"What's wrong with you guys? Who hit you?" Yang Yunfei asked with a frown.

He, Zhao Chengzhi, Qi Yutang, and Tong Minghong were arranged in the same room because they knew each other.

As soon as Zhao Chengzhi and Qi Yutang entered the door, Yang Yunfei and Tong Minghong saw their bruised noses and swollen faces.

In addition to a little blood stains on the clothes on their bodies, there are also many footprints clearly visible, and the two of them are very embarrassed.

"Hehehe...no...it's nothing, we two just sparred and started with a bit of First Stage, that's why we made it like this."

Zhao Chengzhi glanced at Qi Yutang, and smiled embarrassingly.

Qi Yutang, who understood, hurriedly laughed awkwardly and said:

"Hahaha... that's right... That's it, Zhao Chengzhi is really ruthless, and I got angry too, and in the end we both became like this,

But don't worry, fights belong to fights and will never affect the relationship between us, right Cheng Zhi. "

"Well... yes... that's how it is. The relationship between my two brothers, how could they care about such a trivial matter."

Zhao Chengzhi agreed with a smile.

In order to prove that what the two said was true, Zhao Chengzhi put his hand on Qi Yutang's shoulder, and showed his true feelings to Yang Yunfei and Tong Minghong.

"Oh? Is that so?" Yang Yunfei looked at Zhao Chengzhi and Qi Yutang with deep meaning, and the two sang together.

But Yang Yunfei is not stupid, how could he fail to see that the two of them were lying.

Just as he was about to continue questioning the two of them, Tong Minghong shook his head slightly at Yang Yunfei, indicating that there was no need for him to ask further questions for the time being.

Obviously, before the two brothers came back, they had planned their arguments together, and they couldn't find anything if they asked again.

Yang Yunfei understood Tong Minghong's eyes in seconds, pretended to trust them, and after a few simple words of concern, he took out some healing Medicine Pill and told them to take it.

Zhao Chengzhi and Qi Yutang looked at each other, and after taking the Medicine Pill, they returned to their own bed and began to refine the Medicine Pill in the Lotus Position.

no words all night,

The next day, after a night of breathing adjustment, the bruises on the faces of Zhao Chengzhi and Qi Yutang were almost invisible.

After finishing the morning practice, Zhao Chengzhi and Qi Yutang left alone in a sneaky manner, which was a bit abnormal.

Because, usually, the four of them would go in and out together, so it could be said that they were inseparable.

When Yang Yunfei was about to say something to stop them, Tong Minghong stopped him in time:

"There must be something tricky about them, but let's not worry, just follow them secretly."

"Yeah!" Yang Yunfei nodded when he heard the words, and then the two of them cast Movement Technique and followed them out.

Zhao Chengzhi and Qi Yutang first went to Baogetang, and probably stayed in Baogetang for a cup of tea.

Then the two of them flew with their swords, and flew towards the back mountain cautiously.

Baogetang is equivalent to a self-operated grocery store inside Huangfeng Valley.

There are a wide variety of goods for sale inside, everything that one expects to find.

Of course, it is impossible to sell toothpaste and toothbrushes, spicy popcorn and the like.

It sells some Spiritual herbs, Magic Treasures, Medicine Pill, inner alchemy of Demonic Beasts and so on.

About half an hour later, Qi Yutang and Zhao Chengzhi landed in a jungle.

As soon as it landed, there was a tall, tough-looking cultivator with a swollen face, who at first glance was not a good-for-nothing cultivator, jumped down from a big tree,

It just landed firmly in front of Qi Yutang and Zhao Chengzhi.

This person was the cultivator who called himself Zhang Deyi that Zhao Chengzhi and others met in Jianzhong Gorge before.

At that time, Zhang Deyi was still wrestling with a weak cultivator because of a Lingbao-level willow leaf sword. It was Zhao Chengzhi who suggested to drive Zhang Deyi away.

Because of this, Zhang Deyi, who owns the Cultivation Base of Fusion Back Mountain, has a grudge against Yang Yunfei and others.

"Did you bring all that you promised me yesterday? I warned you,

If you dare to play any tricks, don't blame me for using this place as your burial place. "

Zhang Deyi threatened viciously.

As soon as he mentioned what happened yesterday, Zhao Chengzhi's heart became murderous, but he still pretended to be nonchalant on the surface.

Yesterday Zhao Chengzhi and Qi Yutang made an appointment to go to Sect to peek at other female disciples practicing, and to find a comprehension dao companion by the way.

Of course, the fewer people who know about this kind of thing, the better, so the two acted alone with an excuse.

But on the way back, the two of them happened to bump into Zhang Deyi and the few younger brothers he had just taken in.

This is really a narrow road to Yuanjia. Although there is an order in the sect that forbids killing each other in the same sect, there is no express prohibition against fighting.

Therefore, Zhang Deyi, who was holding a grudge, originally wanted to trouble Zhao Chengzhi and others, so he just hit the gun.

Afterwards, a terrible scene happened. Zhao Chengzhi and Qi Yutang were humiliated and abused in various ways.

First I was beaten up by them, then I was forced to drill their crotch, and after I was done, I was forced to drink their urine.

Who the hell can stand this?

No way, in order to avoid drinking their urine, Zhao Chengzhi had no choice but to claim that he had a family heirloom, the Millennium Xuanyu.

Millennium Profound Jade is an eighth-level spiritual grade refining material, and it is extremely rare.

Qi Yutang also said at the right time that he would give all his resources to the other party, just please don't let them drink urine.

Zhang Deyi was immediately moved when he heard the words, so he didn't continue to force them to drink urine, but poured urine from their heads, and made an appointment to meet here the next day.

That's why Zhao Chengzhi and Qi Yutang went back with blue noses and swollen faces.

But after discussing this matter, they decided not to tell Yang Yunfei and Tong Minghong for the time being.

"Hehehe...don't worry, senior, since the two of us have said it, we will definitely do it."

Zhao Chengzhi smiled embarrassingly,

But his eyes looked around without leaving any traces, and after confirming that Zhang Deyi was the only one coming, he secretly calculated in his heart.

After speaking, he took out a delicate wooden box from the storage bag.

Qi Yutang directly donated his own storage bag.

Zhang De's eyes lit up, and after taking Qi Yutang's storage bag, he snatched the wooden box from Zhao Chengzhi's hand.

But when he opened the wooden box, he found that there was nothing inside, and immediately his expression changed and he said angrily:

"How dare you... ah..."

It's too late, but it's fast.

As soon as Zhang Deyi raised his head, a piece of white powder suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and then his eyes were quickly corroded by the white powder, and his brain felt a burst of pain, and he couldn't even use Divine Sense.

Soon Zhang Deyi's eyes were filled with blood and tears, and there were only two holes in the eye sockets, and the eyeballs were corroded.

Moreover, this terrifying corrosion effect is still spreading to other places, which shows the horror of the white powder.

Zhang Deyi's entire face was deformed in an instant, it was very hideous.

If Zhang Deyi hadn't used his true energy to resist in time, his whole head might have been corroded.

All this happens almost only between breaths,

At the same time, Qi Yutang and Zhao Chengzhi each took out their long swords and stabbed directly at Zhang Deyi.

"Ah..." The two swords passed through his body almost instantly, and Zhang Deyi let out another scream of unwillingness,

The screams were mixed with strong anger and murderous intent.

A Lingbao-level willow-leaf sword appeared in his hand, filled with true energy, and swung it back and forth desperately.

Every time it is swung, there will be a crescent-shaped Sword Ray condensed from the true essence, which is like a substance.

In the darkness, there were severe pains in the eyes, brain, and body, causing Zhang Deyi to wave the long sword in his hand crazily.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

Immediately, the woods were filled with powerful energy fluctuations. Wherever Sword Ray went, stretches of trees were chopped down like melons and vegetables.

Seeing this, Zhao Chengzhi and Qi Yutang felt the terrifying and destructive power of the Great Perfection of the other party's integration period, so they could only dodge desperately.

They were almost hit by Zhang Deyi's Sword Ray several times, but if they didn't kill Zhang Deyi today, the consequences would not be something the two of them could bear.

At this moment, Zhang Deyi, although unable to use Divine Sense and eyes, can listen to the voice and argue,

When he found that he was attacking indiscriminately and couldn't hurt those two damn boys at all.

I saw him resisting the pain in his body, holding the long sword high in his hand, turning his head slightly, his empty eye sockets seemed to be looking around, but he was actually listening carefully to the directions of the two boys,

Suddenly, Zhang Deyi's ears moved like a Rivers and Lakes master, and then his body turned into an afterimage, and quickly flew towards a big tree.

Seeing this, Zhao Chengzhi's pupils shrank suddenly...

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