Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 373 \"Zhu Papi\"

In Suining City, Wuchuan Prefecture, southern Xinjiang, because Tong Wei's Dantian was broken, Gu Feng and others temporarily lived in Suining City in order to heal Tong Wei's injuries.

Since Tong Wei committed suicide because of self-blame last time, at Zhong Tao's suggestion, Gu Feng and Zhong Tao started the business of selling talismans at a street stall.

Zhong Tao is mainly responsible for depicting Fu Lu, and Gu Feng is responsible for setting up street stalls in the city to sell them.

I have to say that the talisman drawn by Zhong Fatty with the Zhutian brush is indeed a little better than the talisman of the same level.

Take the Healing Talisman as an example. It usually takes two or three days for the same wound to recover with an ordinary Healing Talisman.

Of course, the wounds referred to here are minor injuries.

However, if you use the healing talisman drawn by Zhong Fatty, it basically takes less than a day to restore it to its original state.

Moreover, the price sold by Gufeng is cheaper than other stores.

Therefore, the talisman sold by Gufeng's small street stall quickly opened up the market in Suining City, and it was even somewhat famous.

Under normal circumstances, when Gu Feng goes out in the morning, basically by the afternoon, the talismans are already sold out.

As business improved, Zhong Tao and Gu Feng naturally earned a lot of Spirit Stones.

Except for the purchase of Muhuandan for Tong Wei and various other expenses, there are still a lot of Spirit Stones left, which also gives Gu Feng and Tong Wei hope. Biqu library

On this day, Gufeng went out of the stall as usual. When it was close to noon, two people dressed in black clothes,

One was born with fat head and ears, big arms and round waist, and the other tall and burly cultivator, with broad shoulders and broad back, chatted and laughed when they came to this block where the ancient style stalls were set up.

Everyone held a large storage bag in their hands, and wherever they went, small vendors with street stalls greeted them with respectful smiles.

Then it will take out its own Spirit Stones, and Divine Sense controls the Spirit Stones to automatically fly into the other party's storage bag.

After confirming that they are correct, the two will leave with a satisfied smile and go to the next booth.

"Hehehe... Master Long! Master Kui! Thanks to the two of you for taking care of me, please accept a little kindness, and treat you as a little one to have a cup of tea."

As soon as Gu Feng saw the arrival of the two, he hurriedly greeted them enthusiastically, and took out a storage bag by himself, carefully handed it to the fat cultivator, and smiled embarrassingly.

No way, these two people are members of the city lord's mansion guard team in charge of this block in Suining City, which is equivalent to the administrator of this block.

The middle-aged cultivator with fat head, big ears, big arms and round waist is called Zhu Shilong, who was nicknamed "Zhu Papi" behind his back.

But basically everyone just calls him

Master Long, after all, being called Master Zhu is not pleasant.

And the other tall and burly cultivator with broad shoulders and broad back is called Sun Kuisheng, and he is also not a good bird.

"Well! You are still more sensible, but this month's taxes and fees must not be less."

After Zhu Shilong took the storage bag, he hummed lightly, and then reminded him lightly.

"Hehehe... From what you said, the little ones naturally understand,"

After hearing the words, Gu Feng continued to smile flatteringly, and then Divine Sense reached into the own storage bag, controlling five hundred low-grade Spirit Stones to fly into the opponent's storage bag.

The monthly tax of 500 low-grade Spirit Stones, plus the booth fee of 1,000 low-grade Spirit Stones, with Gufeng's current business, they can fully afford it.

Just as Gu Feng finished paying the Spirit Stones and was about to send off Zhu Shilong and Sun Kuisheng, he saw that the two had no intention of leaving.

So Gu Feng smiled and asked:

"Hehehe... Master Long! Master Kui! Do you have any other orders?"

Because of the general situation, these two uncles will go to the next stall after accepting the Spirit Stones.

"Hehehe... It's like this. The protective formation needs to be maintained, and the taxes and fees have increased a bit, but you can also choose not to pay, so now you can pack up and go home."

Zhu Shilong smiled faintly, his words were full of threats.

"Then how much tax do I have to pay?"

Gu Feng asked tentatively.

"Hehehe... Actually, there are not many... Each booth is only 500 middle-grade Spirit Stones. You must know that this fee is all used for the defense formation, and it is also for the peace of Suining City, isn't it? "

Sun Kuisheng added with a timely smile.

However, Gu Feng complained in his heart when he heard the words, this business was finally started, he had accumulated a certain number of customers, and he saw some profits every day.

If I paid 500 middle-grade Spirit Stones all at once, wouldn't this month be for nothing? It would even be a loss if expenses are excluded.

But considering that this business must last for a long time, Gu Feng still took out 500 middle-grade Spirit Stones, and even pasted some of the Spirit Stones he saved before.

I thought to myself, at worst, let Zhong Fatty work harder in the future, draw more talismans every day, and set up more street stalls myself to fill this vacancy.

"Oh! That's right! Please pay the booth fee as well! The booth fee has also increased appropriately, and it is also 500 mid-grade Spirit Stones."

Zhu Shilong and Sun Kuisheng had already turned around and left, but they turned around suddenly and smiled.

"What? Five hundred middle-grade Spirit Stones? Dragon Lord

Did you make a mistake? For my humble little stall, you actually want to charge me 500 middle-grade Spirit Stones? This has been doubled a hundred times. "

Gu Feng heard the words and looked at the two in disbelief, and asked loudly.

His voice immediately attracted the attention of several nearby stall owners and passers-by.

Seeing that Zhu Shilong and Sun Kuisheng were wearing the standard costumes of the Santo's Mansion, the passers-by who were watching immediately became aware of the current scene.

Seeing this, the stall owners shook their heads and sighed. In order to avoid harming the fish pond, a few small vendors simply packed up their things and ended their business for the day.

"Hehehe... You heard it right! It's five hundred middle-grade Spirit Stones. If you don't hand it in, pack up your things and get out of here immediately. There is no shortage of people to rent this booth."

Zhu Shilong looked at Gu Fengdao with a playful smile.

Gu Feng's face changed when he heard the words. At this time, he also realized that this "Zhu Papi" and Sun Kuisheng were deliberately making trouble for own.

Otherwise, a dilapidated stall usually only needs 500 low-grade Spirit Stones, why would it charge me 500 mid-grade Spirit Stones today? Isn’t this driving people to death?

"Hehehe... Master Long! Master Kui! Did the villain do something wrong that made the two of you angry, and please give the villain some hints, so that the villain can make up for the two of you."

Gu Feng suppressed the anger in his heart and smiled flatteringly.

However, at this time, Zhu Shilong and Sun Kuisheng straightened their bodies, showing a dignified look, and didn't even remember that they had charged Gufeng for the tea just now.

Especially Sun Kuisheng scolded directly with a cold snort:

"Huh! Don't play tricks here. We are enforcing the law impartially. If you don't hand over the Spirit Stones again, don't blame us for arresting you and punishing you for obstructing official duties."

Gu Feng frowned when he heard the words, seeing that the other party had no room for negotiation, he guessed in his heart that someone must be targeting him.

So Gu Feng naively asked Zhu Shilong for the taxes and fees of the five hundred middle-grade Spirit Stones he had given before, and said that he would not do it in the future, and at worst he would leave Suining City.

But as the saying goes: "There is no return when a meat bun beats a dog."

The Spirit Stones were all in their pockets, so how could they spit them out, otherwise Zhu Shilong wouldn't be called "Zhu Papi".

There was no other way, Gu Feng had no choice but to hold back his anger, put away the unsold talismans, and prepared to go back and discuss with Zhong Tao how to deal with this matter.

The strange thing is that Zhu Shilong and Sun Kuisheng did not stop Gu Feng from leaving...

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