Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 387 White Jade Yellow Maple Tree

The Beichen River is the largest river in Beichen Continent, spanning the entire Beichen Continent from west to east.

At this moment, on a bank on the south bank of the Beichen River, smoke is rising, and the burning fire is crackling.

A young cultivator with a tall figure, a big belly, a fat head and big ears, and his eyes narrowed into slits when he smiled,

He was happily putting the drink on the fire, and the Demonic Beasts, which were being roasted and sizzling, were evenly sprinkled.

" smells so good!" Beside the fire, a beautiful cultivator with a good figure and good looks, after smelling the smell of meat, couldn't help showing a happy smile on his slightly sick face, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva and praised.

"Hahaha... Needless to say, my craftsmanship is no worse than Lu Chen's. Besides, this is a third-order Demonic Beasts multicolored yellow croaker. The meat is tender and rich in Spirit Power.

Whether it is a cultivator or a mortal, there are great benefits to eating it, but I caught it specially for you. "

The chubby Fatty smiled smugly when he heard the words, but he didn't notice that the beautiful cultivator's face changed slightly because of his own words.

"Damn Fatty! You really don't know which pot to open and which pot to lift, don't you?"

At this time, another thin and rather handsome young cultivator beside the beautiful cultivator said with a displeased expression.

As he spoke, he picked up a small stone and threw it at that fat Fatty.

"Uh... I'm really sorry Ha Tongwei, I didn't mean you, don't get me wrong."

After hearing the words, Fatty realized that her unintentional words mentioned Tong Wei's sad things, which hit her self-esteem.

Tong Wei couldn't use her true essence because of the broken Dantian, and she never had enough Spirit Stones to buy Ni Mie Dan, so she could only rely on Mu Huan Dan to relieve her pain.

Now it can be said that he is a mortal, and he looks sick.

The three of them were also the ones who killed the Suining City Lord's Mansion, Zhong Tao who fled all the way here, Gu Feng and Tong Wei.

"It's okay! I'm used to it!" Tong Wei smiled shyly.

After speaking, he took the initiative to pick up a colorful yellow croaker and ate it with great interest.

Seeing this, Gu Feng glared at Zhong Tao, and motioned him to be more careful in what he said in the future.

Zhong Tao pretended not to see it, took out two wine jugs from the storage bag, and threw one to Gu Feng.

Then he picked up a grilled colorful yellow croaker and ate it with big mouthfuls.

After a few people were full of wine and food, Gu Feng stood on the bank, looking at the choppy river in front of him, feeling a lot of emotion in his heart.

Because once they cross the Beichen River, they will leave the southern Xinjiang where they have lived for more than 20 years

area, and entered the unfamiliar Central Plains.

Gu Feng is a conservative person. In the past, he would rather accumulate Foundation Establishment Pills and Spirit Stones than go out and look for opportunities.

However, they couldn't stand Zhong Fatty's constant persuasion, and it was precisely because of Zhong Fatty that they left Xuantian Sect.

It was only later that a few people happened to encounter the Immortal Cave where Li Xiaoyao senior sat and transformed, and they broke through to the integration period.

However, it was precisely because of this trip that Tong Wei Dantian was broken, but he was unable to buy the Nirvana Pill for her.

Now it is even more important to leave southern Xinjiang and go to the unknown Central Plains. To be honest, Gu Feng really has no bottom in his heart.

"What are you thinking? So preoccupied? Zhong Fatty told us to get ready to go."

Seeing Gu Feng standing alone on the bank looking at the river in a daze, Tong Wei stepped forward and took Gu Feng's arm affectionately, smiling softly.

Gu Feng heard the words, looked at the beautiful woman in front of him with a smile, gently embraced her in his arms and said with a smile:

"It's nothing! It's just that I'm reluctant to leave Southern Border. Don't worry, no matter what happens in this life, I will be with you forever."

"En!" Tong Wei hummed shyly, with a sweet and happy smile on her face.

Just when Gu Feng and Tong Wei were in love with each other, an untimely voice suddenly sounded.

"I said, can you two stop being so bored? It's time for us to set off and try to reach the Banyue Mountains in Yidu Prefecture before dark."

It was Zhong Tao who spoke.

Lu Chen said before that if they go to the Central Plains, they can go to the Banyue Mountains in Yidu Prefecture to find him.

So when the two decided to go to the Central Plains, they first thought of finding Lu Chen.

After hearing the words, Gu Feng gave Zhong Tao a blank look, then put Tong Wei on his back again, threw a Magic Treasures-level long sword, and flew towards the Beichen River.

Zhong Tao followed closely behind to catch up with Gu Feng...

In the Anqing Prefecture of the Central Plains, in the Anma Mountains, there is a blessed land of fairy mountains. The Spiritual Qi on the mountain is as thick as white mist, and from time to time there are powerful flying Demonic Beasts hovering in the air.

There is a large maple forest at the foot of the mountain. The trunk of this kind of maple tree is silvery white, and the leaves are fiery red all the year round. The continuous area is both beautiful and spectacular.

What's more, if you observe carefully, you will find that every maple tree emits a faint Spiritual Qi from itself.

It is conceivable that when the Spiritual Qi emanating from the whole maple forest can be described as horror.

This maple is exactly the white jade yellow maple known in Cultivation World, and this tree seems to be

It is difficult to transplant in other places. Even if the transplant is successful, a large number of Spirit Stones are needed to support it, which is not worthwhile.

It is precisely because of this large area of ​​white jade and yellow maple trees that the immortal sect here named their own section Huangfeng Valley as early as a long time ago.

The four brothers Yang Yunfei, Qi Yutang, Zhao Chengzhi, and Tong Minghong started their brand new journey of self-cultivation after passing the assessment of Jianzhong Gorge.

I have to say that Huang Fenggu, as an eight-star sect, still has the demeanor of a big sect, and the benefits and treatment of his disciples are quite good.

Take the Outer Sect disciples for example.

First of all, as a disciple of the Outer Sect, everyone can go to the Cultivation Technique Hall to choose a Cultivation Technique that they like. Of course, you can also choose the famous Cultivation Technique of Huangfenggu, "Prajna Xuantian Gong".

Moreover, all the Cultivation Techniques and spells of the late stage can be chosen and learned at will, and there is no limit to the number.

But disciples need to use Contribution Points, or equivalent resources to exchange.

The method of obtaining Contribution Points is also very simple. Every disciple and Elder in the Sect has a jade badge of identity. This identity badge is like a campus card.

As long as the disciples go to the mission hall and hold the identity jade badge, they can receive the corresponding missions. After completing each mission, in addition to receiving rich Spirit Stones rewards, they can also get corresponding Contribution Points.

Contribution Points are reflected in the status jade badge.

Moreover, Contribution Points can be exchanged for various Cultivation Techniques, as well as weapons and various Medicine Pills.

Secondly, for new Outer Sect disciples like Yang Yunfei and the others, each of them has 1,000 Contribution Points in the identity jade card that can be used for free.

Finally, as an Outer Sect disciple, he can enter the forbidden area of ​​Huangfeng Valley for free every month, that is, to practice in the white jade and yellow maple forest for one day.

And the Outer Sect Elders preach to them every once in a while.

The rest of the time is managed by the former brothers of Outer Sect, organizing their daily practice and other matters.

In addition, it is their own free time, and these brothers will not interfere too much.

To put it bluntly, these brothers are disciples who have not passed the Inner Sect test but still remain in the Outer Sect, and some of their cultivation bases are not even as good as these new disciples.

In this way, after everything was settled, Yang Yunfei and others lived a peaceful and busy life of cultivation.

But on this day, Zhao Chengzhi and Qi Yutang returned to their residence with bruised noses and swollen faces...

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