Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 374 Don't Bully The Young Man

"What happened to Gu Feng?" Zhong Tao asked with a slight frown when he saw Gu Feng was beaten.

Tong Wei has nothing to do every day because she can't use her true energy. As Gufeng's dao companion, the only thing she can do is to estimate the time every day to pick up Gufeng and go home with her.

And Zhong Fatty happened to run out of blank talisman papers today, so after buying the talisman papers, he came to the Gufeng stall looking at the time, ready to go back with him.

However, when the two came to Gufeng's booth at the same time, they happened to see the scene where Gufeng was knocked to the ground.

"I'm fine!" After getting up, Gu Feng patted the dust on his body, then briefly explained the matter, and signaled Zhong Tao not to be impulsive.

But when Zhu Shilong saw Tong Wei's appearance, he and Sun Kuisheng looked at each other, and then nodded slightly at each other.

"Hehehe...boy! It doesn't matter if you don't hand in the Spirit Stones, why don't you just let your dao companion accompany us for one night, this Spirit Stones! You don't need to hand it in."

Zhu Shilong, who was fat and big-eared, had lustful eyes, looked at Tong Wei greedily, and said with a shameless smile.

"That's right! Anyway, your dao companion is already useless, who should you sleep with? You can save a lot of Spirit Stones by staying with us for one night. This deal is very cost-effective, hahaha..."

Sun Kuisheng laughed proudly when he heard that.

After hearing the foul language of the two, Tong Wei immediately turned pale, and subconsciously hid behind Gu Feng.

Gu Feng turned his head and stroked Tong Wei's fragrant shoulders, comforting her in a low voice.

Zhong Tao was furious when he heard the words, Tong Wei had a good relationship with him on weekdays, and Zhong Tao regarded Tong Wei as a Little Sister in his heart,

Now that Little Sister is being insulted by words, how can he not make him angry?

Seeing the Tianzhu pen appearing in his hand instantly, Zhong Tao was ready to teach these two ignorant guys a lesson.

Based on his middle stage Cultivation Base, it is natural to see that these two guys are just an early stage Cultivation Base. If he wanted to kill them, it would be a breeze.

"Zhong Fatty, stop! They are from the City Lord's Mansion, so don't be impulsive!" Gu Feng knew Zhong Tao's nature well, and saw that he was about to kill him, so he hurriedly spoke out to stop him.

However, when Zhu Shilong and Sun Kuisheng saw that the writing brush in Zhong Tao's hand was actually a spiritual treasure, their eyes lit up.

Then he secretly took out the communication beads to send a message, but on the surface he was going to hold back Gufeng and the others.

Naturally, the actions of the two could not be concealed from Zhong Tao's eyes and ears. He was familiar with the pissing behavior of the city administrator when he disagreed with each other.

At the moment, Shang Gufeng was asked to carry Tong Wei on his back to prepare to escape from this place.

However, Zhu Shilong Er

People have been instructed by others to deliberately make things difficult for Gu Feng, so how could they let them go so easily?

The commotion here immediately attracted many cultivators who passed by to watch from afar, discussing in low voices.

"Hey... the people in the City Lord's Mansion are really damned, they are just a small vendor selling talismans, they actually make things difficult for them,

Do evil deeds like theirs still let people live? If it's difficult, no one will come out and take care of these two beasts? "

Among the cultivators watching, an old man probably understood what had happened after listening to the discussions around him, he sighed softly, and said indignantly.

"Old man, you have to speak slowly, or you will offend the city administrators, and be careful that they will arrest you, it will be a disaster for no reason."

The cultivator standing next to the old man reminded in a low voice after hearing the words.

"Look! The brush in Fatty's hand looks very extraordinary."

I didn't know who was in the crowd, and suddenly yelled in surprise.

In fact, even if he didn't shout, all the cultivators present were shocked by Zhong Tao's methods.

I saw that Zhong Tao and others originally wanted to avoid their edge and choose to leave, but they were blocked by Zhu Shilong and Sun Kuisheng.

Although Zhu Shilong and the others also saw that Zhong Tao's Cultivation Base was higher than theirs, but as the people of the City Lord's Mansion, they were used to being arrogant and domineering, so who would dare to really do anything to them.

Under the stalemate, Zhong Tao knew that if he continued to delay, when the other lackeys of the City Lord's Mansion came, they would definitely not end well.

So Zhong Tao decisively chose to shoot,

Seeing him, the real essence was instantly poured into the Zhutian pen, and the Zhutian pen suddenly flashed golden light, which attracted the amazement of countless cultivators onlookers.

Immediately afterwards, he kept waving the Tianzhu pen in his hand, and wrote quickly like a dragon and a snake. The movements were very skillful and completed in one go.

Horizontal writing and vertical pressing, vertical folding and folding hooks, the writing is as if there is a god, using the real essence as the ink, and the sky as the paper, every time you write the pen, a golden pen mark will be formed, which is very mysterious.

When the last stroke was made, two door-sized characters of "Ding" appeared instantly, and then flew towards Zhu Shilong and Sun Kuisheng like lightning.

It all happens almost just between breaths.

"Let's go! Let's leave Suining City immediately." Seeing that the "Own Dingzi Jue" had already locked the two of them, Zhong Tao hurriedly urged loudly.

Then he threw out a Magic Treasures-level long sword, and Yujian flew into the sky.

Seeing this, Gu Feng didn't dare to neglect, and almost at the same moment, he flew to catch up with Tong Wei Yujian.

Zhong Tao's method once again attracted the amazement of the cultivator onlookers, who all guessed

Test what kind of treasure the brush in his hand is,

It was actually possible to make Zhu Shilong and Sun Kuisheng, two masters in the fusion period, freeze in place like statues, unable to move.

"Damn it! Chase!"

In less than three breaths, Zhu Shilong, who had lost his restraint, yelled, flew directly with his sword and chased in the direction where Gu Feng and others escaped.

The face with fat head and big ears was so gloomy that it was about to drip water, Zhu Shilong followed closely after hearing the words,

Soon the figures of the two disappeared into the sky, which shows that their speed is not slow.

While flying, he forgot to take out the communication beads and send another message to his companion for help.

The city of Suining was not very big, and Zhong Tao and Gu Feng wanted to escape,

So soon the two of them jumped over the city of Suining City, and then fled all the way north under Zhong Tao's suggestion.

However, just as the two of them had just left Suining City less than three kilometers away, a small flying shuttle quickly passed the two flying with Yujian.

Then five Daoist figures flashed out from the flying shuttle, and soon surrounded Zhong Tao and others.

The people who came were the fat Zhu Shilong, the tall and burly Sun Kuisheng, and the other three lackeys of the City Lord's Mansion who joined them.

"Zhu Shilong! Can you tell me why you make things difficult for us?"

Gu Feng carried Tong Wei on his back, looked around, and asked loudly in doubt.

"Hmph! Come on! Kill them and leave none behind." Zhu Shilong didn't answer Gu Feng's words, but directly ordered everyone to do it.

Gu Feng heard the words and glanced at Zhong Tao, and a black chessboard appeared in his hands in an instant. Since they wanted to make a move, they would not sit still.

I saw that the chessboard flew into the sky instantly under the infusion of Gufeng Zhenyuan, and became the size of a basketball court in the blink of an eye. Shrouding the Heavens shrouded Zhu Shilong and others like the sun.

Then, the vertical and horizontal grooves on the chessboard flashed with brilliance, and quickly formed a net-like line of light beams, which slid down instantly like a guillotine with a sharp momentum.

Zhu Shilong and others couldn't help being startled by the sudden change.

They didn't expect that Gu Feng's chessboard would be so powerful and weird. Even before he could react, he was enveloped by the huge chessboard.

What's worse, just when Zhu Shilong and others were about to flee without even thinking,

But suddenly he found that he and others were trapped in a quagmire, and their bodies were bound by some mysterious force.

Almost all of this happened in the blink of an eye, so Zhu Shilong and others saw that the situation was not good,

Hurry up and take out their own defensive Magic Treasures to resist those terrifying beams that are falling rapidly......

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