Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 38 Little Earth's Overbearing

Lu Chen didn't expect that Fan Zhengshan's random blow would almost kill himself.

At this time, Lu Chen's Mother-Child Chiba blade was already approaching Fan Zhengshan's face, and Fan Zhengshan pulled out the Spirit Power again and sent dozens of green lights flying.

It all happens between breaths.

Red Fu Elder understood that Lu Chen was helping her, she seized the moment when Fan Zhengshan was distracted, and the real energy in her body exploded and forcibly shattered the big clock that trapped her own real energy.

Then he took out a feather from the storage bag, and his true essence quickly activated the feather. Suddenly, a fire blazed into the sky, and a fire phoenix flew towards Fan Zhengshan. The scorching temperature made Lu Chen look sideways.

"Glass Fire Phoenix Feather?" Fan Zhengshan exclaimed in surprise, this Magic Treasures are similar to Thunder Explosion Beads, they are all one-time Magic Treasures, but the power of the Glazed Fire Phoenix Feather is comparable to the all-out blow of the Dzogchen in the Gold Core stage, the power is huge , Fan Zhengshan didn't dare to be careless, he condensed his true essence into a big bell to cover himself, resisting the power of the fire phoenix.

But what Fan Zhengshan didn't know was that when he resisted the glazed fire phoenix feather with all his strength, the little earthworm without the restraint of Divine Sense rushed into his Dantian from the Meridians on his thigh like lightning, and greedily flew to the Gold Core and began to eat it.

It was only then that Fan Zhengshan realized the horror of this little bug. He wanted to restrain it with Divine Sense again but it was too late. Fan Zhengshan's Gold Core had already been devoured in a single thought.

Almost at the same time, the big bell with condensed true energy collapsed, and Fan Zhengshan's body shriveled quickly, and he fell lightly to the ground.

Lu Chen was also stunned and shocked at the moment, because of the connection between his soul, Lu Chen knew Xiao Hu's every move like the palm of his hand.

He originally wanted the little earth to interfere with Fan Zhengshan, so as to buy time for the Red Elder to fight back, but he didn't expect it to be so overbearing that it actually ate Fan Zhengshan's Gold Core.

"Hongfu Elder, are you alright!" Lu Chen came to her side and smiled coyly, and took Fan Zhengshan's storage bag away.

"I'm fine! Your Demonic Beasts are very domineering even though they are young, I hope you will make good use of them." The head of the Red Fu didn't care about Lu Chen's small thoughts, but kindly reminded her that although she didn't know what happened, but He also guessed a lot, and was also shocked by Lu Chen's little bug.

You must know that the Gold Core is formed by condensing the true essence of the cultivator in the Gold Core stage, which is like a solid sphere, and the power in it is huge. If the cultivator in the Gold Core stage explodes, it is no less than a

The power of a small nuclear bomb explosion.

Therefore, it is an extraordinary thing for the little earthworm to be able to eat the Gold Core.

"Senior knows the origin of my Demonic Beasts?" Lu Chen seemed to know something from what Red Fu Elder meant.

At this time, the little earthworm, like a drunk man, flew to Lu Chen's shoulder shaking his head, lay down, and fell asleep. From its face, Lu Chen saw unfinished satisfaction, knowing that this time the little earthworm probably had enough to eat. Time to refine.

"It is said that in ancient times there was a fierce beast with a mouth but no anus, which could swallow everything. It was extremely ferocious. It was called Pixiu. I also saw that it was so small but could eat Gold Core. I remembered a Jade Slip I saw in the early years. It records the habits of Pixiu, which is similar to yours." Hongfu Elder recalled, and also dug out an old Jade Slip from the storage bag and handed it to Lu Chen, and then began to recover from the injury.

Lu Chen was pleased with the result Jade Slip, which was infused with Divine Sense. It really recorded a lot of content about Demonic Beasts, even more comprehensive than the Jade Slip Lu Chen got from Master Chen from Divine Beast Mountain.

"Pfft..." Hongfu Elder, who was recovering, suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and passed out on the ground, making her bloodless face even paler.

"What's wrong with you, Elder Hongfu?" Lu Chen exclaimed, exited Divine Sense from Jade Slip, and quickly leaned over to check.

Lu Chen was about to pick up the wrist of Elder Hongfu, but she hesitated half way through her hand. After all, she is an elder, and the concept of incompatibility between men and women also exists in Cultivation World.

Glancing at Elder Hongfu, although she doesn't know how many hundred years she has lived, she has a graceful figure, her tight skin is like a girl's, and her delicate face is like a fairy that cannot be desecrated under the faint moonlight. She fainted to the ground, how dare Lu Chen look at her like this.

"Offended!" Lu Chen whispered, grabbing Elder Hongfu's wrist, and Divine Sense walked along the wrist in Elder Hongfu's Meridians. At first, there was nothing unusual, but when Divine Sense approached Dantian, A chilly breath came over, and Lu Chen frowned slightly.

Controlling the Divine Sense and continuing to approach Dantian, he finally saw the problem clearly. The original golden Gold Core was now wrapped by a white substance, which lost its original luster and became sluggish. The entire Gold Core seemed to be frozen.

When Lu Chen's Divine Sense was about to continue to approach the Gold Core, the icy breath became more and more intense, and it seemed that even the Divine Sense

It was like freezing, and the severe pain forced Lu Chen to quit Divine Sense.

"There's no way I can't help you with my current ability." Lu Chen sighed.

In the early morning of the next day, when the first ray of sunlight shone through the leaves, the red Elder's beautiful eyes moved, and she woke up leisurely. She seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly checked her body and the surrounding environment nervously, until she found nothing unusual. Take it easy.

At this time, Lu Chen also just finished his work, exhaled a foul breath and tried to make himself look more natural: "Red Fu Elder, you are awake!"

"You should know all about it! It's rare that you didn't leave me alone, thank you!" Hongfu Elder said a little downcastly. After a night, Hongfu Elder looked much better.

"Hmm! What's the future plan of Hongfu Elder, I can escort you for a ride." Lu Chen said,

Last night he discovered that the Red Fu Elder was sealed by the unknown substance because of the Gold Core, and the true energy in the Meridians could not be supplied by the Gold Core, and slowly dissipated. At this moment, the Red Fu Elder is equivalent to a Gold Core period that cannot use the true essence. The Dzogchen cultivator is no different from ordinary people.

Elder Hongfu also understands own situation. She was hit by Fan Zhengshan’s methamphetamine before, and she has been suppressing the toxic attack. It can be refined bit by bit, but I don't know how long it will take.

Before that, she was just like an ordinary person. Without Lu Chen's protection, she probably wouldn't be able to get out of this jungle.

"If it's convenient, please send me to Hengnan City, Hengyang Prefecture. Ye Rushuang is still waiting for me there." Hongfu Elder said politely, now Lu Chen is the only person she can turn to for help.

When Lu Chen heard that she was going to Hengyang Prefecture, isn't this the same place as he was going, so he smiled and said: "No trouble! I also happened to be going to Changfen Ridge in Hengyang Prefecture, but I just used the big teleportation talisman last night The teleportation is nearby, and I still don’t know where it is.”

"This is located at the junction of Ducheng Prefecture and Anlin Prefecture. We just need to go northeast." Hongfu Elder said, but there was still a word in her heart, that is, the Great Teleportation Talisman is not ordinary, but Everyone has their own secrets, and it's not easy for her to ask too much.

Lu Chen took out the flying boat and carried Hongfu Elder to fly towards Hengyang Prefecture under her guidance.

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