Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 40 Skyfire Mist Lotus

The mound is still the same mound, the only difference is that there is a light blue flame on the mound, like a beautiful blue Lotus flower blooming on the mound.

"Isn't this Yinhuo? Who would put in so much effort to foster a Yinhuo here?" Lu Chen disappointed, he had already memorized the introduction of Yinhuo.

"Although I don't know much about fire seeds, if it were me, I wouldn't specially arrange a formation to foster an ordinary Yin fire, let alone a cultivator whose Cultivation Base is still above me." Zhou Hongfu looked at it with beautiful eyes. That yin fire analyzed.

"Senior Sister is right, but what else can this shape and color be if it's Yinhuo?" Lu Chen also felt that Zhou Hongfu's analysis made sense, so he pouted and held his chin to recall the introduction about Huozhong.

Suddenly, Lu Chen’s eyes lit up and he seemed to have discovered something. In order to confirm the conjecture in his heart, he also deliberately took out the second Jade Slip given to him by Qiu Xueming Elder, and checked the introduction about Tinder again.

"'s Wulian Xinhuo, senior sister! This should be Wulian Xinhuo." Lu Chen laughed like crazy. In addition to the classification of attributes, high-level fires also have their own levels.

Lu Chen didn't think about it before. After comparing 108 types of fire, they all judged to be yin fire, but Lu Chen was not reconciled, so he compared them one by one. When the level was introduced, Lu Chen couldn't believe it, and he didn't call out until he confirmed it again and again.

"You're talking about Wulian Xinhuo, which ranks thirteenth in Tianhuo? That's right! That makes sense." Zhou Hongfu laughed. There are only 21 kinds of Tianhuo, and they are extremely scarce even if she doesn't know about kindling. I have also heard the legend of Tianhuo, and at the same time, I am a little envious of Lu Chen's opportunity.

"That's right, it's Tianhuo Wulian Xinhuo, and it's a second-level Wulian Xinhuo, that's why I know the special truth of Yinhuo. It's hard for ordinary people to distinguish." Lu Chen smiled excitedly.

"You'd better subdue this misty lotus heart fire quickly. According to what you said, since this fire has been promoted, maybe the master who fostered it will come to take it away. If he touches it, you and I are probably doomed." Zhou Hongfu said lightly.

"Thank you for reminding me, Senior Sister, I will subdue it and refine it right away." Lu Chen woke up as if he had been enlightened, and he didn't dare to delay any longer.

Lu Chen calmed down the excitement in his heart, Lotus Position sat on the head of the grave, stretched out his right hand and gently touched

Touching the blue flame, the flame is very gentle, like warm water.

Lu Chen ran the Cultivation Technique and protruded a spirit power to pull the blue fire element into the body. Wulian Xinhuo seemed to feel Lu Chen's malicious intentions. The originally gentle flame suddenly burst and submerged Lu Chen's entire body. The scorching temperature Instantly burned all of Lu Chen's clothes and hair.

"Lu Chen!" Zhou Hongfu was very frightened by the sudden change, but there was nothing she could do to help. She could only look at Lu Chen who was in the fire with worry, hoping that he would be safe.

At this moment, Lu Chen was in critical condition. The skin all over his body was shriveled, and his muscles were shrinking rapidly. Lu Chen was sitting cross-legged on the grave like a mummy. .

The intense pain made Lu Chen almost faint, but he didn't dare to fall asleep, his physical fitness Cultivation Technique was running to the extreme, and Spirit Power kept wandering among the Meridians, nourishing the last line of defense of the physical body from being burned.

The right hand kept absorbing the fire elements into his own body. Fortunately, Lu Chen's Meridians had been transformed by gold particles, otherwise Lu Chen's Cultivation Base during the Qi refining period would not be able to withstand the burning of these fire elements.

The violent fire elementals rampaged in Lu Chen's Meridians, causing him to grit his teeth in pain, Spirit Power dragged these fire elementals towards Dantian. Biqu library

Strange to say, after entering Dantian, the originally violent fire element became quiet all of a sudden, circling around the golden bead as if seeing relatives, and then gathered together.

This change made Wulian's heart fire outside her body seem to have sensed it. The fire element that was originally unwilling to be absorbed unexpectedly penetrated into the pores of Lu Chen's body, and then poured into Dantian from all directions, and condensed into a blue Lotus in Dantian. flower.

During this process, Lu Chen didn't feel the scorching temperature of Wulian's heart fire, his whole body was warm as if soaking in a hot spring, very comfortable.

Lu Chen subconsciously took out a medium-grade Spirit Stones from the Golden Bead World, and absorbed the Spiritual Qi inside to restore his body. As time passed, the shriveled muscles began to plump up at a speed visible to the naked eye, and burned. The skin began to fall off gradually and new skin grew, and the whole body was full of vitality.

When Lu Chen opened his eyes again, his whole body was refreshed, his skin was fair and supple, coupled with his bald head, he looked like a boy like a little monk, at this moment Lu Chen

Chen was naked but didn't know it, seeing Zhou Hongfu with his back turned to him.

"Senior Sister! I made it." Lu Chen flashed happily to Zhou Hongfu, wanting to share the good news with her, but saw her covering her face with her hands, looking shy.

"I see, you'd better put on your clothes first!" Zhou Hongfu urged shyly.

"Clothes? Me!" Lu Chen didn't know why, and looked down and exclaimed in surprise. He saw himself standing in front of the other party naked, his whole body was unobstructed, and he was talking to him stupidly. Lu Chen blushed and hurried away. .

"Puff..." Zhou Hongfu smiled when she saw Lu Chen running away in embarrassment, thinking of Lu Chen's thick figure just now, this was the first time she saw a man's body, so she couldn't help but take a few more curious looks Seeing that Lu Chen woke up, she quickly turned around and covered her face.

"Uh...this...Senior Sister Zhou! I'm sorry...I really didn't pay attention just now." Lu Chen came back after getting dressed, and apologized awkwardly.

"It's okay! I didn't see anything! By the way, did you subdue Tianhuo?" Zhou Hongfu changed the subject redly.

"Look!" Lu Chen stretched out his right hand triumphantly, spread out his palm, and with a thought, a blue flame appeared in his palm, very coquettish and beautiful, without a trace of warmth.

"Okay! Put it away! Most of Skyfire in Cultivation World only stays in legends. It is extremely scarce, and it can be said to be extremely precious. Now you can get it, which is considered your chance. When you don't have enough strength, I hope you don't show it easily. Otherwise, there may be a disaster of killing." Zhou Hongfu reminded with a solemn expression.

"Thank you, Senior Sister, for your reminder!" Lu Chen put away his smile and said solemnly, he naturally knows the reason why everyone is innocent.

Zhou Hongfu was very pleased to see that he was neither arrogant nor impetuous, and said: "This matter is over, let's hurry to Hengyang City!"

"Hmm! Good!" Lu Chen took out the flying boat and quickly disappeared into the sky with the two of them on board.

One day later, Changfen Ridge suddenly blew violently, and an old man in a black robe with a cold face and a hunched body kept attacking Changfen Ridge. Huge energy filled the world, and it was destroyed in the blink of an eye for dozens of miles around. , The person who came with this method was a Nascent Soul power.

"It doesn't matter who you are? How dare you steal the old man's Wulian heart fire, I swear! No matter if it is Tianya Cape old man, I will kill you." The old man said angrily.

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