Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 390 A Good Son-In-Law?

After finishing Zhang Deyi, Tong Minghong performed a few more fireball techniques to turn his body into ashes, and he was relieved.

"Brother Qi, how is he?" Tong Minghong came to Yang Yunfei's side, seeing that Qi Yutang still didn't wake up, he asked with concern.

"It's not a big problem. I just passed out. I believe I will wake up in a short time." Yang Yunfei took back his true energy and replied.

Sure enough, Zhao Chengzhi and Qi Yutang, who had absorbed the power of the medicine not long after, woke up one after another.

After waking up, the two of them were naturally grateful to Yang Yunfei and Tong Minghong, otherwise their lives would really be lost this time.

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. It's a serious crime to mutilate your fellow disciples. Let's get out of here as soon as possible!"

Tong Minghong reminded at the right time.

Zhao Chengzhi and Qi Yutang, who were immersed in the joy of surviving a catastrophe, suddenly showed solemn expressions when they heard the words.

Because of mutilating fellow students, they will be abolished from Cultivation Base and expelled from Sect. Thinking about such punishment makes people shudder.

"Okay! Let's go back and talk about it first. Zhang Deyi is just an Outer Sect disciple. If we handle it carefully, who will know that we did it?

Besides, his Cultivation Base is so high, it is not something we can handle, so no one will suspect us. "

Yang Yunfei saw that the two looked worried, and expressed his own thoughts.

Zhao Chengzhi and Qi Yutang breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the words, and after cleaning up the traces of the scene again, they flew towards the gate of Huangfeng Valley.

After this incident, Yang Yunfei and others deeply realized the importance of strength.

Several people were eager to improve their own Cultivation Base, so after returning to Sect, they all applied to Sect for Closed Door Training.

But when Yang Yunfei and others were doing Closed Door Training, Lu Chen, who was far away in Tai Bai Cheng, Central Plains, encountered a headache.

After rescuing Wang Jingxuan, several people came to Su Manor at Su Ruolan's suggestion.

In a guest room in the Su Mansion, the antique room, together with the display of various wooden furniture, originally gave people a fresh and natural feeling.

However, at this moment, the room was filled with a tense and dignified atmosphere.

Wang Jingxuan was lying quietly on the bed, and Lu Chen's Divine Sense carefully probed into her sea of ​​consciousness.

And her father, Wang Haocang, stood behind Lu Chen like a door god to protect him.

Su Ruolan is full of deep meaning

Looking at Lu Chen, a different look appeared in her beautiful eyes.

Humans have three souls and seven souls, and there are three souls, one is the heavenly soul, the second is the earthly soul, and the third is the fateful soul.

There are seven souls, one is heavenly, the second is spiritual, the third is qi, the fourth is strength, the fifth is the center, the sixth is essence, and the seventh is heroism.

Among the seven souls, the second soul is spiritual wisdom, which dominates people's memory, just like the memory of a computer, all memories will be stored in the spiritual wisdom in the form of pictures.

Cultivation World has a spell called Soul Search, which is specially used to search the memories of other cultivators in order to obtain the information you want.

At this moment, in order to find out what Wang Jingxuan went through and why she lost her memory, Lu Chen performed a soul search technique to check her memory.

However, when Lu Chen's Divine Sense entered Wang Jingxuan's sea of ​​consciousness, he quickly found Linghui among the three souls and seven souls, and prepared to check the information in it.

At this time, Lu Chen was surprised to find that Wang Jingxuan's spiritual wisdom was actually wrapped in a transparent mysterious liquid,

Just as Lu Chen's Divine Sense approached the transparent mysterious liquid carefully, a strong attraction directly sucked Lu Chen's Divine Sense over,

Then Lu Chen felt a pain in his brain, and with a thought, he quickly and desperately took back his own Divine Sense.

But the transparent liquid is like a long whale absorbing water, it is constantly devouring Lu Chen's Divine Sense, and it can't be recovered at all, so scared that he quickly cut off his own Divine Sense forcibly.

This prevents Divine Sense from being swallowed up.

"What's wrong?"

Su Ruolan saw Lu Chen's face suddenly showing pain, so she hurried forward and asked with concern.

"Brother Lu Chen, are you alright!" Wang Haocang asked worriedly, seeing that Lu Chen's face was terribly pale.

Lu Chen didn't answer the two people's words, but took out a God-replenishing Pill from the Golden Bead World and quickly swallowed it.

Because Lu Chen forcibly cut off his own Divine Sense just now, resulting in damage to Divine Sense, it must be repaired by taking drugs in time, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

Lu Chen, who took the God-replenishing Pill, was immediately enveloped by a faint white halo.

Wang Haocang was stunned by this scene, he felt that the Medicine Pill that Lu Chen took out every time was very extraordinary.

Su Ruolan has always known that Lu Chen is very mysterious, and she will not be surprised if she sees it too much, but she has made up her mind to ask Lu Chen for some of these medicine pills later.

Bu Shen Pill is a good medicine for restoring Divine Sense. It has the same effect as Fu Shen Pill, but its medicinal effect is stronger than Fu Shen Pill

Then several times.

This kind of Medicine Pill was originally analyzed by Lu Chen on behalf of the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce when he participated in the competition, based on the Spiritual Herbs provided by the competition, using the Chaos Daosheng formula. Unexpectedly, it happened to be used today.

Not long after, Lu Chen slowly opened his eyes.

"Brother Lu Chen! How's the situation?" Seeing that his daughter hadn't woken up until now, Wang Haocang asked meaningfully.

Don't look at him having the Nascent Soul Dzogchen Cultivation Base. As the saying goes, he has a specialization in surgery, and he may be able to handle simple trauma easily.

For Wang Jingxuan's memory loss problem, Wang Haocang is helpless.

"The situation is a bit complicated, her spiritual wisdom seems to be wrapped by some strange thing, and that thing has the effect of devouring Divine Sense.

Fortunately, I reacted quickly and forcibly cut off own Divine Sense, otherwise I would have to be made an idiot by that mysterious thing. "

Lu Chen glanced at Wang Jingxuan who was lying on the bed, frowned slightly, and told what he saw in detail.

"Ah? Then what should we do?" Wang Haocang asked worriedly upon hearing the words.

Just when Lu Chen didn't know what to say, the door was suddenly pushed open from the outside.

Then a tall, full-bodied middle-aged man with a full vestibule, piercing eyes, and an air of calm and prestige walked in.

"Father? Why are you here?" Su Ruolan asked suspiciously.

You must know that this is a guest room, and his father rarely comes here.

Seeing Su Ruolan's father's serious face, Lu Chen felt a "thump" in his heart,

I thought: I don't know if the old guy will blame himself for arbitrarily advocating to bring two outsiders to Su's residence.

"Uncle..." Just when Lu Chen was about to bite the bullet and explain to Su Zhicheng.

Su Zhicheng's old face suddenly opened into a smile, and he said enthusiastically:

"Hehehe... My son-in-law! You came from a long way, and I specially asked Ruolan to find you, so that we could show our respect as landlords. Why do you stay in the guest room all the time and never come out?"

After speaking, he walked directly in front of Lu Chen, looking at Lu Chen with shining eyes.

"My son-in-law?"

Hearing this, Lu Chen looked around subconsciously, and saw that there was no one else around him, and looked at Su Zhicheng suspiciously, wondering what kind of medicine he was selling in Calabash.


When Su Ruolan heard that her father was called Lu Chen's son-in-law, she just drank the spirit tea in her mouth and spit it out in one gulp...

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