Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 39 Finding Fire At Long Grave Ridge

In the northeast of Hengyang Prefecture, there is a mountain range called Hengyang Mountains, which runs from east to west. The north of the mountains is located on the shaded side of the mountains and is rarely exposed to sunlight all year round. In addition, the towering hemlock forests block the sunlight, making it even darker here. gloomy.

It is said that a large-scale war took place here in ancient times, and many cultivators who died in battle were buried here, so this place is also called Changfen Ridge by later generations.

Lu Chen drove the flying boat to escort Hongfu Elder to Hengyang Prefecture to find Ye Rushuang. During the period, Hongfu Elder learned the reason why Lu Chen went to Hengyang Prefecture, and suggested that Lu Chen take her to Changfenling to collect Yinhuo first. Giving some help is also a disguised form of gratitude to Lu Chen.

Red Fu Elder is willing to help Lu Chen, of course there is no reason why not. Yin fire is the most common spiritual fire in Cultivation World, and it is also the easiest spiritual fire to obtain. After death, the corpse will form a special kind of spiritual fire during the process of decay Substance, this kind of substance will condense into fire under certain circumstances.

The cultivator only needs to absorb and store this fire element in Dantian, and then nourish it with Spirit Power to use this fire for it. Biqu library

The higher the level of the tinder, the more effective it will be in the process of pill refining or refining, so pursuing a high-level tinder has become the lifelong pursuit of pill refining masters and refining masters.

"It should be here!" Lu Chen on the flying boat looked at the vast hemlock forest below.

"Well! It's almost here." Hongfu Elder nodded and said.

Immediately after Lu Chen landed the flying boat, the surrounding light gradually dimmed. It was still broad daylight, but the hemlock forest was dark, and the small dirt bumps and tombstones that could be seen everywhere were accompanied by bursts of death, giving people a kind of eerie feeling. feeling of terror.

"Lu... Lu Chen!" Hongfu Elder's face turned pale at the moment because she couldn't use her true energy, and she was a little unsteady standing surrounded by black death energy. She had no choice but to ask for help.

Hearing this, Lu Chen turned his eyes sideways, and seeing Hongfu Elder's precarious appearance, he quickly output a Spirit Power to Hongfu Elder, as soon as the Spirit Power entered her body, the death energy around her instantly dissipated, and her complexion gradually improved.

"Elder, I'm sorry, I didn't notice your feelings." Lu Chen withdrew Spirit Power and said.

"It doesn't matter, but your Spirit Power is so strong, I guess cultivators below the Foundation Establishment middle stage are not your opponents, it seems that you have some skills

Extraordinary encounter. "Red Fu Elder said in shock.

"Elder's an honor!" Lu Chen and Hongfu Elder walked deep into Changfen Ridge.

"I'm no longer the Elder of Xuantian Sect, and it's inappropriate to be called an Elder now that the Cultivation Base is gone. My real name is Zhou Hongfu, and you can call me Senior Sister Zhou." Hongfu Elder said.

"Okay!" Lu Chen agreed, and in order to avoid embarrassment, the two chatted about some irrelevant topics. During this period, Lu Chen gave Senior Sister Zhou another Spirit Power, so that she could resist the dead energy around her.

"Wait a minute!" Senior Sister Zhou suddenly stopped Lu Chen.

"What's the matter?" Lu Chen thought Senior Sister Zhou had discovered something, and quickly extended the Divine Sense out vigilantly. After checking, he found nothing unusual, and then looked at Zhou Hongfu suspiciously.

"If you use Divine Sense to look there, there should be a formation." Zhou Hongfuyu pointed to a seemingly ordinary grave mound and said, although she can't use her true energy for the time being, she still has the eyesight of the Gold Core stage Dzogchen. It was unusual at a glance.

After Lu Chen heard about it, he focused on covering the grave that Zhou Hongfu was pointing to with Divine Sense.

Sure enough, the seemingly ordinary grave mound has a trace of undetectable Spirit Power fluctuations. If it is not for a cultivator who understands formation, ordinary cultivators will definitely not be able to detect it.

"There is indeed a Spirit Power fluctuation, it should be an advanced concealment formation, but how do we break the formation?" Lu Chen said happily, the formation in this place must be to cover up something from being discovered, maybe there is some treasure, Lu Chen was glad that he brought Senior Sister Zhou with him, otherwise he would never have noticed.

"You try to attack with all your strength first." Zhou Hongfu smiled.

"Yeah!" Lu Chen nodded, and with a thought, the "Little Dragon Spear" appeared in his hand, and Spirit Power poured into it, and a blue light suddenly rose up. Five dragon shadows suddenly appeared in the air, and rushed towards the grave with a terrifying momentum.

"Om..." The tomb made a buzzing sound after being attacked, and a transparent light curtain appeared. When the light curtain disappeared, the tomb returned to its original appearance, and there was no trace of damage to the surrounding plants or trees, as if Nothing ever happened.

"Okay! This is indeed a high-level formation, and the arrangement of the formation is extremely clever. I am afraid that such a cultivator is not inferior to me." Zhou Hongfu frowned.


"Then what should we do? Do we just give up like this?" Lu Chen said unwillingly.

"If I could forcefully attack for a few days in my prime, I might be able to break through the formation, but now I can't do anything." Zhou Hongfu said helplessly.

Hearing what she said, Lu Chen wanted to open the formation even more to see what was hidden inside. It might not be possible to break through the formation by force. I don’t know formation myself. I really hate the book when I use it. It seems that I have to find time to study in the future. formation.

"It's useless. With your Spirit Power, it's impossible to forcibly open this formation. It's better to look for Yinhuo." Zhou Hongfu understood Lu Chen's thoughts, and kindly reminded him not to waste his time.

Lu Chen paced back and forth around the grave, thinking about how to break the formation, and suddenly had an idea. He thought that the saliva of the golden toad is corrosive, and he didn't know if it would be useful for this formation. With the mentality of giving it a try, Lu Chen will The Gold-eating Toad was released.

"Quack...quack..." The Gold-eating Toad sprayed a mouthful of brown liquid towards the grave under Lu Chen's instruction.

"Zi..." The brown liquid made a sizzling sound when it touched the light curtain on the grave.

Lu Chen has been using Divine Sense to keep an eye on the changes in the formation, seeing the liquid gradually permeate into the formation light curtain, he was very excited, it seems that it really has an effect.

So Lu Chen continued to drive the gold-eating toad to spray brown liquid continuously on the grave.

"When did the Gold-eating Toad get this function?" At this time, Zhou Hongfu was attracted by the movement here, and was surprised to see this scene. The Gold-eating Toad was originally an ordinary second-order Demonic Beasts, and he had never heard of it. The saliva of the gold-eating toad can erode formation, otherwise the gold-eating toad would definitely become famous.

"Haha... Actually, I don't know why, let him break the formation first." Lu Chen said happily, he really didn't know the reason.

As a large amount of brown liquid sprayed on the formation light curtain, the energy on the light curtain gradually weakened.

An hour later, the Gold-eating Toad started to strike, its two bowl-sized eyes looked at Lu Chen imploringly, it couldn't spit out any more.

"Bo..." At this moment, a piercing voice came. Lu Chen and Zhou Hongfu stared nervously at the grave, not daring to breathe. The transparent light curtain gradually faded and then disappeared. The scene inside slowly revealed.

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