Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 385 The Most Ruthless Way

The powerful real energy fluctuations produced by the battle at the Nascent Soul level immediately attracted the attention of Tai Bai Cheng Dongcheng District.

Many cultivators stopped what they were doing, flew with their swords or stepped into the air, and rushed to the direction of the Alchemy tower to watch the excitement.

Soon, at least a few thousand cultivators gathered in the sky above the square of the Alchemy tower, and there were even quite a few cultivators arriving one after another.

After Su Ruolan left the Su Mansion, she first went to visit a few playmates who grew up together. She knew that Lu Chen went to break into the Alchemy Tower.

So she was going to go to the Alchemy tower to find Lu Chen again according to the time.

But when Su Ruolan overheard, a cultivator was discussing that in the square of the Alchemy Tower, a young cultivator gave him a magical Medicine Pill after saving an old beggar.

As a result, the old beggar, who was seriously injured and dying, was instantly reborn, and returned to his peak state within a few breaths.

There are no fools in the Cultivation World, and many people immediately guessed that there must be some heaven-defying healing medicine on the young cultivator.

And the main medicines that can be used to refine the holy medicine for healing are all good fortunes that surpass heaven and earth, and precious and unusual Heavenly and Mortal Treasures.

There are even cultivators who think of: chaotic green lotus, Wannian purple versicolor, Wannian stone marrow dew, Bodhi fruit and other heaven-defying spiritual things.

However, no matter what kind of spiritual thing it is, it is worth these people's madness. For a while, many cultivators wanted to find that young cultivator to ask a question or two.

Even Tai Bai Cheng's City Lord's Mansion sent a butler to go there in person.

It can be said that because of Lu Chen's unintentional move, he successfully pushed himself to the cusp of the storm. For a while, the sky above the entire Alchemy tower square was full of turbulent winds and hidden murderous intentions.

If it weren't for the old beggar Nascent Soul's Cultivation Base during the Dzogchen period, which calmed down these young people, it is estimated that the young cultivator would have been wiped out long ago.

Hearing this, Su Ruolan frowned, she guessed that the young cultivator should be Lu Chen without even thinking about it, and she couldn't help thinking:

"Hey... this kid, he doesn't know how to restrain himself when he does things. How dare he take out such a holy medicine for healing as the Wannian Stone Essence Vitality Pill in public. I have to go and have a look."

After speaking, Yujian flew towards the Alchemy Tower Square.

And these Lu Chen did not know that he was standing in the air with his sword at the moment,

Standing side by side with Wang Haocang who was standing in the air, he looked worriedly at Wang Jingxuan whose throat was locked by Daoist Miexin.

He also did not expect that this old nun who claimed to be Wang Jingxuan Master would suddenly change her face and take Wang Jingxuan as a hostage.

"Old witch! Let go of my daughter, I can let you leave safely, or my king

Hao Cang swears, Tianya Haijiao will definitely tear you to pieces. "

Seeing his daughter being strangled by the opponent, Wang Haocang's face was flushed and her breathing was short of breath, and he immediately reprimanded angrily, but he didn't dare to act rashly.

"" Wang Jingxuan shouted with difficulty, the feeling of suffocation let her know that Master's words were not trying to scare the other party.

This made her feel disappointed, she didn't know why, the Master she respected would treat her like this.

"Shut up!" Daoist Mie Xin let out a low voice, holding the hand around Wang Jingxuan's neck, without any intention of letting go.

Upon hearing this, Wang Jingxuan was so frightened that tears flowed out.

How did she know that Mie Xin Daoist has practiced "Xuan Tian Wang Qing" for many years, and he has already cut off all emotions and desires.

The seven emotions refer to: joy, anger, worry, fear, love, hatred, and desire.

The six desires refer to: the desire for survival, the desire for knowledge, the desire for expression, the desire for performance, the desire for comfort, and the desire for lust.

It has been achieved even more: neither sorrow nor joy, no desires and demands, no relatives or reasons, no encumbrances and no worries, achieving the way of ruthlessness.

When her life is threatened, let alone a disciple, even her own daughter, she will not hesitate.

"I advise you that it is best not to move, or I will kill her!"

Master Miexin glanced at Wang Haocang and threatened,

After speaking, he took Wang Jingxuan and flew out cautiously, for fear that Wang Haocang would sneak attack him.

Wang Haocang was worried about his daughter's safety. Although he was angry, he didn't dare to act rashly. He could only watch helplessly as his daughter was taken away.

Just when Mie Xin Daoist flew upside down with Wang Jingxuan for a certain distance, and was about to turn around and run away.

Suddenly felt a strong stabbing pain in his arm, and then a small thing ran along his arm, rushed into own Meridians quickly, and flew directly towards Dantian.

The intense pain caused Mie Xin to subconsciously let go of the hand that was holding Wang Jingxuan's neck.

It was at this moment that a figure flew towards Mie Xin Daoist like lightning.

Quickly knocked Wang Jingxuan out, and threw her out. At the same time, a Mother-Child Chiba blade appeared in his hand,

The Mother-Child Chiba blade shone with blue brilliance under the perfusion of its true essence,

With a fierce momentum, he stabbed directly and viciously at the chest of Master Mie Xin.

All this happens almost only in the blink of an eye.

The person who came was none other than Lu Chen who had collaborated many times with the ancient mythical beast Little Earthworm.

He had long been thinking about how to rescue Wang Jingxuan from that old nun's hands,

After much deliberation, he finally decided to take advantage of the concealment and mobility of the ancient mythical beast, Little Earthworm, and ask it to sneak attack the old nun's Dantian.

This kind of sneaky thing

, for the ancient mythical beast Little Earthworm, it is already familiar.

Things really developed as Lu Chen expected, allowing him to use the flying speed of Chaos Sword Flying Technique, coupled with the cooperation of the ancient beast Xiaozhu, to successfully rescue Wang Jingxuan.

However, the sudden change made Miexin very angry. She didn't expect this kid to be so fast, and in the blink of an eye, Juechen had already been rescued by him.

Immediately, he was ready to slap this daring boy to death.

The other hand blocked the opponent's wrist like lightning, preventing Lu Chen Mother-Child Chiba's attack in time.

But immediately, Mie Xin Daoist's face suddenly revealed a look of horror, causing the palm that was slapping Lu Chen to stop suddenly and stop in mid-air.

Because in the blink of an eye, Mie Xin was horrified to find that that unknown little thing was already approaching own Dantian.

This startled her, and she immediately realized that the biggest crisis actually came from within her body, so she hurriedly used her true essence to wrap that unknown little thing, preventing it from getting an inch in.

Dantian is the foundation of the cultivator's cultivation, if it is destroyed, it will be fine, so Master Miexin can't care about other things.

That is, in the gap between breaths, Lu Chen was ready to retreat.

However, Miexin Daoist, whose true essence wrapped the unknown little thing in his body, came back to his senses, a vicious look flashed in his eyes, and he immediately slapped it out.


Feeling a sudden terrifying aura coming from his back, Lu Chen's expression changed suddenly, he quickly changed direction, and desperately fled with his sword.

"Little brother! Be careful!" Wang Haocang reminded loudly.

Immediately, he struck out with a sword, and his true essence instantly condensed into a huge Sword Ray tens of meters long, which directly slashed at the real Miexin.

After catching the unconscious Wang Jingxuan, he was only focused on checking his daughter's condition, forgetting about Lu Chen for a while, until he felt the terrifying attack of Miexin Daoist, but it was too late to stop him.

He could only make a hasty move to prevent the old hag from chasing down his own little brother.

However, Mie Xin Daoist is the cultivator of Nascent Soul Dzogchen stage, the speed is so fast, Lu Chen just wanted to turn around to avoid her attack,

His back suddenly felt like being hit by a sledgehammer, a mouthful of blood spewed out on the spot, his body lost his balance instantly, and fell directly from the air to the ground at an extremely fast speed.

Mie Xin Daoist knew that if he didn't run away today, he might not have a chance later.

After avoiding Wang Haocang's attack, he directly and decisively stepped into the air and left...

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