Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 42 Purple Winged One-Horned Flood Dragon

"Haha... What a shameless bastard! Ye Rushuang, I think you might as well just catch me without a fight. My brothers and I will definitely make you ecstasy and drunk." At this moment, Chu Chenggou also jumped out, and together with Fan Jianren, they pinched Ye Rushuang back and forth.

"Endless ice thorns!" Ye Rushuang looked at the two with a cold expression and let out a low shout, forming seals in her hands. As soon as the words fell, countless ice thorns appeared out of thin air and shot towards the two with a fierce attack. Appeared in front of Fan Jianren.

Spirit Power poured into the Magical Item long sword, and the long sword instantly transformed into dozens of swords, flying around Ye Rushuang, and then swarmed towards Fan Jianren under the control of Divine Sense.

Ye Rushuang herself dodged and ran out of the valley.

"Do you dare to make a move with such a trick?" Chu Chenggou disdainfully said, and at the same time, a wall of fire was printed in his hand to block him. It seems that he is a fire attribute Spiritual Roots and his level is not low. Cheng Gou's figure flashed, and he was the first to block Ye Rushuang.

Facing Ye Rushuang's double attack, Fan Jianren's protective qi instantly enveloped him, his true energy gathered in his fist, and he punched out a phantom with a huge fist, hitting the ice spikes and sword shadows that Ye Rushuang issued.

After all, Fan Jianren was the Cultivation Base of the Foundation Establishment early stage, Ye Rushuang's attack was easily crushed by him.

Chu Chenggou didn't show any sympathy, his body turned into shadows, attacking Ye Rushuang from different directions.

Facing Chu Chenggou, who was also at the Foundation Establishment early stage, Ye Rushuang was helpless, and was severely injured by him in two or three hits. The Spirit Power in her body was also sealed, turning into an ordinary person, and then opened Ye Rushuang's mouth , stuffed a Medicine Pill into it, and catalyzed the medicinal power with true essence so that Ye Rushuang could absorb it quickly.

After finishing all this, Chu Chenggou gently stroked Ye Rushuang's cheeks and said, "She really is a stunning beauty! Brother Fan, please enjoy it quickly, and I will also enjoy it after I'm done! Haha..."

"Haha...Thank you, Brother Chu, I'll come right away." Fan Jianren smiled, his eyes brightened, he took out a big bed from the storage bag, hugged Ye Rushuang by the waist, and threw Ye Rushuang on the bed hard .

Ye Rushuang's Spirit Power was sealed and her body was imprisoned. Even if she wanted to commit suicide, she couldn't do it. Looking at Fan Jianren's ugly face, Ye Rushuang knew exactly what would happen next. Tears

It flowed down silently.

"Haha... baby! I'm coming!" Fan Jianren shattered the clothes all over his body with his true energy, and rushed towards the wooden bed like a hungry wolf.

"Whoosh!" Several green light spots shot at Fan Jianren's lower body at high speed, the sound of piercing the air alerted him, he never expected that someone would come to make trouble at this time.

Lu Chen drove the flying boat to hurry, and finally arrived at the location of Ye Rushuang's message Jade Slip. Seeing this scene, he felt furious, and mercilessly shot the Mother-Child Chiba blade at Fan Jianren's lifeblood.

Fan Jianren took out his clothes from the storage bag and put them on quickly. Seeing a flying boat land quickly, a bald young man and the red woman Elder jumped off the flying boat.

"Red...Red Fu Elder?" Fan Jianren said in horror, Hong Fu Elder is the Cultivation Base of Gold Core Dzogchen, she must have seen what he did just now, what should I do now?

Chu Chenggou was not too worried when he saw that Lu Chen was not in the Cultivation Base of the Great Consummation Stage, but Fan Jianren's words of "Red Lady Elder" really surprised him. Anyone who can be called an Elder must at least have a Gold Core stage. Cultivation Base, he began to regret getting involved with Fan Jianren, thinking about how to get out.

"Chu Chenggou, the great-great-grandson of Chu Dingtian, the head of the Divine Beast Mountain, can this Elder look at the face of the Divine Beast Mountain and let me go? I will be thankful in the future. Besides, nothing happened to Ye Rushuang." Chu Chenggou said respectfully. Self-reported family, hoping that the other party will forgive me. Biqu library

"Master! You... you are finally here, disciple! Disciple is so uncomfortable..." Ye Rushuang had mixed feelings in her heart, and shed tears of grievance.

"Lu Chen! Kill them!" Zhou Hongfu's eyes were full of murderous intent, and she shouted in a cold voice. These two guys actually gave her own disciples poisonous drugs. If it wasn't for the inability to use the true essence, she would have crushed them both. It is impossible to raise ashes.

"It's you?" Fan Jianren didn't recognize who the bald head was at first, but he suddenly realized when he heard his name, but he wondered in his heart that grandpa Fan Zhengshan went after Hongfu Elder? Didn't grandpa catch her? Or is it that grandpa was killed by Red Fu Elder?

"Hehe... Suffer death!" Lu Chen was even more angry when he heard that Shenshoushan, new and old grudges must be settled together today, and he rushed directly to the two, Mother-Child Chiba blade, small dragon gun, Lingbao wolf tooth rod

Unreservedly attacked the two of them.

Fan Jianren and Chu Chenggou saw that Hongfu Elder had no intention of making a move, they looked at each other, and each used their means to meet Lu Chen's attack.

For a moment, the valley was full of flames, flying sand and rocks. I have to say that Fan Jianren and Chu Chenggou still had some means. In the first round, both sides found out each other's reality.

Fan Jianren and Chu Chenggou were equally amazed that Lu Chen, a cultivator who had completed his qi refining period, possessed such strong Spirit Power. Neither of them would be sure to win against Lu Chen alone, and they might be easily killed by the other party. kill.

"Roar..." A dragon's chant resounded through the valley, and Chu Chenggou released a dragon tens of meters long, so he didn't need to keep it at this time.

"Fourth-order Demonic Beasts purple-winged one-horned dragon?" Zhou Hongfu shouted, starting to worry about Lu Chen in her heart. If Lu Chen is still capable of fighting against two Foundation Establishment early stages, then with the addition of a foundation comparable to Foundation The purple-winged one-horned dragon of the establishment middle stage cultivator, Lu Chen has almost no chance of winning. He has lost all his true energy and has no combat power. If Lu Chen loses, the fate of himself and Ye Rushuang can be imagined.

"Hehe... What a mountain of beasts, I will charge some interest for the inner alchemy of this purple-winged dragon." Lu Chen said something inexplicable, and with a thought, Gold-eating Toad and Heavenly Sword Praying Mantis appeared in the field.

The little earthworm who was still sleeping and refining the Gold Core in Fan Zhengshan's body was also forcibly awakened by Lu Chen, but it was too small for others to notice.

"It turned out to be you!" Chu Chenggou was shocked. Seeing that Lu Chen could drive two Demonic Beasts, he immediately recognized that Lu Chen was the person Sect was looking for. As the grandson of the head of the God Beast Mountain, he knew a lot about Lu Chen rumor.

"Quack...quack..." The Gold-eating Toad flew towards Fan Jianren under Lu Chen's instruction.

Tiandao Mantis is in charge of Chu Chenggou. These two Demonic Beasts now have the combat power of the Foundation Establishment early stage, which is enough to deal with them.

Lu Chen took the "Little Dragon Spear" and flew towards the Purple-winged One-horned Jiaojiao. Spirit Power poured into it, and a blue light flashed. The five-headed dragon shadows flew towards the Purple-winged One-horned Jiaojiao.

The purple-winged one-horned flood dragon sensed the suppression of the little earth's blood, and instinctively became afraid. Faced with Lu Chen's attack, it just dodged blindly and did not attack Lu Chen.

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