Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 367 Seeing Parents So Soon?

The sudden scolding made Lu Chen and Su Ruolan feel as if they were being caught in bed. After hearing the sound, they quickly let go of each other and kept a certain distance.

Su Ruolan's face was flushed at the moment, her heart was pounding, she wished she could find a hole in the ground, and she didn't dare to look directly at Lu Chen.

In the teleportation space before, there was a sudden huge shaking. As a girl, Su Ruolan was immediately frightened, so she instinctively hugged Lu Chen tightly to seek a sense of security.

Lu Chen is not a good bird, and the teleportation space is pitch black, so how could he let go of such a good opportunity to get stuck.

So he also pretended to be panicked, waved his hand directly, and hugged Su Ruolan tightly,

I have to say that this girl's figure is really amazing, Lu Chen probably can't hold it with one hand.

"Ruolan, you are fooling around, who is this kid?"

Just as Lu Chen was lingering, another rough reprimand sounded.

At this time, Lu Chen followed the prestige, and saw a tall, middle-aged man with a full vestibule and piercing eyes standing at the entrance of the formation Great Hall, looking at him calmly.

And on his left, stood a graceful, dignified and beautiful woman, her eyebrows were somewhat similar to Su Ruolan, her skin was delicate and her age could not be seen, if they stood together, they would be like sisters.

On the right side of him stood a well-proportioned man with well-proportioned facial features, a pair of eyes like a Galaxy Cluster under his sword-shaped eyebrows, he was clearly a handsome guy,

It's just that at this moment, this handsome guy is looking at him indifferently, with deep hostility in his eyes.

Su Ruolan didn't answer the middle-aged man's words, but happily walked in front of the beautiful woman, and shouted happily:

"Mom! Why are you here?"

mother? Lu Chen looked at the beautiful woman in shock when he heard the words. He didn't expect that she would be Su Ruolan's mother. Could this middle-aged man be her father?

what happened? Are you going to drag yourself to meet your parents? This is too fast! Are you not even mentally prepared? Lu Chen thought about it.

Mrs. Namei took Su Ruolan's jade hand, as if she hadn't seen her for a long time, she said with a gratified smile:

"It's good to be back, it's good to be back, who is this?"

Mother Su looked at Lu Chen with deep meaning.

Knowing the other party's identity, it's no wonder the old man is so angry. Anyone who sees his own daughter hugging a strange man will get angry. It's good that the old man didn't do anything directly.

So when Lu Chen saw Su's mother asking about him, he quickly smiled respectfully and said:

"Hehehe... How are you, Uncle and Aunt! I am a friend of Sister Su. There was a huge fluctuation in the teleportation array just now, so we..."

Sure enough, Lu Chen explained

After finishing, the face of the middle-aged man eased a lot.

It's just that the handsome guy next to him didn't know why, and always looked at Lu Chen full of hostility, but Lu Chen didn't care about it.

"Mom! This is Lu Chen, Lu Chen! This is my mother and my father, and this is Mr. Leng, Leng Ye."

Su Ruolan introduced several people to each other in a timely manner, but when she introduced Mr. Leng Ye Leng, Su Ruolan's expression changed obviously.

After that, Su Ruolan exchanged a few words with her mother, and then Mother Su greeted everyone to go home together.

"Hehehe... Auntie, I still have something to do..."

As soon as Lu Chen heard Su's mother invited him to go home with him, he was ready to politely decline, because he always felt uncomfortable when he was with them.

However, Su Ruolan seemed to be well aware of Lu Chen's nature. As soon as he spoke, she transmitted her Divine Sense to Lu Chen coquettishly, and said with a smile:

"Hehehe...Little Brother, my sister is in trouble, don't you plan to help my sister?

If you leave here, I will tell my father that I am already your woman, but you keep abandoning me all the time, guess what will happen? "

"Uh... what?" Lu Chen was taken aback when he heard this, and looked at Sister Su in disbelief.

In the end, Su Ruolan gave Lu Chen a look, try it if you don't believe me.

At this time, Mother Su saw that Lu Chen's expression was a bit strange, and asked suspiciously:

"Lu Chen, what's the matter with you? If you're not in a hurry, let's go home together so that we can show our friendship as landlords."

Lu Chen, who came back to his senses, laughed quickly when he heard the words:

"Hehehe... It's such an aunt, it's the first time I come to the house, and I'm going to buy some gifts."

"Hehehe... What am I supposed to do? We don't need any gifts from you. It's enough for you to have this kind of thought. Let's go home first!"

Upon hearing this, Su's mother declined Lu Chen immediately and warmly invited again.

Lu Chen had no choice but to give up when he heard the words, and walked out of the teleportation hall with everyone.

After leaving the teleportation hall, Su's father and Su's mother flew into the air. In order to wait for their daughter Su Ruolan, they slowed down their flying speed deliberately.

Su Ruolan, Lu Chen, and Mr. Leng threw their own Flying Sword and followed closely behind.

When he saw that Lu Chen was actually using a good-quality Flying Sword, Leng Ye's eyes flashed a subtle surprise.

Immediately, Yu Jian flew close to Su's father. Su's father glanced at Mr. Leng, sighed slightly in his heart, and then continued on his way.

After several people vacated, Lu Chen found that there was an endless urban wooden building group under his feet, because they were not flying very high,

The endless flow of cultivators on the street

It is clearly visible that there are cultivators flying up from the city, and then disappearing into the sky in all directions,

There are also cultivators constantly flying from other directions, and then landed in Tai Bai Cheng.

The roars of all kinds of Demonic Beasts, the yells of small vendors in the city, and the clang of metal smiths beating metal were all heard clearly.

Lu Chen also saw that there are many cultivators who regard all kinds of Demonic Beasts as their own mounts, which are so varied and dazzling.

All in all, Tai Bai Cheng's first impression on Lu Chen should be the largest and most prosperous city of cultivators he has experienced so far.

When Lu Chen followed Su's father and landed in a large manor, he was really shocked by the scene in front of him.

I saw the entire Su Mansion, with mountains and rivers, corridors and pavilions; a large number of wooden buildings, pavilions, pavilions, scattered, rockery, rocky, water pavilions and terraces.

Halls, halls, pavilions, pavilions, buildings, pavilions, pavilions, boats, corridors, etc. are all available.

Each building is further divided into functions such as residence, exercise, pill refining, chess, tea tasting, banquet, and recreation.

Such a luxurious manor reminds Lu Chen of the Yu Mansion in Banyue City, Yidu Prefecture, which is also the home of Mr. Yuxiao.

It's just that Sister Su's house is obviously two or three times larger than Yufu's, which shows how rich Su Ruolan's family background is.

"Hmph! A bumpkin who has never seen the world!"

Just when Lu Chen was shocked by the scene around him, that Mr. Leng snorted coldly and disdainfully at Lu Chen when he passed by Lu Chen's side.

"Damn it! Did daddy provoke you?" Lu Chen cursed inwardly when he heard the words.

Seeing Lu Chen's expression, Su Ruolan knew that Leng Ye must have said something to Lu Chen, so she walked over with a smile on her face, and said maliciously:

"Hehehe...Little Brother, it's up to you from now on. Whether you can save your sister from this fire or not depends on your performance. I'm very optimistic about you.

Don't even think about running away, or I'll never let you go even if I'm a ghost. "

Lu Chen's face turned dark when he heard the words, and he always felt that he was cheated, so he said helplessly:

"Then you have to tell me what happened! How can I help you? I don't know anything until now.

But you keep asking me to help you, what exactly do you want me to do for you? "

At this time, Su's mother saw Su Ruolan and Lu Chen whispering behind her, and then asked:

"What are you two muttering over there?"

"Mother! It's nothing... we'll come right away." Su Ruolan replied after hearing the words.

Then I walked quickly to my parents, and sent Divine Sense to Lu Chen, asking him to keep up with the steps. I will tell him the specific things later………………………………………

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