Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 372 Alchemy Tower

The two cultivators stopped by Lu Chen looked at each other, seeing that Lu Chen was young,

I and the others couldn't see his Cultivation Base. While surprised in my heart, I didn't dare to neglect. In panic, I hurriedly cupped hands and laughed in unison respectfully:

"Senior! Hello! I don't know what is your order, senior?"

"Hehehe... you two fellow daoists are welcome, I want to participate in the Alchemy tower trial because I am new to Tai Bai Cheng,

But I don't know the specific location of the Alchemy Tower, nor do I know the general information in it, and I hope the two fellow daoists will give me advice. "

Lu Chen also smiled politely.

The two cultivators breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that Lu Chen just wanted to inquire about the news, and then they said everything they knew.

Until Lu Chen had gone away, both of them were still staring blankly at the jade bottle in their hands, feeling unreal.

Because in the cruel Cultivation World, high rank cultivators generally don't look down on low rank cultivators, and there are not many seniors who are as pleasant as Lu Chen.

What's more, there are even fewer seniors who just ask for news and give them gifts.

The two men who came back to their senses subconsciously opened the jade bottle, wanting to see what Medicine Pill was inside.

But when the two saw clearly the two Medicine Pills placed in the jade bottle, they immediately exclaimed:

"Zhu Rong... um..."

"And Rongsheng... um..."

As a result, the two parties quickly covered their mouths, for fear that they would slip up in a moment of excitement.

The two looked at each other, suppressed the joy and excitement in their hearts, put the jade bottles into their own storage bags, and then fled away as if they were running away.

Lu Chen met a mysterious old Taoist priest by chance, and let him understand:? Drink? Peck, don't? Predetermined;

If it wasn't because I had kind thoughts in my heart, I bought the bracelet sold by an old Taoist priest who had a bad business.

With my eight first-level mixed Spiritual Roots qualifications, it is impossible to achieve today's achievements, let alone possess the heaven-defying treasure of the Golden Pearl World.

Therefore, Lu Chen had some subtle changes in his state of mind. He saw that the two cultivators were both the Cultivation Base of Dzogchen in the Foundation Establishment period.

The real energy in his body is thick, and he should have stayed in the Foundation Establishment stage for a while, so he is in a good mood,

Directly and generously gave them a Zhurong Pill and a Rongsheng Pill.

Zhurong Dan is equivalent to a coagulant, which can accelerate the solidification of true essence and help the cultivator breakthrough from the Foundation Establishment stage to the Fusion stage.

And this Rongsheng Pill is incredible, it is equivalent to an enhanced version of the catalyst, if you take a Rongsheng Pill with the early stage cultivator, you can almost 100% improve it by two small levels.

Therefore, Lu Chen is a good person to the end, sending Buddha to the West

Thoughts, I gave them this opportunity to show my gratitude.

From the two of them, I learned that since ancient times, there have been pill refiners spontaneously organizing and establishing the Pill Refining Association.

At that time, the Pill Refining Masters Association was established in Tai Bai Cheng, Zhongzhou, and the first president Daozi Han spent a huge amount of money to build this Alchemy tower.

So that future generations of pill refining masters can systematically learn the technique of pill refining. In fact, to put it simply, the Alchemy tower is equivalent to an automated library.

It gathers a lot of theoretical knowledge of pill refining, cultivator can enter it from basic to advanced, and systematically learn pill refining.

Of course, not just anyone can enter the Alchemy Tower.

First of all, you must have an Alchemy Talent, and the Cultivation Base must be below the Nascent Soul stage, otherwise, what's the use of trying to get in, listening to the heavenly scriptures?

Another one, you must have the certificate of the Alchemy tower, which is equivalent to the role of the access card.

Later, with the vigorous development of the Pill Refiners Association, the number of Pill Refiners gradually converged into an immeasurable force.

Based on this situation, the Pill Refining Association found a new place and established Dan City independently.

And the former site of the Tai Bai Cheng Pill Refining Masters Association naturally became the branch of Dancheng.

To this day, Dancheng's influence has covered the entire Beichen Continent, and its strength is no less than that of other nine-star sects in the Central Plains.

Tai Bai Cheng is divided into four districts in the southeast, northwest, and the Alchemy Tower is located on the square distributed by the Pill Refining Division Association in Dongcheng District.

It took about half an hour for Lu Chen Yujian to fly before arriving at Dongcheng District, which shows how vast the area of ​​Tai Bai Cheng is.

When we reached the sky above Dongcheng District, Lu Chen did not need to look for it deliberately. According to the description of the two cultivators, Lu Chen saw a huge square at a glance.

A nine-story octagonal tower stands on the square, which is extraordinarily majestic compared with the surrounding buildings with up to six floors.

Lu Chen flew with his sword and quickly landed on the square.

At this moment, there are not many cultivators near the Alchemy Tower on the square, and most of the cultivators hang out at the stalls scattered around the square.

The goods sold on the stalls are also dazzling, everything that one expects to find.

Lu Chen couldn't help smiling when he saw this. If this scene had been kept up to now, the city administrators would have come to drive him away, or directly robbed him.

Looking up, I saw a plaque directly in front of the nine-story tower,

On the plaque, the three ancient characters "Alchemy Tower" were hollowed out and engraved, making Lu Chen sure that he did not go to the wrong place.

Next to the Alchemy tower stands a stone tablet with a height of more than ten meters. The names of ninety-nine cultivators are densely displayed on the stone tablet from top to bottom.

It is said that as long as through Alchemy

After the internal test of the tower, the stone tablet will automatically update the ranking on the stone tablet according to the performance it has performed, which is very miraculous.

Lu Chen deliberately looked at the last name on the stele. When he saw the word "Jiechen", for some reason, he felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

Just when Lu Chen took out the jade token that his father-in-law, Yu Tongwei, had given to own at the beginning, and was about to enter the Alchemy Tower.

An exclamation suddenly sounded:

"Look! It's Leng Jiahao!"

Lu Chen followed the prestige and saw a young cultivator dressed in a white robe, with clear facial features, a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and the appearance of a gentleman, slowly flying towards him with his sword.

Then, when it was about tens of meters away from the ground, the man volleyed away the Flying Sword under his feet and cast Movement Technique.

The body slowly rotated and landed slowly, and the way of appearance was very gorgeous and eye-catching.

No, the cultivator who knew him immediately revealed his identity. The person who came was Leng Jiahao, a member of the third generation of the Leng family.

"Hehehe... Girl Juechen just knocked him off the Alchemy tower ranking list yesterday, and he came today. It seems that he wants to challenge the Alchemy tower trial again."

A cultivator in the surrounding crowd smiled and said, his words immediately aroused whispers from many cultivators.

Because a certificate of the Alchemy tower can be used multiple times, each use is equivalent to learning from the past, if the technique of pill refining is improved,

Then you can also change your ranking on the leaderboard.

"Keep your voice down, or he will hear you, and be careful not to cause trouble," another cultivator whispered to the cultivator who spoke just now.

"Hehehe... Don't worry, so what if Leng Jiahao heard about it, what else can he do to me? My Zhao family is no worse than his Leng family."

The previous cultivator smiled disapprovingly.

The facts were just as they had guessed in their hearts. When Leng Jiahao learned that own's name had been squeezed out of the ranking list, he was very angry.

If it hadn't been delayed by something yesterday, he would have come yesterday.

Leng Jiahao turned a deaf ear to the discussions around him, and came to the front of the Alchemy Tower, without even looking at Lu Chen who was standing in front of the Alchemy Tower entrance, he directly took out a jade tablet, and poured real energy into the jade tablet ,

The jade tablet shot out a beam of light, and the gate at the bottom of the Alchemy Tower opened, and then Leng Jiahao's figure flashed, and flew directly into the Alchemy Tower.

Seeing this, Lu Chen followed Calabash's drawing and poured true energy into the jade tablet in his hand,

When the gate of the Alchemy tower was opened again, Lu Chen's body turned into an afterimage, and flew into the Alchemy tower as well……………………………………………

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