Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 382 Unrequited Love

However, when Wang Jingxuan woke up, Lu Chen saw that her dazed eyes had become clear, but gave off a very cold and strange feeling.

"Hey hey... good girl! Let's go! Daddy will take you to buy candy donuts to eat. When you were young, you liked to eat candy donuts the most..."

The old beggar clapped his hands and grinned happily, saying,

As he spoke, he stretched out his dirty hand, ready to pull Wang Jingxuan's arm.


Seeing this, Wang Jingxuan's face suddenly changed, and he glanced at the old beggar indifferently, at the same time a cold breath burst out from his body instantly.

The old beggar was taken aback by his daughter's indifferent eyes, his outstretched hand froze in the air, and said with an aggrieved look on his face:

"Hey, don't be angry, it's all about Daddy's fault, can Daddy ride a horse for you?"

As he said that, the old beggar really lay down on the ground, crawled to Wang Jingxuan's feet with both hands and feet, and motioned for his daughter to sit on his back.

But Wang Jingxuan showed disgust when he saw this, and indifferently reprimanded:

"Damn madman, get the hell out of here!"

As soon as the words fell, a Lingbao-level long sword appeared in his hand, and without a word, he directly stabbed at the old beggar who was lying on the ground.


The old beggar screamed, then instinctively crawled to the side, looking at the lovely daughter in his heart with aggrieved eyes, but he didn't dare to approach Wang Jingxuan again.

He didn't have any precautions against Wang Jingxuan. The Lingbao-level long sword passed through his body. When the long sword was pulled out, a blood hole was immediately exposed on his back, and blood gushed out instantly.

"Oh... that crazy beggar is really pitiful. He must have regarded this girl as his daughter, but this girl is too cruel."

Among the cultivators watching, a young cultivator shook his head and sighed.

"Who said no! That woman didn't even blink her eyes

, really echoed the old saying, the more beautiful a woman is, the more dangerous she is. "

Seeing this, another middle-aged cultivator echoed.

Lu Chen naturally heard the cultivator's discussion clearly.

To be honest, he could also see that the old beggar had no malice towards Wang Jingxuan, let alone guard against it.

Otherwise, how could the old beggar's Cultivation Base in the Nascent Soul stage be stabbed by Wang Jingxuan in the Dzogchen fusion stage.

However, Wang Jingxuan's actions were indeed a little too much, and completely inconsistent with his image of being kind, lively, lovely, and helpful.

He was even more certain in his heart that Wang Jingxuan must have encountered some misfortune.

After stabbing the old beggar, Wang Jingxuan's expression did not fluctuate at all. Seeing that the old beggar dared not pester her any more, she prepared to leave.

When the old beggar saw his daughter leaving again, a silly smile appeared on his aggrieved face again,

As if he didn't remember what happened just now, he followed suit.

However, at this moment, a fierce Sword Ray, with terrifying power, suddenly struck from a distance at high speed,

Everyone saw almost only a cyan streamer, which showed its speed.

"Be careful!"

The sudden change caused Lu Chen's complexion to change instantly, and he quickly reminded him loudly.

However, as soon as Lu Chen finished speaking, the cyan Sword Ray shot towards the old beggar's chest.

Perhaps because he instinctively felt the danger, the old beggar's palms were suddenly clasped together in front of his chest.

The cyan streamer was directly caught by the palm of the old beggar, unable to penetrate an inch, and then everyone saw the cyan streamer, which turned out to be a long sword.

But the strong inertia caused the old beggar's body to be dragged directly behind him,

At the same time, the airflow blows up the old beggar's long hair, revealing a yellow and thin face, his face is covered with dirt, and his lips are covered with fine cracks, but he has the same relationship with Wang Jingxuan.

Somewhat similar faces.

"Huh? It's him?" Lu Chen blurted out in shock.

Before the old beggar had disheveled hair, Lu Chen couldn't see his face clearly, but now the strong air current blows the old beggar's long hair away, so that Lu Chen can see the whole picture of the old beggar clearly.

Immediately thought of who this old beggar was, no wonder I always had a feeling of déjà vu just now.

Because this old beggar is none other than the middle-aged cultivator who he met on the way to Yinfeng Valley in Wuchuan Prefecture when he left Yunluocheng and was poisoned by the Nine Nether Mandala Flower.

At that time, I saw that he was somewhat similar to Wang Jingxuan, so I was moved by the silhouette,

In order to help him detoxify the poison of the Nine Nether Mandala Flowers, I was very heartbroken, so I took out a drop of Wannian Stone Essence and gave him a drink.

Later, because he was grateful to himself, he also said that he would give himself some resources, but in the end he didn't show anything.

In order to avoid embarrassment, I left Queque in high spirits.

However, what I never dreamed of was that the crazy old beggar in front of me would be him.


On the old beggar's side, he clasped his palms together to clamp the long sword, preventing him from advancing an inch. After his body retreated at a high speed for a certain distance, he stomped his feet fiercely.

Horrific cracks immediately appeared on the stone bricks on the square, and one foot was directly embedded in the soil under the stone bricks, which stabilized his figure.

At this time, a middle-aged female cultivator dressed in a gray Taoist robe came quickly through the air,

Then it landed firmly next to Wang Jingxuan.

I saw that man, about forty or fifty years old, with a cold complexion and a very beautiful appearance, but his eyebrows were slanting and drooping.

His face looked very strange, but he always kept a benign smile.

"Master Miejue?" Lu Chen blurted out as soon as he saw the person coming, and then quickly covered his mouth, feeling inexplicably terrified in his heart.

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