Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 386: Meeting By Fate

Lu Chen, whose body was falling extremely fast, was enveloped in an icy aura, his face was pale, his lips were purple, and a streak of hoarfrost formed on his eyebrows.

The whole body was shivering from the cold, especially the back, it felt like it was frozen and lost consciousness.

Can't help cursing in my heart:

"Damn it, damn it! What kind of fucking move did you use? It really froze daddy to death."

Lu Chen, whose body looks like he just came out of an ice curry, complained in his heart, and at the same time as he fell extremely fast, his body tried to run the Chaos Dao Sheng Jue,

But it was surprisingly discovered that the true essence in the body was filled with a terrifying cold aura, which made the true essence move very slowly.

At this speed, I am afraid that by the time I recover, I will have already fallen into a puddle of flesh.

Just as he was secretly scolding Wang Jingxuan's father for being too desperate to save him, a faint fragrance came.

Then, Lu Chen's eyes appeared, a dark cloud hair, apricot face peach cheeks, light eyebrows like spring hills, eyes like autumn waves, breast augmentation and waist, full buttocks and legs, exuding a refined temperament, simply She is a stunning beauty cultivator who is so beautiful. Biqu library

The stunningly beautiful cultivator hugged Lu Chen, who was falling rapidly, in his arms.

At this moment, Lu Chen felt that his own face hit the two lumps of softness, which was very elastic.

Then a jade hand sent a milky white Medicine Pill to Own's mouth, and Lu Chen swallowed the Medicine Pill without thinking.

The body was immediately filled with powerful vitality, and within a few breaths, the terrifying icy aura disappeared, and Lu Chen's face glowed again.

Feeling that he was lying in the arms of the beautiful woman, Lu Chen felt very satisfied, and unconsciously touched the soft place with his hand.

"Hmph...You kid, you are about to be in trouble, and you are still so dishonest."

The stunning beauty pushed Lu Chen's hand away, and said with a coquettish snort.

"'s Sister Su! I didn't expect such a coincidence, but you came at the right time, otherwise I would have been thrown into a puddle of meat."

Lu Chen pretended to have just recognized Su Ruolan, and smiled cheekily.

With a thought, Divine Sense controlled the "Qinghong" Flying Sword that fell in the distance, and the Flying Sword swished and flew back to the hand automatically.

"A catastrophe is imminent? What is an imminent disaster?" Lu Chen asked suspiciously after recovering.

Seeing Lu Chen's oblivious look, Su Ruolan knew that this kid didn't know that there were many cultivators trying to trick him.

Her beautiful eyes gave Lu Chen an angry look, and then Divine Sense transmitted the sound and told him the news she had heard.

Lu Chen's expression changed after hearing this, and he subconsciously looked around at the cultivators who hadn't left yet.

However, seeing many malicious looks, I thought to myself:

"Fuck! Careless!"

"Then what should we do now?" Lu Chen asked softly.

"Hehehe... Don't worry, didn't you save an old beggar who has a Nascent Soul stage Dzogchen? This strength is enough to temporarily protect your Zhouquan,

What's more, my Su family is quite powerful here, Bai Cheng, unless the Power of the Expanding Aperture period comes forward, but how can the Power of the Expanding Aperture period make a move so easily?

So from now on, as long as you stay in the Su family obediently, my sister will protect you. "

Su Ruolan once again transmitted the sound channel to Lu Chen Divine Sense.

But after Lu Chen listened to it, he felt speechless for a while. What does it mean to stay in Su's house obediently? Do you want to be a son-in-law and eat soft food?

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart:

"It's all because of that damn strength. Without strength, even taking out a Medicine Pill will cause others to stare at me. I'm really aggrieved.

It seems that I have to find a way to refine some gold yuan pills so that I can break through to the Gold Core stage in a short time. "

Jin Yuan Dan is a pill recipe that Lu Chen learned in the Alchemy Tower,

This pill can help the cultivator quickly solidify the true essence in the body, increasing the probability of the cultivator forming a Gold Core.

To put it simply, the cultivator's gaseous Spirit Power is converted into a liquid state and stored in Dantian for the Foundation Establishment period.

The transformation of the liquid true essence into a honey-like viscous state is the fusion period.

Transforming the viscous true essence into a jelly shape is the Dzogchen fusion period.

Harden the jelly-like true essence and knead it into a ball, which is the Gold Core stage.

The role of Jin Yuan Dan is like a plasticizer, which can not only harden the true essence, but also shape the true essence into a spherical shape.

Of course, this is just a simple metaphor, and the difficulty is enormous.

Otherwise, there would not be tens of thousands of cultivators stuck in the integration period of Dzogchen and unable to breakthrough for their entire lives, and finally died of hatred.

"Hahaha... Thank you, little brother. Not only did you save my life again, you also saved my daughter. I really don't know how to thank you. I originally wanted to give you some resources as a thank you.

But money is a little tight recently, I'm really sorry, why don't I owe it first! I will thank you again when I have a chance,

But you brother, I, Wang Haocang, will recognize it from now on, if you can use me in anything, feel free to come to me. "

At this time, a hearty laugh came, interrupting Lu Chen's thoughts, and then Wang Haocang took the unconscious Wang Jingxuan, stepped down to Lu Chen's side and laughed.

The cultivators watching all around saw that there was nothing exciting to watch, and they all left with their swords. Only a small number of people still stayed in the air with evil intentions, staring at Lu Chen from a distance.

Lu Chen naturally sees these things, but with Sister Su

If you do, know that you are still safe in front of you.

"Hehehe... Senior, you are over the top! Actually... Actually, Wang Jingxuan and I have known each other for a long time..."

Lu Chen smiled shyly at Wang Haocang's cupped hands.

Then, he simply told the acquaintance process between himself and Wang Jingxuan.

But Wang Haocang immediately showed a surprised expression when he heard the words:

"Are you Lu Chen?'s a coincidence, I didn't expect Lu Chen to be you."

Back then, his daughter Wang Jingxuan stole the Own Great Teleportation Talisman and gave it to an unknown kid. Wang Haocang knew about it.

But he knew his daughter's temperament better, so he deliberately inquired about Lu Chen's details, but he didn't get much.

Until later, when my daughter came back from the trial in the endless forest, she was often depressed, and sometimes she sat alone in the back garden in a daze,

Still muttering Lu Chen's name, saying something to lie to me, owe me three conditions, etc.

As a man, if Wang Haocang still doesn't know that his daughter likes Lu Chen, he might as well buy a piece of tofu and kill him.

But Wang Haocang didn't want his daughter to be with Lu Chen, a poor boy who wanted status but no status and no family background.

He even hopes that his daughter can form a companion with the son of his friend Zhang Bingtian, that is, Zhang Haoyang.

But who once thought that Zhang Bingtian, regardless of his years of feelings, actually harmed him for a piece of heavenly evil work, causing him to almost die.

What surprised him even more was that the little guy he was not optimistic about saved his life twice.

"Hehehe...senior! This is not a place to talk, how about we go to another place to talk about the past, Wang Jingxuan also needs a quieter environment for treatment, doesn't he?"

Seeing the shocked look on Wang Haocang's face, Lu Chen knew that he must have known himself before, but had never met him. Considering Wang Jingxuan's state, he proposed.

"Uh...okay..." Wang Haocang said in astonishment before he recovered from the shock.

Then he looked at Lu Chen with complicated eyes, and then at the stunning beauty Su Ruolan next to Lu Chen, wondering what he was thinking.

Su Ruolan met Wang Haocang's gaze, smiled politely and nodded in salute.

Afterwards, at Su Ruolan's suggestion, the few of them flew to Su Mansion together.

Watching several people leave, a middle-aged cultivator ordered his subordinates:

"You follow them quietly, see where they go, and remember to send me a message at any time..."

"Yes!" Hearing the words, the subordinate's figure flashed, and disappeared into the air very strangely... ……………………………………………

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