front of Lu Chen, showing how fast the opponent was.

Lu Chen was surprised when he saw this, but he didn't dare to neglect, the knife embryo appeared in his hand with a flick, and the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue in his body was operating to the extreme.

Coming up is the first form of the big move "Nine Knives of the First Beginning", "Supreme".

It was too late to say it, but it was fast at that time. Under the infusion of true essence, the knife embryo instantly condensed a gorgeous huge purple knife shadow,

With the aura of one man guarding the gate, ten thousand men can't open it, going to the sky and entering the earth, and being the only one who is the only one, he directly attacked the Wu family.

"What kind of sword art is this? It actually has such a domineering sword intent?" After a brief surprise, the Wu family member showed a bit of seriousness, feeling that Lu Chen's sword art was very strange.

I saw a long sword appearing in his hand in an instant, and the long sword ignited a raging fire in an instant from bottom to top, illuminating the entire sky in the dark night.

In the blink of an eye, a huge flaming sword condensed, with a powerful momentum and scorching breath, it slashed at the huge purple knife shadow that was falling rapidly.

This is exactly the Secret Technique that the Wu family became famous for, the Tiangang Raging Fire Sword Art.


The moment when Tiangang Raging Fire Sword Jue and Lu Chen's Taichu Nine Knives first form "Dou Zun" collided with each other, there was a huge bang.

Then the powerful energy quickly spread around with terrifying destructive power.

The cultivators watching all around were amazed at the strength of the two, especially Lu Chen's Cultivation Base with the perfect integration period,

To be able to send out such a powerful attack, you must know that the opponent is a boss in the Expanding Aperture period.

"Run!" Someone suddenly yelled, and the cultivators onlookers all recovered from the shock, and then scattered in a rush, fleeing desperately to the surroundings.

The moment the Wu family's visitors were restrained by Lu Chen, everyone took advantage of the gap and quickly fled here, for fear that they would not be able to leave if they were too late.

"How is it possible? Is this kid still at the fusion stage?" Wu Hongen stared at the huge purple knife shadow in the sky with a stunned look, and said in shock.

To be honest, with his Cultivation Base in the Dzogchen period of Nascent Soul, he also felt that Lu Chen's move was very tricky.

However, at the moment when the knife and the sword collided, the purple shadow of the knife bloomed like fireworks, but it collapsed directly.

But the huge flaming sword slashed at Lu Chen as usual.

At the moment of crisis, Lu Chen's eyes reflected a huge flaming sword, and he was shocked in his heart. Enduring the pain from the tiger's mouth, he quickly flew to the side with the sword.

However, the huge energy was like a scourge, swallowing Lu Chen in an instant.

Lu Chen's body cracked instantly like glass shattering, especially the horrible cracks on his face, which was very creepy.

"Pfft..." Lu Chen, whose body flew upside down at a high speed, spewed several mouthfuls of blood in the air in succession, half of his body was already gone in just this one.

Fate, extremely faint.

Fortunately, Lu Chen's body refining technique has broken through to the king body level, otherwise Lu Chen would definitely be wiped out on the spot.

"Lu Chen!" Seeing this, Su Ruolan screamed, her figure flashed, and Yu Jian quickly approached Lu Chen again, hugging him in her arms,

But when she saw that Lu Chen's breath was weak, his face was covered with horrible cracks, and blood was still oozing from the cracks, Su Ruolan couldn't help feeling sad.

"I...I'm not...I'm fine." Lu Chen, who was in Su Ruolan's arms, glanced at Su Ruolan gratefully and said with difficulty, his expression was very tragic.

Then, enduring the pain on his body, Divine Sense communicated with the world of the golden bead, and took out a ten-thousand-year chalcedony vitality pill from the world of the golden bead and swallowed it.

At this time, a voice from the Wu family came:

"Hehehe... for letting me use the Tiangang Raging Fire Sword Art, I have to say that you, a bug, really surprised me!"

As soon as the words fell, the people from the Wu family were ready to strike again.

Seeing this, Wu Hongen considered Danshi Kong's face, after hesitating for a moment, he decided to speak good words for Lu Chen.

Otherwise, if something happened to Lu Chen in front of own, and he didn't make a move, it would be bad if Pill Master Kong blamed him.

So Wu Hongen stepped into the air and flew in front of the people from the Wu family, politely cupped his hands and said respectfully:

"Senior Wu, Lu Chen is a close and patient person of Danshi Kong Danshi in Dancheng. Can you see if Kong Danshi is a master of the same Expanding Aperture period as you, and spare his life."

"Hmph... are you teaching me how to do things?" As a result, someone from the Wu family reprimanded him immediately after hearing the words.

Then the long sword in his hand pointed directly at Wu Hongen, and the Tiangang Raging Fire Sword Jue split into nine in the air, and the nine swords burning with raging fire flew towards Wu Hongen from all directions in an instant with a fiery breath.

Seeing this, Wu Hongen's pupils shrank, and he sighed in his heart, "My life is over."

Because in front of the senior during the Expanding Aperture period, he hardly even had the courage to make a move.

But facing the coming of the breath of Death, Wu Hongen instinctively sacrificed his Lingbao long sword at the bottom of the box.

Under the infusion of its true essence, the Lingbao long sword instantly emitted a bright starlight, which was very dazzling.

With a loud shout: "Seven Star Sword Art, Tianxuan Breaking Sword Style."

As soon as the words fell, Wu Hongen's figure suddenly disappeared, and his body turned into countless phantoms. Every time he swung the long sword in his hand, there was a mysterious aura and bright starlight.


Nine long swords burning with flames and Sword Ray with starlight collided with each other in the dark night, making bursts of bangs.

"Old Wu's sword art seems to be very powerful, why does it still feel familiar?" Lu Chen lay in Su Ruolan's arms enjoying himself, and exclaimed in shock.

Su Ruolan subconsciously agreed upon hearing the words:

"City Lord Wu's methods are really good."

But as soon as Su Ruolan finished speaking, she seemed to realize something, then looked at Lu Chen in surprise and said:

"Are you okay? How is this possible? Just now

You obviously suffered such a serious injury, how come you healed up so quickly. "

Because at this moment, Lu Chen's aura was strong, his face was flushed red, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and he didn't look hurt at all.

"Uh... Sister Su, don't move. I only look better on the surface, but my internal organs have not fully recovered. Whenever you move, I will feel unbearable pain. Let me lie down for a while."

Lu Chen said pitifully with a painful expression.

After speaking, she closed her eyes directly, buried her head on Su Ruolan's chest, pretending to be in a bad mood, but her heart was filled with joy.

Su Ruolan looked down at Lu Chen's shameless appearance, and suddenly she was furious and said:

"Get out! You know how to take advantage of my old lady day by day,"

As he spoke, he pushed Lu Chen away, and as a result, Lu Chen was really alive and kicking, standing in the air with his own sword.

When Su Ruolan saw this, a bright and pure gaze flashed in her beautiful eyes.

She couldn't help but think in her heart, just now she saw with her own eyes that Lu Chen suffered such a serious injury, how long has it been? I'm afraid it's not even enough time for a thousand breaths!

This kid actually looks like a normal person, so the healing Medicine Pill he ate just now must be unusual.

"Hehehe...bring it here!" Su Ruolan stretched out her jade hand, and asked directly and confidently.

"Uh... take... what do you get?" Lu Chen looked at Su Ruolan suspiciously.

"Of course it's the healing medicine pill you ate just now, the effect is so good, shouldn't you give me some?" Su Ruolan smiled charmingly.

After hearing this, Lu Chen realized that Su Ruolan wanted to own the Wannian Stone Marrow Vitality Pill.

The Wannian Stone Marrow Vitality Pill is a holy medicine for healing, it can live and die, and as long as you don't die, you can quickly resurrect with full blood.

"Why don't you want to?" Su Ruolan said, seeing that Lu Chen had not been able to take out the Medicine Pill for a long time, a look of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

" could it be! It's just that this pill is too important, sister Su, please don't reveal it casually, otherwise you will be killed." Lu Chen solemnly ordered.

Su Ruolan thought that Lu Chen was playing tricks, so she immediately smiled impatiently:

"Okay, I get it. You must not be reluctant to say that on purpose!"

As a result, when Lu Chen casually threw a jade bottle containing twelve Medicine Pills to Su Ruolan.

At first, Su Ruolan opened the jade bottle to examine it in disapproval,

As a result, when I saw the Medicine Pill inside, I was shocked immediately. Then quickly put the jade bottle into the storage bag as if it were a treasure.

As the steward of the Feiyu Pill Pavilion, she certainly recognized the Wannian Stone Essence Vitality Pill, which is a holy medicine for healing, and its value is immeasurable.

What's more, there are a full twelve in the jade bottle. It is no exaggeration to say that it is equivalent to twelve more lives.

How could this not surprise her, so she hugged Lu Chen into her arms with excitement, and kept saying thank you.

It made Lu Chen feel very embarrassed………………………

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