Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 43 Nephrite Jade Warm Fragrance

"Damn it! The Gold-eating Toad is no more than the second-order Demonic Beasts, how can it be so strong?" Fan Jianren complained, his majestic Foundation Establishment early stage cultivator was defeated by a Demonic Beasts, almost hit by its tongue several times However, Fan Jianren couldn't attack the Gold-eating Toad, and was dodged deftly by it every time.

Chu Chenggou's side was not much better. The Sky Knife Mantis' defense was extremely strong, and Chu Chenggou's attack had no effect at all. Instead, he was pressed hard by the Sky Knife Mantis.

Lu Chen was also very depressed. He didn't expect the purple-winged dragon's defense to be so strong. He had already resorted to various methods. Apart from sparking some sparks on the surface of the purple-winged dragon, he didn't even leave any traces. .

Zhou Hongfu was stunned. He didn't expect that Lu Chen could drive Demonic Beasts to fight, and there were two Demonic Beasts. This seemed to have broken the rules of Cultivation World, which even many old monsters from Shenshou Mountain couldn't do. It was the first time she started to look at Lu Chen squarely.

Seeing that Lu Chen was able to cope with the current situation, Zhou Hongfu also heaved a sigh of relief, otherwise she and Ye Rushuang would not escape death today, and they might even be humiliated.

Although the Purple Winged One-horned Jiaojiao was afraid of being suppressed by the blood of the ancient mythical beast Little Earth, but Lu Chen repeatedly attacked. The Purple-winged One-horned Jiaojiao also had a temper. With a roar, the pier-thick tail whipped towards Lu Chen like a whip.

At the critical moment, Lu Chen's Xuantian nine-step movement reached the limit, and he jumped onto the head of the purple-winged dragon with the help of the cliff.

The Purple-Winged One-horned Jiaojiao kept swinging its body, trying to throw Lu Chen off. Lu Chen firmly grabbed the Purple-winged One-horned Jiaojiao's horn, and at the same time ordered the ancient mythical beast Xiaozhu to get into the Purple-winged One-horned Jiaojiao's ear inside.

The little earthworm found the right time and flew into the ear of the purple-winged one-horned flood dragon, broke through its eardrum, and then burrowed into its brain.

"Roar..." The purple-winged one-horned dragon wailed and slammed into the mountain desperately. Seeing the momentum, Lu Chen jumped off the head of the purple-winged one-horned dragon.

Not long after, the Purple Winged One-horned Jiaojiao fell from the air, kicking up a cloud of dust, and the little earthworm flew out from the mouth of the Purple-winged One-horned Jiaojiao.

Everyone didn't know what happened to the Purple Winged One-horned Jiaojiao, why it suddenly fell to the ground, stopped moving, and lost its vitality. The only thing that was certain was that it had something to do with Lu Chen.

Only Lu Chen knows

After the little earthworm entered the purple-winged dragon's brain, it quickly ate its brains and sucked up all its Blood Essence. It was just because the Gold Core it ate last time had not been refined, so the little earthworm even ate the purple-winged dragon's brain. The One-horned Jiaojiao didn't even eat the inner alchemy, so it returned to Lu Chen's side.

Lu Chen smoothly sent the little earthworm into the world of Jinzhu.

"Pfft... bastard! What did you do to my purple-winged one-horned dragon?" Chu Chenggou yelled at Lu Chen, spitting out a mouthful of blood. The moment the purple-winged one-horned dragon lost its vitality, he was sealed by the contract The backlash, although not fatal, also caused him serious injuries.

At this moment, the Heavenly Knife Praying Mantis has already attacked with two big knife-like front paws. Chu Chenggou secretly hated and could only resist desperately. Chu Chenggou, who was already at a disadvantage, was backlashed again. Sooner or later.

"Lu Chen! Let your Demonic Beasts stop quickly. You and I have no grievances. Can you let me go on the face of the beast mountain? I am willing to hand over all the resources." Chu Chenggou resisted the sky. The knife mantis attacked, and began to beg for mercy, adding a few more wounds to his body.

Seeing that Lu Chen was unmoved, Chu Chenggou was very anxious, and said: "Lu Chen! You can't kill me. My grandfather is the head of Shenshou Mountain. If anything happens to me, he will definitely investigate to the end. You won't be able to escape from Tianya cape."

"Noisy!" Lu Chen said coldly, instructing the Sky Knife Mantis to kill him quickly, and then go to eat the Golden Toad.

How did Chu Chenggou know that Shenshoushan had a feud with Lu Chen who killed his teacher, so how could Lu Chen let him go.

Sure enough, the Heavenly Knife Praying Mantis stepped up its attack, and soon Chu Chenggou's body was cut into several sections, and he died with regret.

Then the figure of Tiandao Mantis flashed and ran towards Fan Jianren.

"Lu Chen! Come here quickly, Ye Rushuang has a severe attack of toxicity." Zhou Hongfu shouted, at this moment Ye Rushuang's eyes were glowing red, and her whole body was soaked in sweat. She kept helping Ye Rushuang tidy up her clothes.

"Damn it! It's an aphrodisiac again." Lu Chen scolded, Ye Rushuang heard the man's voice at this moment, and rushed towards Lu Chen as if discovering a new land, and made Lu Chen very embarrassed, and quickly hit her with a Spirit Power to knock her out, Then expel the poison from her body.

"Thank you!"

Ye Rushuang, who came, thanked Lu Chen shyly. Although the poison controlled her consciousness, she was very clear about what she was doing.

"It's fine! It's fine!" Zhou Hongfu saw Ye Rushuang's embarrassment, and came out with a smile to smooth things over.

" guys talk, I'll clean up the mess first." Lu Chen fled away in embarrassment with his bald head. The Golden Toad had already beheaded Fan Jianren, and Lu Chen skillfully put away the two storage bags, By the way, send Xiaotian and Xiaojin into the world of Jinzhu.

Lu Chen came to the dead body of the Purple-winged One-horned Dragon, pinpointed the neck position, and inserted the mother blade of the Mother-Child Chiba blade fiercely. This is where the Purple-winged One-horned Dragon's defense is weakest, and it is also the inner alchemy. s position.

" smells so good!" Lu Chen couldn't help sighing, after some manipulations, he pulled out a pink inner alchemy the size of a basketball, which shone with pink brilliance, and a refreshing fragrance permeated the air, giving people a breath of fresh air. A happy feeling.

"What smell is so fragrant?" Ye Rushuang asked curiously, both she and Zhou Hongfu were attracted by this fragrance.

"It should be from the inner alchemy of the Purple Winged One-horned Jiaojiao, look!" Lu Chen happily held up the pink inner alchemy and showed it to the two of them.

"This is?" Zhou Hongfu frowned.

"Bo..." At this moment, the sudden change occurred, and the pink inner alchemy suddenly exploded, and the sky was filled with pink smoke, and the three of them were all filled by the pink smoke, and they all became happy at the same time.

"'s cheap for you!" Zhou Hongfu sighed, what kind of inner alchemy is this? Fall in love.


The young crows sleep in the misty willows at night, and the lamps and candles burnt in the tents shine through.

The silver poppy pours the fragrance of hibiscus into the wine, and the gold silk sandalwood groove plays for the king.

The voice of the song is like the voice of a warbler, like a blue wisp of incense.

The coiled dragon embroidered with the same heart, dragged Wu Yun to follow the rain in the gorge.

The singing is not exhausted, and the fragrance is not extinguished, and the fragrance of the song screen makes the eyes dizzy.

Xiaoyu urges to spread the Shu brocade quilt, and the shadow of the screen window turns to the moon of tung flowers.

Lu Chen felt that he had a very wonderful dream. In the dream, he finally took off his virgin hat, and he was still the goddess Ye Rushuang and Zhou Hongfu. Biqu library

The battle continued until exhausted, and the three fell asleep in an embrace.

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