Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 378 The Crazy Old Beggar

"Hey hey... I'm a little monster, free and easy, killing people without blinking an eye, eating people without putting salt,

A mouthful of seven or eight, the stomach will burst, the stomach will burst...hehehe...hahaha..."

I saw an old beggar in ragged clothes, disheveled hair, yellow and thin face, dirty face, fine cracks on his lips, and soft eyes in his eyes.

He was squatting in front of a cute little girl, happily reciting this doggerel from memory, trying to make that little girl happy.

But when the little girl who was about five or six years old heard the words, she was

"Wow..." Taotao burst into tears.

Seeing this, the old beggar's eyes were full of anxiety, and he shouted in panic:

"Xuan'er, don't cry, Xuan'er, don't cry, Daddy will buy you sweets to eat...Xuan'er, don't cry..."

But with the old beggar's persuasion, not only did the little girl not get better, but she cried even louder.

The anxious old beggar quickly lay on the ground, dancing non-stop, dressed as Demonic Beasts,

He wanted to make the little girl happy, but the little girl cried even more hoarsely.

"Damn it! Where did the crazy beggar come from, why don't you retreat quickly."

At this time, a scolding sound suddenly sounded.

Then, a beautiful figure flashed past in a hurry, quickly hugged the crying little girl in his arms, stepped back, and kept a certain safe distance.

"Xuan'er! Xuan'er! Put down my Xuan'er."

Seeing the little girl being carried away, the old beggar choked up anxiously.

As he spoke, he stretched out his dirty hands, and staggered towards the female cultivator who was holding the little girl, wanting to take the little girl back.

"Pa..." When the female cultivator saw this, a long whip appeared in her hand in an instant, and the true essence was poured into the long whip. After a flash of brilliance, the long whip slammed on the old beggar's face.

A hideous wound appeared on the old beggar's face immediately, but the old beggar seemed to be ignorant of the pain, and still staggered towards the female cultivator.


Seeing this, the female cultivator waved the long whip in her hand again, and lashed at the old beggar.

The powerful force once again made several bloodstains appear on the old beggar's body, and at the same time forced the old beggar back, almost falling to the ground.

"Please don't take my Xuan'er away! Please give me back my Xuan'er..."

The old beggar didn't care about own's injury, prayed, and continued to stagger forward as he spoke.

The female cultivator did not expect the old beggar to be so persistent. Seeing his pity, she couldn't bear to hit him again. After sighing softly, she said lightly:

"Senior! This is my daughter, Rou'er! It's not the Xuan'er that the senior said, and please ask the senior to go to another place.

Look around and say goodbye! "

After speaking, the woman took the little girl Yujian and flew away.

The old beggar seemed to understand the woman's words, and suddenly froze on the street, tears streaming down his face, and kept chanting:

"It's Rou'er! Not my Xuan'er! Where are you, my Xuan'er?"

"This old beggar is really poor, but have you noticed that I can't see through his Cultivation Base,"

On the street, among the crowd of cultivators, a middle-aged cultivator pointed at the old beggar and sighed.

"I guess he must have lost his daughter, and then he couldn't bear the stimulation and became like this. What a pity for the parents of the world!"

Another cultivator said sadly.

"Xuan'er...hahaha...Father finally found you...hahaha..."

The sad old beggar seemed to have seen something, suddenly walked wildly, and then ran out.

Wherever they went, the cultivators stepped back to make way for him.

"Jiechen! Since you have already ranked in the Alchemy Tower, in my opinion, we should hurry back! Lest your master worry about you."

On the street of Tai Bai Cheng, a middle-aged nun dressed in a gray Taoist robe and holding a Duster was persuading the young girl who was walking with her.

"Hee hee hee... I know Mr. Jingxian! You see, it took us a long time to come out, so let me go shopping for a while!

And I also plan to break into the Alchemy tower again, because I feel that if I try again, I will be sure to upgrade the pill refining technique to the first rank alchemist. "

Hearing this, the young girl said coquettishly with a mischievous expression on her face.

The two of them are Juechen who came from Wangqing Valley and went out to experience, that is, Wang Jingxuan who lost his memory, and her uncle Jingxian. Biqu library

"Oh? Is it true? That's really great." Jingxian said in surprise, her eyes lit up when she heard the words.

"Of course..." Wang Jingxuan was happily preparing to reply to Uncle Jingxian,

But he was blocked by an old beggar in ragged clothes, disheveled hair, yellow and thin face, bloodstains on his face, fine cracks on his lips, and soft eyes in his eyes.

I saw the old beggar fixed his eyes on Wang Jingxuan and froze on the spot.

The moment Wang Jingxuan saw the old beggar, her heart trembled suddenly, and a sense of familiarity from the depths of her soul arose spontaneously, so that she was also stunned.

However, Wang Jingxuan tried his best, but found that he did not recognize the person in front of him.

"Xuan'er! Xuan'er! Dad finally found you!" The old beggar burst into tears immediately.

Jingxian's face changed when she saw this, she knew that Juechen was Senior Sister Own, who was brought back from outside.

Then she drank Wangqing water for Juechen, causing her to lose her original memory. repass

Through the secret method, a memory that should not belong to Juechen was implanted into her mind.

This is how Juechen is today, and the senior sister even cultivated Juechen as the Holy Maiden of the Forgiveness Sect.

If the man in front of him is really Juechen's father, then something bad will happen.

So Jing Xian immediately reprimanded angrily:

"Where did the crazy beggar come from? If you don't retreat quickly, don't blame me for being ruthless."

However, when the old beggar heard the words, he ignored Jing Xian at all, and stretched out his dirty hands with tears in his eyes, wanting to caress Wang Jingxuan's cheek.

Because in his memory, he often did this action when his daughter was young.

However, Wang Jingxuan frowned upon seeing this, subconsciously retreated a few steps, and kept a certain distance from the old beggar.

"Hmph..." Jingxian saw that the old beggar was not kicked by her legs, and wanted to invade Juechen, so she immediately snorted coldly, raised her true essence and slapped the old beggar on the back.


When Jing Xian slapped the old beggar's back, there was a loud bang, and the old beggar still didn't move Vince,

But Jingxian shrank her pupils.

I saw the body of the old beggar suddenly instinctively emit a faint halo, and then a powerful force backlash.

Immediately, Jing Xian was sent flying, spurting several mouthfuls of blood in the air.

"Uncle Jingxian?" The sudden turn of events made Wang Jingxuan inexplicably terrified, and after yelling, he dodged to catch Jingxian who was flying upside down.

"Pfft... so... what a scary old beggar." Jingxian, who was caught, spat out another mouthful of blood, and looked at the old beggar in horror and said.

You know, Jing Xian is a Cultivation Base with Gold Core Dzogchen,

What's more terrible is that the old beggar didn't even make a move, and he was seriously injured by relying on his own instinctive defense, which shows how strong the Cultivation Base of this mad beggar is.

Seeing this, Wang Jingxuan quickly took out a healing Medicine Pill and gave it to Jingxian, then looked at the old beggar warily.

"Hehehe...hahaha...I finally found my Xuan'er! I finally found my Xuan'er.

I'm going to buy Tangdundun for my Xuan'er, Xuan'er likes Tangdudun the most..."

The old beggar didn't seem to know at all that he had injured Jingxian, and at the same time didn't know that his daughter didn't remember him.

Standing on the same spot, he laughed happily, looking like a silly child.

"Let's go!" Jingxian said solemnly with lingering fear.

Upon hearing this, Wang Jingxuan immediately threw out a long sword and flew away directly with the sword.

The lively old beggar saw his own daughter Yujian flying away.

An anxious look appeared on his face, and he instinctively ran towards the direction they were flying away......

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