Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 379 Comprehending Divine Sense Attack

On the stone hill in the Alchemy Tower, the eighteenth stone steps.

Because Lu Chen realized that if he did not solve the problem hindered by that mysterious force,

I'm afraid I won't be able to reach the twentieth stone step, let alone reach the top.

Therefore, Lu Chen had to stay on the eighteenth floor, thinking about how to solve this problem.

But after much deliberation, Lu Chen didn't come up with a reason.

The previous resistance was so small that he ignored it, and when he realized it, he couldn't go back to the previous stone steps and feel the mysterious power again.

Unless he was teleported out and started all over again, he might be able to find a corresponding solution.

But thinking of those boring basic theories, Lu Chen felt sick,

Unless it was absolutely necessary, he still didn't want to go back and listen to it again.

Therefore, Lu Chen thought of the most stupid way, which is to wait for other people to fly to the nineteenth floor, and see if he can learn anything from it.

Fortunately, on the nineteenth floor, there are still a few cultivators closing their eyes for Insight pill refining,

Lu Chen sized up everyone, wanting to see which ones were easier to talk to from their appearance.

In the end, Lu Chen locked his target on a stunning beauty who was wearing a white nun's robe, with jade-like skin, willow brows and star eyes, a nose like Qiongyao, lips like Danxia, ​​and an orchid temperament, giving people a gentle and pleasant feeling body.

The reason for looking for her is because Lu Chen thinks that as a beautiful woman, she should be easier to talk to.

Each stone step is about two meters wide, Lu Chen approached the beautiful cultivator lightly along the stone steps,

Sitting in the Lotus Position about two meters away from her, eyes slightly closed,

Pretending to be a cultivator, but actually secretly watching her every move, waiting for her to wake up from Insight.

About half an hour later, the stunning beauty slowly opened her eyes after showing joy on her face.

But when she saw a strange man sitting next to own.

An expression of disgust immediately appeared on the originally happy face.

After glancing at Lu Chen contemptuously, he looked at the stone steps about five or six meters high above his head,

Then with a leap, her delicate body soared into the air, looking very elegant.

It's too late, but it's fast.

Lu Chen saw the timing, and rushed out with a whoosh.

Then, directly below the stunning beauty who soared into the air, holding her right hand high, the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue in her body was operating to the extreme.

Because what Lu Chen thinks is, when the beauty is resisting that mysterious force, to see if he can take advantage of this gap,

Use the powerful analysis function of Chaos Dao Sheng Jue to analyze the mysterious power, so as to find the corresponding solution.

No way, I want to use the power of Chaos Dao Sheng Jue

To analyze the function, it is necessary to allow the own hand to directly contact it, otherwise it will have no effect.

That's why Lu Chen made such a strange move.

In fact, he didn't know whether it would be useful for him to do so. After all, that mysterious power was invisible and invisible, so he just tried it with the mentality of treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

However, when Lu Chen came to the place directly below that stunning beauty soaring into the sky,

The complexion of that stunning beauty suddenly changed, and a strong murderous intent appeared in her eyes instantly.

Because from her perspective, she happened to see a kid with sly eyebrows peeping at the bottom of own's skirt,

He even reached out to grab himself. As for what he wanted to grab, it was self-evident.

The stunning beauty was instantly annoyed, and directly labeled Lu Chen as audacious, perverted, pervert, and prostitute.

If it wasn't for her feeling that she was bound by a powerful force, she would definitely go crazy on the spot and find Lu Chen desperately.

In Cultivation World, many female cultivators regard fame as more important than life. Lu Chen's move is undoubtedly a heinous crime.

But she didn't have time to think about it, the Alchemy tower trial was her top priority, and the stunning beauty gave Lu Chen an angry look.

The Cultivation Technique in the body is running to the extreme, and the Divine Sense is quickly extended,

Then, I felt that the mysterious power in my body was much smaller,

Immediately, the stunningly beautiful beauty revealed a look of joy, hurriedly took advantage of the victory to pursue, and suddenly gave a low shout,

The robe and hair on his body moved automatically without wind, and his body also took off to a certain height again, and then landed steadily on the stone steps.

Then subconsciously came to the edge of the stone steps, lowered his head and looked down.

I just happened to see that Lu Chen still kept his right hand raised high, with a smug smile on his face, and he was even more convinced that the kid was a perverted pervert.

Then he let out a cold snort, and dodged to the other side of the stone steps, ready to wait for the matter here, and then settle accounts with that kid.

And Lu Chen didn't know the thoughts of the stunning beauty, if he knew, he would definitely yell that he was wronged.

At this moment, he is using the powerful analysis function of Chaos Dao Sheng Jue to analyze the mysterious power he felt just now.

As expected, Chaos Dao Sheng Jue did not disappoint Lu Chen once again.

When the stunning beauty encountered resistance in the air, when an invisible force touched Lu Chen's palm, a piece of mysterious information appeared in his mind.

"Hahaha...that's how it is, that's how it is,"

Lu Chen, who got the analysis result, immediately laughed triumphantly,

I can't help but sigh the power of Chaos Dao Sheng Jue, even the invisible and invisible mysterious power can be analyzed.

Immediately, according to the information in his mind, Lu Chen ran the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue again, and continued to derive its content.

Quickly meditate:

"Road to Road, very Avenue,

The name can be named, very famous.

The nameless beginning of heaven and earth, the nameless mother of all things.

It is because the Dao produces one, the one produces two, the two produces three, the three produces all things, and all things produce infinity... This is the Dao...

As the content of the Cultivation Technique of Chaos Dao Sheng Jue quickly emerged in Lu Chen's mind, it quickly made him enter a mysterious state.

After another half an hour, Lu Chen opened his eyes suddenly, and a sharp light burst out from them.

Then he stood up, with the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and looked at the stone steps above with a confident smile,

Then tapped his toes, and his body flew into the air in an instant, when he was about to approach the nineteenth stone step.

A huge mysterious force suddenly enveloped Lu Chen,

Lu Chen immediately felt that Own's body was being pulled by a big hand, making it impossible for him to move forward, and he was about to be teleported out.

The body that had been flying up into the air suddenly stopped in mid-air, as if frozen.

"It's now!"

Lu Chen suddenly gave a low shout, and with a thought, Divine Sense instantly condensed into a Divine Sense sword in own imagination,

The invisible and invisible Divine Sense broadsword, like a 3D special effect, slashes forward fiercely, which is very mysterious.

The mysterious force that hindered Lu Chen's progress disappeared suddenly like a knife cut off the water.

Then, Lu Chen easily landed on the stone steps on the nineteenth floor.

"Hahaha... What a magical Divine Sense attack, it seems that I will have another powerful attack method in the future."

Lu Chen looked at the stone steps below, recalled the experience just now, and laughed in shock.

As we all know, Divine Sense is invisible and mysterious, it can be used to control objects and observe things.

After the analysis and derivation of Chaos Dao Sheng Jue, Lu Chen obtained from that mysterious power how to condense Divine Sense into a solid method,

Of course, the entity mentioned here is just a metaphor.

The Divine Sense sword is still invisible, and Cultivation World's attacks on Divine Sense are rare.

In general, cultivator battles will only cover each other with Divine Sense, so as to understand the opponent's every move, so as to attack or defend in time.

Just imagine, if you have mastered the Divine Sense attack, and in the process of fighting with the opponent, you can directly use the Divine Sense attack to strike at the opponent's sea of ​​consciousness,

Hehehe... That must be: the light one makes the opponent's brains buzz.

In severe cases, you can directly hack your opponent into a fool, and you are not happy.

Moreover, the Divine Sense attack is invisible and invisible, and it is difficult for people to detect it. It can be said that it is impossible to guard against.

Therefore, Lu Chen was very happy and excited, thinking about finding an opponent and trying his own Divine Sense attack.

Next, Lu Chen calmed down his own excitement, continued to sit in the Lotus Position, and learned the content of the nineteenth floor……………………………………………………

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