Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 377 Difficult To Climb Ta Zhongshan

Lu Chen stepped into the Alchemy tower, and the scene in front of him changed accordingly.

I saw that it was not like the inner building of the ordinary tower, but appeared in another space, which was very mysterious.

The whole space is not very big, under the blue sky and white clouds, the eyes can clearly see the end of the space,

At the end, it is almost the same as the edge of the secret realm of Shadowwind Valley. There is a tall and thick formation light curtain standing in the sky in a ring shape, straight into the sky.

In the middle of the space is a pyramid-like stone mountain, surrounded by steps about two meters wide.

As seen by Divine Sense, there are ninety-nine and eighty-one tall steps in the entire stone mountain.

"Is this the Alchemy Tower?" Lu Chen thought suspiciously.

Because the Alchemy Tower does not have a fixed opening time, the cultivator only needs to hold the Alchemy Tower voucher to enter the Alchemy Tower by itself.

So at the moment, on the steps of the stone mountain, there are quite a few cultivators sitting in Lotus Position on the stone steps, with solemn and serious expressions, sometimes frowning, sometimes showing doubts, and sometimes showing joy as if suddenly enlightened.

At this time, Lu Chen caught a glimpse of the young cultivator who was previously called Leng Jiahao, who was sitting in the Lotus Position on the twenty-eighth floor of Shishan.

Just when Lu Chen was amazed at Leng Jiahao's climbing speed, a burst of excited laughter came.

"Hahaha... I finally understand!"

I saw the man wearing a purple robe, with a handsome complexion, a medium build, regular facial features, and a chic demeanor. He was sitting in the Lotus Position on the fifty-third floor of the stone steps.

The higher the stone steps, the fewer the number of people, which shows that this person's Alchemy Talent is extraordinary.

Judging from his expression, he should have realized something and broke through the bottleneck in his heart.

After the man laughed excitedly, he stood up immediately, looked down the stone steps with emotion, then raised his head and was about to fly to the next step.

However, when the man was about to approach the fifty-fourth stone steps, he seemed to have encountered a huge resistance.

After struggling vigorously in the air for a while, the person's unwilling roar was heard, and then the person's body suddenly disappeared on the stone steps.

Seeing this, Lu Chen frowned slightly, thinking: It seems that this rocky mountain is not as simple as he imagined.

But now that he's here, how can he not try one or two?

Immediately, Lu Chen smiled and took nine steps to the sky. His figure disappeared in a flash, and when he reappeared, he had already arrived at the foot of the stone mountain.

Then he jumped straight up and flew up the first stone steps.

In most cases, there is generally no cultivator below the tenth floor, and even if there is, they will choose to climb the next stone step quickly.

Lu Chen randomly found a place to sit in Lotus Position, and then a miraculous scene happened


Because when Lu Chen closed his eyes, another scene immediately appeared in his mind.

It's like watching a 3D movie in a dream, but the surrounding pictures give people a clear and real feeling.

And when Lu Chen opened his eyes, those images disappeared, and when he closed his eyes again, the images continued to emerge, which is very magical.

After figuring out the general situation, Lu Chen calmed down and began to seriously Insight into the contents. Biqu library

Immediately, a picture similar to an ancient school appeared in his mind again, an old man with a thin complexion, a white robe, and a gray beard, sitting in the Lotus Position directly in front of Lu Chen.

Then, like an old gentleman giving a lecture, he explained the origin, development, and prosperity of the technique of pill refining on his own.

Occasionally, some stories of pill refining masters who have made great contributions to the technique of pill refining are interspersed, making Lu Chen feel like watching a historical documentary about the technique of pill refining.

"Ha..." Lu Chen, who was in a dream, yawned and rubbed his sleepy eyes, making his head dizzy after hearing that.

But the old man still talked like a fascination, which reminded Lu Chen of his history teacher when he was in junior high school.

Although he was reluctant in his heart, there was no other way. In order to learn the so-called systematic pill refining technique, Lu Chen still suppressed the irritability and boredom in his heart and continued to listen to the old man's narration.

In this way, even Lu Chen himself forgot how long he had been listening, anyway, it felt like a long time, and the old man finally finished speaking.

Then Lu Chen also woke up. Lu Chen opened his eyes and flew directly to the second floor without even thinking about it.

Because he really didn't want to stay on the first floor, the content on the first floor was really too basic, so basic that Lu Chen felt that the content was useless.

The second floor of the stone steps is the same as the first floor. When Lu Chen sat in the Lotus Position again, a dream appeared in his mind again.

But this time the scene has changed slightly, the school is still a school, but the teacher who teaches is replaced by a tall and burly middle-aged cultivator.

What he talked about was about the structure and function of the pill furnace, and gave examples of some famous pill furnaces and the general information about their owners.

Lu Chen was a little more interested in the content of this level, because he never had a decent alchemy furnace.

What he is currently using is an ordinary alchemy furnace obtained from Yishan Miracle Doctor, and this knowledge can be used as a reference to help him choose his own alchemy furnace in the future.

Lu Chen didn't spend too much time on the second stone step, so he flew up to the third stone step, then the fourth stone step, the fifth... until the first

Eighteen stone steps.

It can be said that it has been advancing triumphantly all the way, and has not encountered any obstacles.

Every stone step will make people enter a kind of dream, but later Lu Chen realized that this should be a phantom array.

There will always be a senior in the phantom array explaining the foundation of pill refining to the cultivator, which includes the origin, development and prosperity of the technique of Alchemy, etc.

The second is the structure and principle of pill furnace, the classification and introduction of fire, the pharmacology and medicinal properties of spiritual herbs, the composition logic and induction of pill recipe, etc.

Finally, simulate the whole process of refining Medicine Pill and so on.

In general, the first eighteen stone steps are a detailed explanation of the pill refining technique from basic to advanced, and covering all aspects.

It can be said that Lu Chen has benefited a lot from it. His pill refining technique was originally a monk from Ye Luzi, but now he can study it systematically, and many things that he didn't understand before have become clear.

This also made Lu Chen want to climb the highest point of the stone steps more and more, because he vaguely guessed that the later he faced the skill of own pill refining, the more he would improve.

As for how much other cultivators can understand and master from it, it depends on each cultivator's personal Talent.

It's like the same class, the same group of teachers taught students, some of them were admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University, and some were not even admitted to ordinary universities. This is the same reason.

However, when Lu Chen reached the ninth floor of Flying Body and climbed up the tenth stone steps, he clearly felt an invisible mysterious force hindering his further progress.

What's more, the mysterious resistance is still increasing, even if Lu Chen really resists, it won't help.

Especially when Lu Chen flew from the seventeenth floor to the eighteenth stone steps.

He was already sweating profusely and out of breath, which made Lu Chen realize a very serious problem.

That is, if you don't solve it yourself, the problem of this mysterious resistance,

I'm afraid I have the most, and if I can persist to the twentieth floor, I will be teleported out like the purple robe cultivator before.

But the latter content is what Lu Chen is most eager to get, so Lu Chen decided to stop and study it first, otherwise he will only learn half a bucket of water.

"That idiot can reach the thirty-eighth floor, can't I still go up? What's wrong?"

Lu Chen looked up with a slight frown, and couldn't help but wonder.

Because he discovered that Leng Jiahao had already reached the thirty-eighth stone step.

Looking around, Lu Chen found that each cultivator was separated by a certain distance, which should be to avoid other cultivators from disturbing him.

Therefore, it is not good for Lu Chen to take the initiative to disturb others, so as not to cause troubles, so Lu Chen had no choice but to choose the most stupid way...

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