"Chengzhi be careful!" Not far away, Qi Yutang saw Zhang Deyi's afterimage, and quickly approached Zhao Chengzhi after a few vertical leaps, and hurriedly reminded him loudly.

At the same time, Divine Sense controlled the long sword in his hand, and quickly shot at Zhang Deyi's back.

At a critical moment, Zhao Chengzhi, who knew he was invincible, decisively flew away with his sword.

But after all, he only has the Cultivation Base of the Foundation Establishment Dzogchen, so how can he compare to Zhang Deyi who has the Dzogchen Cultivation Base of the Fusion Phase in terms of speed?

In the blink of an eye, as soon as Zhao Chengzhi's body flew up and was less than the distance of the canopy, a Sword Ray slammed down from top to bottom.

Zhang Deyi's attack came first, which shows how fast it is.

Seeing that he couldn't escape, Zhao Chengzhi could only bite the bullet and wave his sword to resist.


The two swords collided with each other, and the flames burst out suddenly, with a powerful impact,

As a result, Zhao Chengzhi's body flew upside down like a truck hitting him, spurting several mouthfuls of blood in the air, and then

There was a "touch", and it didn't stop until it hit the trunk of a big tree.

Zhao Chengzhi suddenly felt the qi and blood in his body tumbling, and his bones seemed to be falling apart. He couldn't move, and could only watch Zhang Deyi's long sword slashing at him.

"Damn it!" Qi Yutang yelled when he saw Zhang Deyi easily dodged his attack with his sword.

Seeing that Zhao Chengzhi was in danger, he immediately used Movement Technique to quickly approach Zhang Deyi,

Because at this moment Zhang Deyi was preparing to take advantage of the victory and pursue the attack, if this sword went down, then Zhao Chengzhi would not be alive.

At the critical moment, Qi Yutang didn't dare to be negligent, the long sword in his hand was infused with his true energy, the light instantly became brighter, and then condensed a huge Sword Ray shadow tens of meters long.

He slashed at Zhang Deyi's back from top to bottom.

Zhang Deyi's ears moved, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised. Coupled with his face full of holes and eyeballs, it immediately made one's hair stand on end.

I saw that the sword he was stabbing at Zhao Chengzhi suddenly turned around and slashed at Qi Yutang behind him.

"Damn it! I was fooled!"

Seeing this, Qi Yutang immediately realized that this was Zhang Deyi's trick.

Judging the own position by listening to the sound.

But it was too late to stop at this time, the huge sword shadow struck Zhang Deyi's crescent-shaped sword shadow almost in the blink of an eye.

"Boom..." There was another loud bang.

However, when Qi Yutang's true essence condensed into a huge sword shadow, when it met Zhang Deyi's Sword Ray, it collapsed almost instantly, showing the difference in Cultivation Base between the two.

Immediately Qi Yutang screamed on the spot, and his body quickly flew upside down, and fell to the ground fiercely, causing a cloud of dust to fly, and he did not know whether he was alive or dead.

"Damn it!" Zhao Chengzhi growled unwillingly when he saw this,

The moment he saw Qi Yutang defeated, he tried to get up and rescue him.

However, he couldn't move his body, he could only watch helplessly as Qi Yutang was knocked into the air.

He didn't expect that Zhang Deyi's eyeballs were corroded and his face was corroded to a ferocious appearance after being poisoned by the "own three corpses" brain powder.

The formula of the Three Corpse Brain Powder is the strange poison that Zhao Chengzhi once saw in an ancient book Jade Slip. It is colorless, odorless, and extremely corrosive. Even Divine Sense is not immune.

It can be said to be a good medicine for walking Rivers and Lakes, killing people and stealing goods.

So after he and Qi Yutang were humiliated, Dang even tried every means to kill Zhang Deyi,

So the two made a special trip to the Treasure Pavilion to buy medicinal materials for refining the Three Corpse Brain God Powder.

But now it's useless to say anything, only to see that terrifying German face suddenly turned to Zhao Chengzhi, and roared like crazy:

"Ah... I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you two bastards."

At this moment, Zhang Deyi was really furious to the extreme, he didn't expect that he would be plotted against by two ants, making him look like a ghost.

After speaking, he went crazy, waving the willow-leaf sword in his hand, and suddenly countless Crescent Sword Rays, with fierce momentum, swarmed towards Zhao Chengzhi's direction.

Seeing this, Zhao Chengzhi could only smile wryly, and looked at the distant sky in despair, as if he was saying his final farewell to this world, then slowly closed his eyes, waiting for Death to come.


Just as Zhao Cheng

Just when Zhi thought he was bound to die, a huge bang suddenly sounded.

Then a powerful energy fluctuation spread rapidly to the surroundings. The strong momentum made the surrounding trees rustle.

The sudden change made Zhao Chengzhi suddenly opened his eyes, and when he saw the two figures clearly, Zhao Chengzhi showed a smile like a survivor.

No need to think about it, it was these two people who blocked Zhang Deyi's attack just now.

The people who came were Yang Yunfei and Tong Minghong who followed Zhao Chengzhi and Qi Yutang all the way.

In order not to be discovered by Zhao Chengzhi and the others, Yang Yunfei and Tong Minghong chose to follow them far away,

But on the way, I ran into a senior brother, who insisted on dragging them to drink, but they were delayed for a while.

In just this short period of time, after Yang Yunfei and Tong Minghong got rid of that senior brother, they found that he had lost track of him.

This infuriated the two of them, and they couldn't help but greet that brother's ancestors for eighteen generations.

But out of concern for Zhao Chengzhi's safety, they had no choice but to expand the scope of their search. After a lot of effort, the two of them found it here.

"Laughing? You're still laughing! You didn't tell us about such a big thing in advance.

I think you two are looking for death deliberately, but fortunately we came in time, otherwise we would have to collect the bodies for you two. "

Yang Yunfei flashed to Zhao Chengzhi's side, seeing his miserable appearance, he teased angrily.

As he spoke, he quickly took out a healing Medicine Pill and gave it to him.

"Hehehe...Thank you! It's really good to not die!"

After Zhao Chengzhi took the Medicine Pill, he couldn't help but smirked and said,

Then he endured the pain from his body and sat in Lotus Position, preparing to refine the Medicine Pill.

After Zhao Chengzhi was settled, Yang Yunfei hurried to check on Qi Yutang.

Fortunately, Qi Yutang was only seriously injured, but his life was not in danger.

Although Zhang Deyi couldn't see it, and couldn't use Divine Sense, he still sensed that two cultivators were coming to block the own attack.

Immediately, he was furious, and at the same time he also guessed that it should be the companions of these two boys.

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