Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 383 The Identity Of The Old Beggar

Just as the old beggar was playing with the long sword in his hand, there was still a happy smile on his face.

The long sword in his hand suddenly flew out with a "whoosh", and the old beggar looked curiously at the long sword that had flown back to the hand of the real Mie Xin.

"Hey hey... It's fun! It's fun! Fly one more." The old beggar said with a smile, clapping his palms.

After Master Mie Xin glanced at the old beggar, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Because she suddenly discovered that this crazy old beggar, like her own Cultivation Base, is also the Cultivation Base of Nascent Soul's Dzogchen period.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Master Mie Xin called Wang Jingxuan to leave immediately.

Lu Chen watched Wang Jingxuan Yujianfei and her master prepare to leave, even if she wanted to help Wang Jingxuan find out why she lost her memory, she didn't dare to act rashly.

After all, the old nun's Cultivation Base gave me an unfathomable feeling.

But when the old beggar saw his daughter, stepped on a long sword and jumped into the air, he knew that her daughter was going to run away again.

Immediately, he followed Takong and got up, ready to chase after Wang Jingxuan.

Real Mie Xin sees the old beggar chasing after him in the air, but his benevolent eyes are fixed. What she hates most in her life is a man, let alone a crazy old beggar.

"Jiechen, go to the side first, and come back as a teacher." Master Miexin instructed.

Then he stepped back quickly, and with a thought, a long sword suddenly appeared in his hand.

"Look! They are going to fight again!" At this moment, a cultivator pointed to the sky and said in shock.

Many cultivators on the square saw this scene and talked about it one after another.

"Hehehe... Let's fight! Let's fight! If they don't fight, how can we have fun?"

A cultivator said gloatingly, and found a place to enjoy the upcoming battle leisurely.

"Oops! The old beggar has mental problems, he must not be the old nun's match." Lu Chen thought worriedly.

After all, I used to save him with a drop of Wannian Stone Marrow Dew. If something happened to the old beggar, wouldn't my hard work be in vain?

And according to the similarity between the eyebrows of the two, Lu Chen guessed that it was very possible that this old beggar was really Wang Jingxuan's father.

Otherwise, why didn't he bother others, but just stared at Wang Jingxuan.

Just after Lu Chen's breath of thought, Miexin Daoist had already stepped close to the old beggar.

It's too late, but it's fast.

I saw that the long sword in the hands of Daoist Miexin, under the infusion of his true energy, suddenly shone with a blue light, very dazzling, and the move was a big move of own.

one after another

A powerful and icy aura enveloped the entire square almost instantly.

Many cultivators with low Cultivation Base in the square felt that they were suddenly in a world of ice and snow, which made them shiver, which was very strange.

Hurry up and desperately escape from the Alchemy tower square, so as not to harm the fish pond.

Cultivators with a higher Cultivation Base all used their own primordial energy to resist this cold and strange aura, which made them feel a little better.

However, these people also took to the air with their swords one after another, watching from a distance, among them was Lu Chen.

At this time, everyone's eyes showed horror.

Mie Xin Daoist swung his sword, and a giant ice dragon with a length of 100 meters suddenly appeared in the sky out of thin air.

With a more terrifying icy breath, it seems to freeze the world.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho..."

The huge ice dragon made a huge dragon roar, and the sound resounded through the sky,

Then he bared his fangs and claws, and with terrifying power, he rushed directly to the old beggar who had come through the air.

All this happens almost at the snap of a finger.

The terrifying power made the face of the cheerful old beggar change instantly.

Although he didn't know why the huge ice dragon flew towards him, he instinctively felt that it was very dangerous.

Without even thinking about it, he stepped into the air and flew to the side, trying to avoid the impact of the ice dragon.

Real Mie Xin showed disdain in his eyes when he saw this.

In the midst of this flash, the huge ice dragon seemed to know in advance the direction in which the old beggar was going to escape, so it flew in that direction first.

Because the old beggar was insane, he didn't know how to use defensive Magic Treasures to resist at all, so he could only choose to run away instinctively, but he didn't care if he did the mental calculation.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the old beggar was hit solidly as if hit by a speeding high-speed train.

"Boom..." There was a huge boom in the sky.


Immediately, there was a scream, and then the crowd saw a black shadow falling towards the square like a shooting star. They didn't even need to think about it, they knew it was the figure of the old beggar.

After hearing that scream, Wang Jingxuan couldn't help feeling a pain in his heart, as if something precious was about to be lost, and fixed his eyes on the direction where the old beggar fell.

Just when everyone thought that the old beggar would fall on the square and turn into a puddle of meat, a figure flew towards the old beggar like lightning.

Then everyone saw a faint white halo emerging from the old beggar's body.

Then a terrifying aura spread to the surroundings, making people fearful.

After Takong stopped in the air, Miexin Daoist felt this terrifying breath

, I was shocked.

From her Cultivation Base, she could see clearly that it was a young cultivator who caught the old beggar who was falling rapidly, but she didn't care.

But what shocked her was that the young man seemed to have given the old beggar some Medicine Pill, so that the old beggar exuded a powerful aura, and his seriously injured body seemed to be recovering quickly.

At this moment, after taking the Medicine Pill, the old beggar lying on the square was filled with powerful vitality, and the injuries in his body were almost recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The originally sallow and thin face quickly filled up, and the gray hair also quickly turned black. The whole image gave people a radiant look, and returned to the middle-aged appearance of forty or fifty years old.

After the white halo disappeared, the old beggar suddenly opened his eyes, and a sharp light shot out from them.

When seeing Lu Chen, the old beggar immediately said pleasantly:

"Hahaha... little brother! It's you! Thank you so much for saving my life, Wang Haocang. We'll talk about the old days later. I'll kill that old hag first."

As soon as the words fell, the middle-aged cultivator who claimed to be Wang Haocang shot into the sky like a cannonball.

The strong energy made Lu Chen's robe rattle.

Although Wang Haocang was insane because of a brain injury before, but now that the old and new injuries have healed, he still remembers the previous memories.

Knowing the changes in her daughter Wang Jingxuan, knowing that Wang Jingxuan called that old nun Master, and knowing that I almost died in the hands of that old nun just now,

So Wang Haocang, who had recovered, flew up immediately, wanting to settle the score with Mie Xin Zhenren.

"Wang Haocang? Wang Jingxuan? Is he really Wang Jingxuan's father?"

Lu Chen said with surprise on his face when he heard the words, and then looked up into the sky.

Before, he couldn't bear to see Own's efforts in vain, and out of sympathy, he caught the old beggar who was falling rapidly,

And when he had his last breath, he gave him a ten-thousand-year stone marrow vitality pill, which saved the life of the old beggar.

But who once thought that the person he rescued by mistake was actually Wang Jingxuan's father.

"Hehehe...It's a coincidence. Fortunately, I didn't mean to detoxify Wang Jingxuan's father at the beginning. Otherwise, I would regret it to death."

Lu Chen in the square couldn't help sighing in his heart after learning the identity of the old beggar.

Immediately, he looked up and saw Wang Jingxuan, who was flying in the air with Yu Jianfei, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Stepping on the "Qinghong" Flying Sword, the body turned into an afterimage, and flew directly towards Wang Jingxuan in the air......

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