Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 368 Harsh Conditions

"What? No, no, absolutely not. Why don't you find someone else for Sister Su's matter, I really can't."

In an antique room in Su Mansion, there are only Lu Chen and Su Ruolan at the moment.

Su Ruolan told Lu Chen all about the predicament she encountered, and hoped that Lu Chen would help her, otherwise she would have no choice but to die.

As a result, Lu Chen immediately vetoed the words.

"Hmph! Now that you have come to the Su Mansion, you have to agree even if you don't agree. Do you really have the heart to let your sister die in front of you?"

Su Ruolan first snorted coldly, and then said pitifully aggrieved.

As he spoke, he shed tears, looking very sad.

"My God! What a crime! I knew it would be like this. I would rather spend more time and work harder. It's too Bai Cheng to fly the flying boat by myself, and I wouldn't have to deal with such a thing."

Lu Chen cried out resentful in his heart, seeing the tearful appearance of the beautiful woman, Lu Chen's heart softened after all, and he said bitterly:

"Okay! I promise you!"

"Bo..." Su Ruolan immediately burst into a smile when she heard the words, and then kissed Lu Chen on the face like lightning.

"Hehehe... I knew you wouldn't die, so this is your reward. Let's go, my parents are still waiting for us."

Su Ruolan smiled charmingly, and after she finished speaking, she pushed Lu Chen who looked depressed, and walked out of the room.

The cause of the incident has to start from Su Ruolan's grandfather's generation.

Su Ruolan's grandfather, Su Galaxy Cluster, is the head of the contemporary Su family, and has three sons under him.

The eldest son Su Zhiguo, the second son Su Zhizhou, and the youngest son Su Zhicheng.

And Su Zhicheng is Su Ruolan's father, the third child of the Su family.

The Su family and the Leng family have been friends for generations, the eldest Su Zhiguo and the second eldest Su Zhizhou both married the two daughters of the Leng family.

In Su Ruolan's generation, because Su Zhiguo and Su Zhizhou have a little blood relationship with the Leng family, they can be regarded as close relatives, and they can no longer marry each other.

It is widely spread in Cultivation World that close relatives cannot intermarry.

Therefore, when the third generation of the Leng family proposes marriage to the Su family again, they can only focus on Su Ruolan, the eldest son of the Su family, Su Zhicheng.

Su Ruolan was born with a beautiful face and beautiful appearance, which can be called the best among the stunning beauty.

So almost all the third generation of the Leng family fell in love with Su Ruolan, there were five of them in total.

The old man of the Su family, Su Galaxy Cluster, doesn't care.

Because he has personally seen the five third generations of the Leng family who proposed marriage, almost every one of them is a dragon and phoenix, a rare son of arrogance.

But then came the problem, it was not appropriate for the old man to promise anyone.

So the boss Su Zhiguo came up with a bad idea, let the five third generations of the Leng family come to a martial arts competition to recruit relatives, whoever wins will marry Su Ruolan.

This method, old man Su Galaxy Cluster, felt feasible as soon as he heard it, so as not to offend one of the Leng family.

However, Su Ruolan quit. The family marriage was originally what she strongly resisted.

But there is a saying that, as a daughter of an aristocratic family, there is no freedom.

But in the end, Su Ruolan was able to find someone she likes to participate in the martial arts contest and recruit relatives under the hard work of the youngest Su Zhicheng.

If that person wins the final victory, Su Ruolan can marry whoever she likes.

The condition is that the person must be no older than 30 years old, the Cultivation Base must be no lower than the Gold Core period, and must be ranked on the Alchemy Tower.

These two conditions sounded very simple, but in fact they were extremely difficult and could be said to be very harsh.

First of all, being able to break through to the Gold Core stage at the age of less than thirty is a genius among geniuses.

Although Su Ruolan looks only in her twenties, she has actually been practicing for more than forty years, but age is not a consideration for cultivators at all.

In addition, Su Ruolan ate the Zhuyan Dan given by Lu Chen, and she has reached the fixed youth, and her face will remain forever, making her even more beautiful.

Secondly, it is even more difficult to have a ranking in the Alchemy Tower. Those under the age of 30 must not only practice, but also learn the technique of pill refining.

The technique of pill refining is inherently difficult, so adding the two together, it is almost impossible to find such a person.

So when Su Ruolan heard these two conditions, she immediately ran away from home angrily, and she left for five years.

After the old man Su Galaxy Cluster found out about this, he was furious.

But considering that the relationship with the Leng family should not be too tense, the old man Su Galaxy Cluster suppressed this matter,

It was falsely claimed that Su Ruolan went out to learn art from a teacher, and it would take about five years to come back.

Even the eldest son Su Zhiguo and the second son Su Zhizhou didn't know about it.

Because five years is not a long time for a cultivator, and the third generation of the Leng family also believed the old man's lies.

On the other side, old man Su Galaxy Cluster secretly

In the field, I desperately searched for Su Ruolan.

It wasn't until a while ago that Su Ruolan received the news that Su Ruolan was working in the Feiyu Dan Pavilion in southern Xinjiang.

Su Galaxy Cluster immediately used the relationship between the Su family and the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce to dispatch Su Ruolan to the Central Plains.

In fact, when Su Ruolan was inexplicably transferred to the Central Plains, even though it was still a remote town like Xinyang City.

But Su Ruolan still realized that these might have something to do with the Own family, and it didn't take long for the Own mother and daughter to come to her.

Perhaps because of the five years since she ran away from home, Su Ruolan has undergone great mental changes.

Unexpectedly, by mistake, he agreed to his parents' request to go home.

Moreover, she has to face the unavoidable marriage contract when she returns home, Su Ruolan knows this very well.

The only requirement is to let the parents go back first, and then go back after handling the handover work in hand.

In the past five years, Su Ruolan also tried to find the one who met the two conditions, but he didn't meet any of them.

Just when Su Ruolan thought that she would become a slave of marriage, sacrificing herself to complete the family,

However, "Yao Li" broke out suddenly in Xinyang City. She thought she was going to die under "Yao Li". Isn't this a kind of relief?

However, the weather is not good, Su Ruolan has not been infected with "Yao Li", so it is impossible for her to take the initiative to go to the infected area! Infect yourself with "Yao Li"!

Who would do that unless she had a budding brain?

It was at that time that Lu Chen appeared.

Su Ruolan not only saw Lu Chen's pill refining technique is amazing, but also saw Lu Chen's powerful fighting power.

So, at that time, Su Ruolan's heart was ignited with the light of hope.

She didn't dislike Lu Chen in the first place, and although Lu Chen didn't meet the requirements for Cultivation Base, his strength was stronger than her own, so she barely passed the test.

In addition, Su Ruolan became more active when she learned that Lu Chen was going to participate in the Alchemy tower trial.

Otherwise, how could she propose to let Lu Chen ride the teleportation array with herself.

So, after Lu Chen heard such a bloody story, Dang even refused directly, because he didn't want to get involved in matters related to the two families.

Because if one fails, I'm afraid I will offend two families. At that time, I will not be human inside and out. Just my own cultivation base is not enough for others to see.

However, since ancient times, heroes have been saddened by beauty, and Lu Chen finally agreed to Su Ruolan's request......

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