Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 376 Who Is Poor And White?

Tai Bai Cheng of Zhongyuan, in a separate courtyard of the Su family, Su Ruolan's mother and father Su Zhicheng kept Su Ruolan in the room in a somewhat interrogative manner.

Father Su Zhicheng's face was even more slumped, and he wanted to speak a few times, but was signaled by Su's mother to shut up.

This made Su Zhicheng very irritable, so he could only drink tea non-stop to calm down his own emotions.

At this time, Mother Su took her daughter Su Ruolan's hand tenderly, and said with a smile:

"Hehehe... Ruolan! Can you tell mother Lu Chen where he is from? Where did he study? What do his parents do?

Mother has no other intentions, but just wants to ask for his information. If you do something good in the future, it is impossible for us parents to not even know the information about our son-in-law! "

As a result, Su Ruolan hadn't answered yet, Su Zhicheng's face became even more ugly when he heard the words, so he hurriedly said helplessly through Divine Sense:

"My wife, I asked you to persuade Ruolan to leave that kid Lu Chen, why are you still asking for information about that kid?"

As a result, Su's mother gave Su Zhicheng a blank look when she heard the words, and ignored him.

When Su Ruolan heard her mother's inquiry about Lu Chen's information, she suddenly felt like a deer, and felt a little embarrassed.

With her Cultivation Base, she didn't know that her father was transmitting the sound of Divine Sense to her mother.

After fiddling for a while, Su Ruolan still briefly talked about how she and Lu Chen went from acquaintance to acquaintance.

Su's mother listened very carefully, with a faint smile on her face all the time, but Su Zhicheng's face became uglier the more she listened.

He finally understood it, and thought to himself: The kid who co-authored Lu Chen is just a Rogue Cultivators who has neither family background nor Sect to rely on.

No wonder there wasn't even a decent gift when I came to the door for the first time.

"No! No! Ruolan, I advise you to cut off contact with that kid Lu Chen immediately, I will not agree with you to continue dating."

Su Zhicheng really couldn't help but say something to stop him.

Su Ruolan's shy expression suddenly changed when she heard the words. She had nothing to do with Lu Chen, and she just asked him to act as a shield.

But being said by her father aroused her stubborn temper, and immediately retorted unceremoniously:

"Father! Why can't Lu Chen die? Do you want me to be a victim of family marriage?

Then why didn't you agree to Grandpa's request and marry the third lady of the Leng family? "

It turned out that when Su Zhicheng was young, the old man Su Galaxy Cluster also arranged a marriage for him, and it was the third lady of the Leng family.

say it's cold

The third lady of the family is Leng Yueru, who is not only beautiful like a Celestial Immortals, but also knowledgeable and understanding, but Su Zhicheng loves his current wife, Cui Xueyan.

This made the old man Su Galaxy Cluster so angry that he always felt that he owed the Leng family, so when the third generation of the Leng family proposed marriage to Su Ruolan, Su Galaxy Cluster tried their best to arrange this matter.

"Presumptuous! Do you ever talk to dad like that?" Su Zhicheng reprimanded displeased when his daughter retorted.

"Hehehe...Master, why did you act so excited when you heard about the third lady of the Leng family? It's difficult for the master to still miss Leng Yueru in his heart?

Do you want me to vacate the seat for her, so that you can be fulfilled, but I know that Leng Yueru has always been thinking about the master! "

Su's mother, Cui Xueyan, saw Su Zhicheng scolding her daughter, and immediately Yin & Yang smiled strangely.

Su Zhicheng showed bitterness when he heard the words, and quickly explained:

"Ma'am! You are talking about where and where!

I mean that brat Lu Chen is poor and white, and his qualifications are extremely poor. He is worried that his daughter will suffer from him in the future. Why doesn't Madam understand me? "

Su Ruolan snorted coldly when she heard the words, and without speaking, she directly took out a jade bottle angrily,

Divine Sense controlled the jade bottle to fly to his father Su Zhicheng, motioning him to open it.

Su Zhicheng took the jade bottle, opened it disapprovingly, and when he saw the Medicine Pill inside, he quickly rubbed his eyes, thinking he was dazzled.

After repeated confirmation, he immediately covered the jade bottle, looked at his daughter with an exaggerated expression, and asked in a shocked whisper:

"Where... where did this come from?"

Seeing this, Mother Su looked at Su Zhicheng suspiciously, and Su Zhicheng handed the jade bottle to Mother Su, but after seeing the Medicine Pill inside, Mother Su,

The expression was the same as that of his father, they both looked at their daughter Su Ruolan in shock, waiting for his answer.

Su Ruolan seemed to have expected her parents to have such an expression, a look of satisfaction flashed in her beautiful eyes, she said with a nonchalant smile:

"Of course it was given to you by Lu Chen, a brat who you think is poor and white. Otherwise, who would be willing to give me such a treasure?"

"What? It's him," Su Zhicheng and Su's mother said in shock in unison.

Because what is placed in the jade bottle are twelve thousand-year stone marrow vitality pills.

Based on their experience, of course they know that the Ten Thousand Years Stone Essence Vitality Pill is a holy medicine for healing. As long as the cultivator is alive, no matter how seriously injured it is, it can be revived with full blood.

Possessing this pill is undoubtedly equivalent to having an extra means of life-saving, and this pill is priceless, even more so.

without exaggeration

Speaking of it, in front of these twelve thousand-year stone marrow vitality pills, his Su family's huge family business is a fart, and there is no comparison at all.

What's terrible is that such a priceless treasure was given to his daughter by Lu Chen, who they looked down upon, which shows how much he attaches importance to his daughter.

It has to be said that Su Zhicheng didn't even realize that his complexion was no longer ugly, and even a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Mother Su looked at her daughter Su Ruolan with satisfaction, handed the jade bottle to her, and said with a smile:

"Hehehe... Lan'er quickly put away the jade bottle, and don't reveal it in front of others in the future, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

"Hehehe...that's true, where did little friend Lu Chen go? Since he came from afar,

No matter how we say it, we should do our best to be landlords, otherwise people will think that our Su family members don't know how to be polite, that would be bad.

Hurry up and find little friend Lu Chen, and tell him that I want to have a drink with him, and match the two of you by the way, hahaha..."

Su Zhicheng tried his best to maintain his own demeanor, and said with a faint smile on his face.

He didn't remember at all that he hated Lu Chen just now.

Seeing this, Su Ruolan felt as if she had won a battle, and her heart was filled with joy.

Then he took out two jade bottles, put three Wannian Chalcedony Vitality Pills in each, and handed them to his parents.

At first, Su Zhicheng and Su's mother refused to accept it, because in their eyes, the ten-thousand-year stone marrow vitality pill was a token of love from Lu Chen to his daughter.

As a parent, how can you accept it? Besides, with this Medicine Pill, my daughter undoubtedly has a lot of safety guarantees.

However, Su Ruolan tried her best to persuade her parents to accept the Medicine Pill.

In the end, Su Zhicheng and Su's mother, seeing their daughter's sincerity, reluctantly put the jade bottle away carefully.

And repeatedly asked Su Ruolan to be nice to Lu Chen, so as not to miss a beautiful marriage, which made Su Ruolan very speechless.

"Then I don't have to be asked by grandpa anymore, what kind of competition to choose a son-in-law?" Seeing that her parents recognized Lu Chen, Su Ruolan asked happily.

As a result, his father Su Zhicheng had a look of embarrassment on his face when he heard the words. He knew the old man's character best, and he didn't dare to disobey the old man's wishes.

Mother Su smiled when she saw this, and sent a sound transmission to Su Ruolan's Divine Sense in due course.

After Su Ruolan heard the words, her eyes really lit up, and a joyful smile appeared on her face,

Then he bid farewell to his parents, saying that he was looking for Lu Chen, and left the Su family courtyard, all the way to Dongcheng District. …

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