The sky above Bai Cheng.

An old beggar in ragged clothes, disheveled hair, yellow and thin face, bloodstains all over his face, fine cracks on his lips, and happy eyes in his eyes. Biqu library

He is flying instinctively, chasing a young girl flying with a sword, and a middle-aged female cultivator in Taoist robes.

Moreover, he deliberately slowed down the flying speed of Own, and followed unhurriedly, cheering non-stop:

"Hahaha... Xuan'er, don't run away, be careful not to fall, Daddy will soon be unable to catch up with you.

Xuan'er! You wait for Daddy! Daddy will buy you candy to eat...hehehe..."

"Oops! I didn't expect that crazy beggar to be a Cultivation Base above the Nascent Soul stage, Juechen! Why don't we run away separately! I'll lure her away."

Jing Xian, who was flying with a sword, said anxiously, frowning slightly.

Before, she slapped the old beggar with a palm, not only failed to repel the old beggar, but was backlashed by the old beggar's defense and was seriously injured on the spot.

So let Wang Jingxuan fly away with her Yujian.

At first, the old beggar rushed to chase her on the street, but later found that no matter how hard he ran, he couldn't catch up with his daughter. He was so anxious that he yelled and burst into tears.

Later, probably because of his anxiety, the old beggar aroused his own potential, instinctively flew into the air, and soon caught up with Jingxian and Wang Jingxuan.

But the old beggar didn't seem to be in a hurry to catch up with Wang Jingxuan and the others, but was chasing his staggering daughter like a father.

This scene shocked Jingxian who was flying with a sword, because if the old beggar went crazy, it would be bad for them, and they would not even have a chance to escape.

So in times of crisis, for the hope of the Wangqing Sect, Jing Xian offered to lure that crazy beggar away by herself.

Before Wang Jingxuan could agree, Jingxian waved the Duster in her hand, and rushed towards the old beggar with Yujian. Duster seemed to come alive under the infusion of his true energy.

Unexpectedly, it extended directly and infinitely, like a sharp sword, directly poking at the old beggar who was flying towards the air with a fierce offensive.

However, Wang Jingxuan hesitated when she heard the words, she couldn't bear to let Uncle Jingxian face a strong enemy alone.

"Jiechen, hurry up! If you don't leave, I will die in front of you immediately."

Seeing that Juechen was hesitating, Jingxian immediately became annoyed, and while pouring true essence into Duster continuously, she threatened loudly anxiously.

Seeing this, Wang Jingxuan had no choice but to quickly escape with the sword.

"Hahaha... Xuan'er don't run anymore, be careful of falling down,"

But the old beggar is still gossiping and authentic, and he doesn't know what to say.

Knowing the immediate danger, in her eyes, Jing Xian's Duster is like a daughter's toy.

"Bang..." Since the old beggar was defenseless at all, Jingxian's Duster struck him like lightning, making a muffled "bang".

The powerful force made the old beggar fly backwards in an instant, but the old beggar quickly stabilized his body instinctively,

The powerful Cultivation Base has its own powerful defense, so Jingxian, who has a Gold Core Cultivation Base, can't hurt her.

"Damn it!" Seeing that Own's attack did not cause much harm to the old beggar, Jingxian cursed secretly.

Just when she was about to continue to attack and hold back the opponent, so as to buy more time for Juechen to escape, Jingxian's face suddenly became frightened.

But he didn't know that after the old beggar stabilized his body, he saw his own daughter flying away, but this woman stopped him, and his heart suddenly became angry.

He directly vented his anger on Jing Xian, only to see the old beggar appear in front of Jing Xian almost in the blink of an eye with a thought, which frightened her out of her wits.

Then he instinctively slapped Jingxian with his palm, just like slapping a mosquito casually.

But even the old beggar didn't know that his seemingly random slap carried terrifying destructive power.

"Ah..." Jing Xian let out a scream, her body fell from the air to the ground at an extremely fast speed like a kite with a broken string.

If you don't die, you won't die.

Almost all of this happens within a few breaths.

After finishing this, the old beggar continued to fly towards the direction where Wang Jingxuan was escaping.

In the Alchemy Tower, with the help of Chaos Dao Sheng Jue, Lu Chen successfully mastered the Divine Sense attack.

So that every time when encountering that mysterious force, Lu Chen directly casts the Divine Sense sword to cut off that mysterious force,

It can be said that along the way, the momentum is like a broken bamboo, singing and leaping forward, jumping over many stone steps with ease, until the sixty-sixth floor,

Lu Chen encountered a more powerful mysterious force, which made him useless no matter how he used the Divine Sense sword, and was finally sent out.

But Lu Chen did not abandon the base because of this, because he learned through learning that it is not that his own Divine Sense sword is useless,

It's because the own Cultivation Base can't keep up with the setting of the Alchemy Tower.

The stone mountain in the Alchemy Tower has a total of ninety-nine and eighty-one stone steps. Only cultivators below the Nascent Soul period can enter the Alchemy Tower.

Then, each cultivator of the Cultivation Base level can only enter the corresponding stone steps. No matter how talented the cultivator is, the Cultivation Base Realm cannot keep up and still cannot climb to the top of the stone steps.

That is to say, if you want to reach the most

For the latter layer, the Cultivation Base must at least reach the Gold Core late stage, or be the Cultivation Base of the Dzogchen Gold Core stage.

This kind of setting is also worried that the cultivator will not be able to eat too much, so it can be seen the good intentions of the ancient sages.

If it weren't for Lu Chen's true essence being extremely thick, comparable to the Gold Core early stage, plus the mystery of the Divine Sense broadsword,

I'm afraid that with the Cultivation Base of Lu Chen's Dzogchen fusion period, it can't reach the sixty-sixth floor at all.

However, even so, Lu Chen still perfected the technique of own pill refining, and the rest of the content, he can only wait for his own Cultivation Base breakthrough in the future, and then find time to make a breakthrough.

When Lu Chen appeared on the square in front of the Alchemy tower again, Lu Chen couldn't wait to come to the stone tablet of the leaderboard.

I want to see how many places I can rank. After all, I am within the scope of my own ability, and I have overfulfilled the learning tasks.

However, after Lu Chen carefully read the names on the entire stele several times, he still couldn't find his own name.

"What's going on? Why is there no my name? Could it be that the Alchemy tower doesn't recognize own scores?

Or is it that I used the Divine Sense sword to pass the level easily, but was judged as cheating by the Alchemy Tower?

Or is it that only the cultivator who climbed the last stone step will reveal the name? "

In front of the Alchemy tower leaderboard stele, Lu Chen thought suspiciously.

Since he couldn't figure it out, Lu Chen didn't continue to struggle with this problem, anyway, he could learn something.

Just when Lu Chen was about to leave, a beautiful figure flew towards Yu Jian from a distance.

But behind her, there was an old beggar in ragged clothes, disheveled hair, yellow and thin face, bloodstains on his face, and fine cracks on his lips.

This strong contrast immediately aroused the amazement of the cultivator on the square of the Alchemy Tower.

Lu Chen also followed the exclamation of others and followed the reputation.

Soon a female cultivator dressed in plain robes, but couldn't stop the man's graceful figure, tall figure,

Especially the long beautiful legs of the dual cultivation can't help but arouse people's imagination. A young woman with a small almond face, big eyes, and elegant temperament appears in everyone's sight.

As soon as the young woman landed on the square, she went straight to the Alchemy Tower, obviously wanting to enter the Alchemy Tower to avoid the old beggar who was chasing after her.

Lu Chen was taken aback when he saw the person coming, and then his face revealed a look of surprise,

Then the figure flashed, disappeared in place, and reappeared just blocking the young woman's path... ……………………………………………

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