Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 364 Old Kong Arrives

At midnight, in the sky above Xinyang City, Wu Hongen considered Danshi Kong's face and mustered up the courage to speak well for Lu Chen.

However, the people from the Wu family didn't give Wu Hongen the face of the city lord at all, and the direct attack was the famous stunt of the Wu family, Tiangang Fiery Sword Art.

Wu Hongen was forced to resist desperately, and also used his housekeeping skills, the Seven Star Sword Art.

At first, Wu Hongen always thought that the Wu family came from the Cultivation Base of the Expanding Aperture period, and he didn't dare to attack head-on, but only wanted to defend as much as possible, and then waited for an opportunity to escape.

But as he fought against him, Wu Hongen was surprised to find that the other party's Cultivation Base Realm was the same as his own, it was the Cultivation Base of Nascent Soul stage Dzogchen.

It's just that the opponent's real energy is much thicker than his own, and his Movement Technique is surprisingly weird, giving people the illusion of teleportation in the dark.

Knowing that the other party is not the Power of the Expanding Aperture period, Wu Hongen has no psychological pressure, and his confidence has doubled, and he is no longer afraid to make a move.

Generally, in their kind of Realm, unless it is a life-and-death vengeance, no one is willing to go all out, so although Wu Hongen is at a disadvantage, he has no fear of his life.

After the two fought for more than a hundred rounds in a short period of time, they also knew each other's depth,

After avoiding the attack from the Wu family, Wu Hongen withdrew from the battle at the right time, because it was meaningless to continue fighting like this.

"Hehehe... I am Wu Hongen, the lord of Xinyang City, and I am also a member of Tai Bai Cheng's Wu family. I have no intention of enmity with Your Excellency.

It's just that Pill Master Kong once told me to take care of this kid, so why don't you just stop for now? "

Wu Hongen, who dodged back, said confidently.

After the Wu family member heard the words, he looked at Wu Hongen indifferently, and secretly hated him. He blamed himself for underestimating that kid Lu Chen.

If I had used all my strength from the beginning, I would have smashed him into thousands of pieces, but this guy is really a freak, and my third-level skill could not kill him.

Otherwise, Wu Hongen wouldn't have discovered his own details, but it's too late to say anything now.

Thinking of this, the person from the Wu family let out a cold snort and left in a flash.

Seeing this, Wu Hongen finally breathed a sigh of relief, otherwise if the other party really fights with him, he will definitely be no match for him in the end.

However, just as Wu Hongen relaxed his vigilance, a ghostly figure suddenly appeared beside him.

Then a golden Hong Zhong the size of a house, with a mysterious rune flashing all over it, suddenly fell from the sky, covering Wu Hongen like lightning.

Seeing this, Wu Hongen was inexplicably terrified, and the body-protecting qi surged out instantly, and the Lingbao long sword in his hand was infused with true essence, emitting a strong starlight.

However, Wu Hongen, who was inside Hong Zhong, found that no matter how he attacked, the attack hit Hong Zhong's clock wall, as if a mud cow had entered the sea, and disappeared directly without any effect.

"Not good! Run!"

Lu Chen suddenly cried out in horror.

Because after Wu Hongen was enveloped by the huge Hong Zhong, a figure appeared from the dark night, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he was looking at Lu Chen with disdain.

I saw that the man was tall and tall, wearing white clothes, high nose and deep eyes, brown beard, full of heroism, his eyes were like knives and swords, very sharp, he was the terrifying visitor from the Wu family who pretended to leave just now.

"Hmph..." Seeing Lu Chen and Su Ruolan fleeing with Yujian, the Wu family came, and after a cold snort, their bodies disappeared directly on the spot.

Appearing again, the ones who had already come first arrived not far in front of Lu Chen and Su Ruolan.

Divine Sense overwhelmingly enveloped Lu Chen and Su Ruolan, preventing them from moving.

Under the control of his Divine Sense, the long sword in his hand instantly turned into twelve long swords burning with flames, with a destructive aura, mixed with the breath of burning everything,

The sky was suddenly plunged into flames, and the cultivators who were watching quietly from behind the houses in the distance were all shocked by the horror of the Wu family's methods.

I saw twelve flaming swords shooting directly at Lu Chen and Su Ruolan from all directions, and the two were in danger.

This time, the people from the Wu family didn't intend to hold back, and directly used the ultimate move in the Tiangang Raging Fire Sword Art, burning the sky with fire. Biqu library

I'm afraid Wu Hongen, who has the Nascent Soul stage of Dzogchen, can't stand this move, but he uses it to deal with a small person who is in the fusion stage of Dzogchen. It can be seen that the people from the Wu family are really angry.

It's too late to say it, but it's fast at that time, almost all of this happens only between breaths.

On the way to escape, Lu Chen and Su Ruolan suddenly felt their bodies stagnate, and then they were enveloped by a powerful Divine Sense pressure.

Then the body seemed to be stuck in mud, unable to move.

Immediately, the pupils of Su Ruolan and Lu Chen shrank, and twelve long swords burning with raging fire appeared in their eyes, attacking like lightning.

Su Ruolan was so frightened that her face turned pale, and she glanced at Lu Chen helplessly, as if she was mentally prepared to die.

Lu Chen looked at Su Ruolan very apologetically, with tears in his eyes, he shouted angrily:

"Sister Su, I swear, I will definitely destroy his Wu family to avenge you."

After speaking, Lu Chen Divine Sense quickly communicated with Jinzhu World and was ready to run away.

However, at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of the two of them.

I saw that man was wearing a light blue robe, with a thin face, his eyes were ancient and unhappy, and his whole body was full of immortal demeanor.

Lu Chen and Su Ruolan showed surprise when they saw this, and then both of them felt their bodies were liberated,

Lu Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and said in his heart that he didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Old Kong, you really are, you came too timely, otherwise I would have slipped away."

Because the person here is Kong Danshi who has the Cultivation Base of the Expanding Aperture stage.

"Hmph!" Pill Master Kong snorted coldly, waved his right hand casually, and a strong energy instantly spread to the surroundings.

Those twelve long swords with fire, seeing

He was about to approach the three of them, but was blown away by Alchemy Wu's vigor,

The flames were also instantly extinguished, and eleven of the twelve long swords collapsed, leaving only the last long sword with its body exposed, which flew out randomly like a leaf.

Seeing this, the Wu family's pupils shrank, and he could tell at a glance that the old man in green robe really appeared teleported.

Moreover, the other party gave Fan Fei his own unique move lightly, which shows the horror of his Cultivation Base.

Immediately, he directly took away the Lingbao Hongzhong who trapped Wu Hongen, and then left in a flash. As for the sword, he didn't bother to retrieve it.

Seeing this, the senior executives also took a group of subordinates and fled desperately.

Pill Master Kong still watched the members of the Wu family run away blankly, but didn't intend to leave them behind.

"Thank you Pill Master Kong for your rescue!" Wu Hongen, who was out of trouble, was taken aback for a moment,

Immediately seeing the figure of Kong Pill Master, he suddenly understood in his heart, and hurriedly flew over, cupped hands said respectfully.

"City Master Wu is too polite, it's just a little effort." Pill Master Kong nodded slightly upon hearing this.

At this time, Lu Chen also flew over with the sword, holding a Lingbao-level long sword in his hand, and smiled embarrassingly:

"Thank you Pill Master Kong for saving your life. This sword belongs to that villain just now. Please accept Pill Master Kong."

At this time, Su Ruolan also came to Yujian to thank Pill Master Wu.

Pill Master Wu smiled and nodded at Su Ruolan, but when he saw Lu Chen, his expression changed, and he said angrily:

"You'd better keep it for yourself! I still have some medicine pills that haven't been refined yet, come and find me tomorrow morning."

After speaking, he disappeared in place and teleported away.

"Uh..." Lu Chen was at a loss when he heard the words, not knowing where he had offended this great god again.

Su Ruolan saw that Master Kong had left, and instead thanked Wu Hongen, after all, he helped her just now.

Lu Chen thought of Wu Hongen speaking for him just now, and thanked Wu Hongen with a shy face,

But Wu Hongen didn't even look at Lu Chen directly. After saying goodbye to Su Ruolan, he walked away directly, which made Lu Chen very speechless. He didn't know where he had offended this big boss again.

After both of them left, Su Ruolan questioned Lu Chen:

"What do you mean by what you said just now? What do you mean by avenging me? Don't tell me you have a chance to escape but you are not going to take me with you?"

Hearing this, Lu Chen felt like being stepped on a cat's tail, and quickly explained:

"No way! I mean if I don't die, I will avenge you. God knows if I can survive,

That's all I said, don't think about it, besides, aren't we living a good life now? "

After speaking, Lu Chen flew directly towards Feiyu Pill Pavilion with Yujian as if fleeing.

Su Ruolan thought for a long time, but couldn't figure out why, but she always felt that Lu Chen was hiding something from her.

Looking up, there was no sign of Lu Chen, and then he left with the sword, and quickly disappeared into the night...

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