Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 375 Ten Thousand Sword Talismans


When Gufeng's huge chessboard dropped countless terrifying light beams like lightning and collided with the defensive Magic Treasures of Zhu Shilong and others, there was a huge bang.

One of them may have been slightly weaker in defense against Magic Treasures, and his body was cut into countless small pieces by the light beam on the spot. The scene was very bloody.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Shilong and the others' scalps felt numb.

At this time, one of the cultivators with a gloomy complexion urged the defensive Magic Treasures in his hands while making mudras with one hand and muttering words.

Immediately, with them as the center, a circular icicle suddenly appeared out of thin air under the huge chessboard. The icicle stretched towards the sky like a golden cudgel as the man continued to make handprints.

With a snap of his fingers, he poked at the giant black chessboard above their heads with a terrifying aura.

"Kacha Kacha Kacha..." When the icicle hit the giant chessboard, the front end shattered directly, making a cracking sound of "Kacha".

Then countless shattered small ice cubes fell down, but the huge icicles were like a mad dragon sailing out to sea. Even if the icicles in front were shattered, the back still continued to extend endlessly.


The huge ancient chessboard hummed under the constant impact of the icicles, then shook from side to side, and was pushed out abruptly.

Gu Feng was shocked when he saw this, and hurriedly controlled the chessboard and flew back to his hand.

At this time, the mysterious power that restrained Zhu Shilong and others suddenly disappeared, and several people quickly scattered and flew away.

Then they shot from four directions, attacking Zhong Tao and others almost at the same time.


The moment the chessboard was pushed out, Gu Feng was backlashed by Zhen Yuan, and immediately spurted a mouthful of blood, and his face turned pale.

"Gu Feng" Seeing this, Tong Wei, who was lying on Gu Feng's back, shouted eagerly.

"Gu Feng, are you okay!" Zhong Tao did not forget to ask with concern at the moment of crisis.

"I'm fine, I didn't expect that man's spell to be so overbearing," Gu Feng wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his sleeve, and quickly took a Medicine Pill for healing.

"That person is the Cultivation Base of the middle stage. It's normal for you to be no match. Are you okay? It might be tricky for me to fight four alone."

Zhong Tao asked anxiously when he saw that the four people were flying towards this direction quickly.

The Tianzhu pen in his hand had already started to wave non-stop.

"Don't talk nonsense, two for one person." Gu Feng shouted loudly, and just as he finished speaking, he quickly took out a Ribbon and tied Tong Wei on his back tightly.

Then he rushed out directly, and the chessboard in his hand was infused with true essence, a golden light flashed, and he flew directly into the air.

Sun Kuisheng and Zhu Shilong saw that strange chessboard again, flying over Own's head again. They had already suffered a loss and were on guard, so how could they make the same mistake.

Sun Kuisheng and Zhu

After Shilong looked at each other, the two quickly flew to both sides.

At the same time, each of them poured their true essence into the long swords in their hands, and instantly condensed two huge sword shadows. From the left and right directions, they quickly slashed at Gu Feng with lightning speed.

It's too late, but it's fast.

Zhong Tao saw the middle-aged cultivator with a gloomy complexion flying over with his companion, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he said with a confident smile:

"Hehehe... Let me show you how powerful your Grandpa Zhong Wanjian Talisman is."

As soon as the words fell, the Tianzhu pen in his hand was writing quickly like a dragon and a snake, and the movements were very skillful and completed in one go.

Horizontal writing and vertical pressing, vertical folding and folding hooks, the writing is as if there is a god, using the real essence as the ink, and the sky as the paper, every time you write the pen, a golden pen mark will be formed, which is very mysterious.

When the last stroke was made, a talisman pattern the size of a door panel appeared in front of Zhong Tao.

Once the pattern was formed, it immediately shone with a pale golden brilliance, and at the same time exuded a powerful force, which was very bluffing.

"Fuck the f*ck! Fuck the fuck, fuck the f*ck! Fuck the fuck!"

Zhong Tao chanted the mantra loudly with a serious expression.

Once the incantation was finished, the door-sized talisman in front of Zhong Tao instantly turned into a golden beam of light and disappeared into the sky, but nothing happened.

The middle-aged cultivator with a gloomy face was startled by Zhong Tao's bluffing actions at first, thinking that the other party was going to make some powerful attacks again,

He hurriedly looked around, but found that there was nothing there, and quickly made a handprint, with a faint brilliance flashing from his fingertips.

His companion took out a big knife, and under the infusion of true energy, the big knife instantly condensed a huge knife shadow tens of meters long.

However, the pupils of the two people who were casting the spell suddenly shrank, and they could only see in all directions. Suddenly, countless long swords appeared out of thin air, densely covering the entire sky.

"Retreat!" The cultivator shouted with a gloomy face, and then directly chose a direction to retreat.

Because if this fucking continues, he will have to be pierced by thousands of arrows.

However, countless long swords were flashing with fierce light, shooting directly at the two cultivators from all directions like a thousand arrows.

This frightened the two who were fleeing to death, so they quickly took out the defensive Magic Treasures and activated the body protection qi.

However, their thinking was too simple, how could the Ten Thousand Sword Talisman drawn by Zhu Tianbi be so simple.

Each of the long swords has a sharp sword light, which directly breaks through the defenses of the two of them, and passes through the protective energy of the two of them. In the blink of an eye, the two of them are like hedgehogs, covered with long swords. .

With endless unwillingness and remorse, his body fell straight from the air.

"Damn it! Zhu Shilong is a fucking good thing you did!" Sun Kuisheng was frightened by Zhong Tao's terror.

Cursed loudly.

He and Zhu Shilong were guarding against Gu Feng's weird chessboard, and after flying away to both sides, they swung their long swords at Gu Feng,

But Gu Feng cleverly dodged it, just in time to see two companions being pierced to death by Wan Jian, suddenly felt a chill down the back, and began to complain about Zhu Shilong.

Because it was Zhu Shilong who asked him to embarrass Gu Feng together, it is best to provoke him to find a way to kill Gu Feng, so that he can no longer sell Fulu.

It is said that the steward of Fumanlou in Suining City returned him 5,000 mid-grade Spirit Stones, and when the time comes, the two of them will get half of each.

But who would have thought that the little people they thought could put them in danger.

To be honest, Sun Kuisheng already had the intention of retreating.

When Zhu Shilong heard the words, he cursed angrily:

"Don't fucking talk nonsense! Let's work together to kill this kid first, otherwise no one will be able to escape."

Speaking of attacking again, Sun Kuisheng had no choice but to desperately pour his true energy into the long sword in his hand, ready to go all out.

However, he was surprised to find that Zhu Shilong turned around and ran away, thinking that he wanted to break him up and support him.

"Zhu Shilong, you're going to die a damn hell."

Seeing this, Sun Kuisheng yelled, and then he couldn't control it so much. He also desperately flew with his sword and fled in another direction.

These almost all happen between just a few breaths.

Even Gu Feng was surprised by their actions, but how could he let them go?

In a flash, Yu Jian chased after Zhu Shilong directly, and asked Zhong Tao to chase and kill Sun Kuisheng.

In just a hundred breaths, when Zhong Tao and Gu Feng returned to their original spot to meet again, they both looked at each other and smiled at the same time.

"I'm afraid we won't be able to stay in Suining City any longer!"

Gu Feng smiled lightly.

"Seeing that our talisman records are selling cheaply, Wanfu Building robbed them of their business, and let these two bastards come to make things difficult for you. Shall we go back to Suining City and destroy Wanfu Building?"

Zhong Tao told Sun Kuisheng the news he obtained by pressing him.

"Forget it! We are not strong enough now, so we shouldn't cause more troubles. Besides, Tong Wei can't just drag on like this. We still have to find a way to earn Spirit Stones to buy Nirvana Pill."

Gu Feng took one last look at the direction of Suining City.

"Okay! I'll listen to you! Why don't we go to the Central Plains! Do you remember what Li Xiaoyao senior said?

His second Immortal Cave is in the Central Plains. We have to search for it while practicing, otherwise we will lose a lot if someone else discovers it. "

Zhong Tao reminded with a smile.

Gu Feng heard the words and looked at Tong Wei on her back, but Tong Wei smiled happily and said: "I will listen to you in everything, and I will go wherever you go."

With the support of the beautiful woman, Gu Feng immediately agreed to Zhong Tao's proposal.

Immediately, Gu Feng flew with Tong Wei and Zhong Tao with the sword on his back, and flew to the north...

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