Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 41 Ye Rushuang Fell Into The Trap

Hengnan City is in the southeast of Hengyang Prefecture. If you continue north and cross dozens of states, you can leave the southern Xinjiang region, and then cross the Beichen River to enter the Central Plains region.

In Hengnan City, Ye Rushuang was anxiously pacing back and forth in an inn. It had been five days since she had agreed to meet with her master, but she still didn't see her. She was more and more worried that something happened to her.

Last time in Xuantian Sect Tai Xuan, Elder Fan Zhengshan proposed marriage to Elder Zhou Hongfu, but Zhou Hongfu disagreed at first.

Later, Fan Zhengshan sent a voice transmission to Zhou Hongfu, revealing Ye Rushuang's life experience and Zhou Hongfu's Elder's origin in one word, and used it as a threat, but Zhou Hongfu Elder had no choice but to pretend to agree.

After returning to the residence, he immediately instructed Ye Rushuang to come to Hengnan City first, and made an appointment to meet in Hengnan City ten days later.

Ye Rushuang thought that the master didn't want her to be Fan Jianren's companion, but was forced to do so because of the elder's threat. She was very touched by the master's move, and immediately went to pick up a task, and then went straight to Hengnan City. Come.

But now the master didn't wait, but Fan Jianren came. Ye Rushuang saw someone knocking on the door three days ago, and thought it was the master, but when she opened the door, it was Fan Jianren's proud face. Also realized that own's whereabouts have been exposed.

Fan Jianren wanted to forcefully rush into the room, but unexpectedly the noise was too loud and attracted the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper persuaded Fan Jianren to leave in the name of protecting the customers in the shop. Of course, the main reason was because the shopkeeper was a cultivator in the fusion period, and Fan Jianren didn't dare to make mistakes.

In this way, Ye Rushuang spent three days trembling, thinking that as long as the master came, everything would be solved.

Fan Jianren went to the shopkeeper many times and lied that he was Ye Rushuang's dao companion. The two ignored Ye Rushuang because of their quarrel. He hoped that the shopkeeper would accommodate him and let him go to Ye Rushuang, and promised to give the shopkeeper a thousand middle-grade Spirit Stones.

The shopkeeper Naihe replied honestly: "She can't control the guests leaving the inn, but as long as Ye Rushuang is still in the store for a day, he has the right to protect the guests from being harassed."

The shopkeeper's attitude made Fan Jianren very angry, but he just didn't give face, and he couldn't beat him, so Fan Jianren had no choice but to order some food and drink and stay in the inn lobby

, he did not believe that Ye Rushuang could live here for the rest of his life.

Seeing this, the shopkeeper had nothing to do with Fan Jianren, after all, he was also a customer from another angle, so as long as he didn't make trouble, he didn't bother to take care of him.

That day, Chu Chenggou from Shenshou Mountain came to rest at the inn, and happened to see Fan Jianren drinking alone, because they had a relationship before, so Chu Chenggou came forward to say hello.

The two guys were like-minded in the first place, and when they met, they were friends for a long time. Fan Jianren soon revealed his purpose and experience for coming here.

"Brother Fan is really a fan of the authorities, and a bystander can tell. I have a clever plan here to get the beauty you hug, but I want to enjoy it afterwards, brother. I don't know what Brother Fan wants?" Chu Chenggou smiled confidently.

"What's so difficult about this? There are so many women in the world. How can you and my brother have such a deep relationship?" Fan Jianren agreed to Chu Chenggou's request without thinking about it. It's just a bitch, he doesn't care at all, he only cares about being able to humiliate Ye Rushuang under his body.

"Haha...Brother Fan is really bold, you and I are like let that Ye Rushuang become your and my crotch minister." Chu Chenggou smiled lewdly.

"Haha...Brother Chu really has a great idea, come, let's have another drink." Fan Jianren happily raised his glass, imagining Ye Rushuang's graceful figure in his heart.

On the flying boat, Lu Chen asked: "Senior Sister Zhou! Hengnan City is ahead, how can we meet Ye Rushuang with so many people in the city?"

"You don't have to worry about this. I specially refined two information Jade Slips before, which can sense the other party's position within ten thousand miles. You just need to inject Divine Sense into them." Zhou Hongfu took it from her waist. He took out a Jade Slip and handed it to Lu Chen, and now she has lost all her vital energy and cannot use Divine Sense.

At this moment, the two people on the flying boat could already see the city wall of Hengyang City. Having had the experience of Longquan City, Lu Chen lowered the flying boat ahead of time.

Lu Chen took the Jade Slip and poured Divine Sense into it. There are two red dots inside. The big red dot represents the Jade Slip in Lu Chen's hand, and the small red dot represents the one in Ye Rushuang's hand, and the one in Cang Lan's secret realm. The information sent by Sect in the middle is similar to Jade Slip.

"That's not right! Senior Sister Zhou! Didn't you say that Ye Rushuang was waiting for you in Hengnan City? Why? Jade Slip

It showed that Ye Rushuang was not in Hengnan City, but about thirty kilometers away in that direction. Lu Chen told what he saw and looked at Zhou Hongfu suspiciously.

"Not good! Something happened to Ye Rushuang, let's rush over to have a look." Zhou Hongfu exclaimed, she knew Ye Rushuang's nature best, she couldn't have left Hengnan City alone without waiting for her.

Lu Chen didn't dare to delay, threw out the flying boat and rushed towards Ye Rushuang's position.

Half an hour ago, Ye Rushuang in the inn suddenly received a letter. After opening the letter and reading the contents, Ye Rushuang immediately ran out of the room and ran out of the city.

The content of the letter is: "If Ye Rushuang wants to save your master, you are limited to half an hour to go to the southeast of Hengnan City, the valley 30 kilometers away, otherwise you can wait to collect your master's body!" Fan Zhengshan. "

Along the way, Ye Rushuang was very anxious, and her Movement Technique was running to the extreme. Although she knew that she would die if she went, she didn't dare to delay.

"Brother Fan! Look at Ye Rushuang, she's here, haha..." Chu Chenggou said with a smug smile, it was all planned by him.

"Hey...Brother Chu really has a clever plan, let's see how I catch him next." Fan Jianren patted his chest and said to himself.

According to the instructions in the letter, Ye Rushuang ran towards the southeast and found a valley. The valley was about 50 meters wide, with cliffs on both sides. The terrain was very dangerous. The terrain is relatively flat, but also rocky.

Ye Rushuang glanced at the endless valley, the sky above her head was lined up from the valley, a sense of uneasiness welled up in her heart.

But thinking that the master was inside, Ye Rushuang calmed down and approached the valley carefully.

"Haha...Ye Rushuang, we meet again!" Fan Jianren jumped out from behind Ye Rushuang and smiled triumphantly. His eyes were full of greed, and he looked at Ye Rushuang as if admiring his prey.

"Despicable!" Ye Rushuang knew in her heart that she had been tricked, and she didn't talk nonsense. The Magical Item long sword appeared in her hand, and looked at Fan Jianren warily.

"Hehe... meanness is nothing, I will show you how shameless and indecent I am later! Haha..." Fan Jianren said arrogantly.

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