Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 391 The Secret From Thousands Of Years Ago

After Su Zhicheng entered the door, he kept getting close to Lu Chen, completely ignoring Wang Haocang next to him.

After a while, I asked Lu Chen if he had encountered any problems in his practice recently. If he had any problems, he could consult him, and he said that he would teach him everything.

After a while, I asked Lu Chen if he lacked Spirit Stones, and if he was missing, he could also ask him to wait

Anyway, the son-in-law on the left and the son-in-law on the right called him very affectionately, which made Lu Chen really didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

To be honest, Own has no love for Su Ruolan in his heart, he just agreed to her and acted as her shield.

Besides, both Ye Rushuang and Zhou Hongfu were still missing, so it seemed like it wouldn't make sense for him to mess around again.

But with such enthusiasm towards her father, even a fool could see that his father already treated him like a son-in-law.

I can't help but wonder in my heart, it seems that her father doesn't like me very much, why has his attitude towards own changed so much all of a sudden?

At this time, Su Ruolan's Divine Sense sound transmission sounded in Lu Chen's ear.

After hearing this, Lu Chen realized that everything was caused by the Wannian Stone Marrow Vitality Pill.

"Hehehe... My son-in-law! Look at your aunt who has prepared a table of good wine and food. How about we go have a few drinks together?"

Su Zhicheng looked at Lu Chen and smiled enthusiastically.

"Uncle! Look at my friend, there are still some things that haven't been dealt with. Why don't we have dinner and drink?"

Lu Chen glanced at Wang Jingxuan lying on the bed, and said with a look of embarrassment on his face.

"Oh? What's wrong with this girl? I saw that there is a real essence in her sleeping point, why don't you untie it for her?"

Su Zhicheng said in bewilderment.

With his Cultivation Base, it is natural to see at a glance that the reason why Wang Jingxuan is unconscious is because there is a powerful true essence suppressed in his Sleeping Point.

This powerful zhenyuan is exactly what Lu Chen asked Wang Haocang to do, to prevent Wang Jingxuan from waking up suddenly and not knowing anyone, causing more troubles.

Considering that Su Zhicheng is not an outsider, Lu Chen also told about Wang Jingxuan's sudden amnesia and the fact that her spiritual wisdom in her sea of ​​consciousness was wrapped in a mysterious liquid.

By the way, he briefly introduced Wang Haocang, and the two inevitably exchanged polite greetings.

Then Su Zhicheng seemed to think of something, and smiled with bright eyes:

"Hehehe... My son-in-law! According to your description, I suddenly remembered a secret anecdote in Cultivation World a thousand years ago. There used to be such a famous cultivator Sect in the Central Plains,

It is said that this Sect only recruits female disciples,

And almost every disciple who joined Sect lost their original memory.

And the reason why they lost their memory was because their linghui was wrapped in a mysterious liquid, very similar to what you just said.

I just don't know this information, is it useful to you? "

Speaking of this, Su Zhicheng found that everyone present was staring at him in shock.

Especially Wang Haocang's eyes widened, showing a very anxious look, which made him feel flattered.

"'s useful! It's really useful! Uncle, what happened next?"

Lu Chen was overjoyed when he heard the words,

Unexpectedly, Su Ruolan's father knew such a story. Seeing him pause, he hurriedly asked if there was anything else to say.

Su Zhicheng saw that he could help Lu Chen, so in order to make a good impression on his son-in-law, he continued:

"People didn't know about this at first, until the nine-star Sect Huang Fenggu suddenly attacked the cultivating Sect, and a large-scale Sect battle broke out.

This matter was able to surface, but who once thought that Sect, who was originally looked down upon by Huang Fenggu,

The other party caused Huang Fenggu to suffer heavy casualties, and even alarmed Huang Fenggu's Taishang Patriarch,

According to legend, in that battle, even the Taishang Patriarch of Huangfeng Valley was seriously injured. As a result, the cultivator Sect has not been wiped out.

You must know that Huang Fenggu was a nine-star sect at that time, and its power was huge.

Afterwards, this incident seemed to have alarmed the Guardians of Beichen Continent, and it was only after the Guardians came forward that the incident was calmed down.

Not long after this incident happened, Huang Fenggu's power gradually weakened, and he was downgraded to an eight-star sect, which shows the mysteriousness of that cultivating sect. "


Su Zhicheng's words immediately caused an uproar from Lu Chen and others.

Undoubtedly, there was an uproar in their hearts, and the information in it could be described as shocking.

First of all, the Nine-Star Sect of the Central Plains was actually disabled by an unranked sect, and the level of Sect was also lowered.

Secondly, there are Guardians in Beichen Continent, and the Guardians are able to quell the large-scale war between the two Sects. How powerful and powerful the Cultivation Base must be to be able to do this?

"Uncle! Is the Guardian a person or an organization? Where is the Immortal Sect who fought against Huang Fenggu?"

Which sect is it? Did the anecdote mention why the disciple of the Sect lost his memory? "

Lu Chen tried his best to calm down the shock in his heart, and asked several questions in succession. Biqu library

This is the first time he has heard of the title Guardian, if it is

If it is a person, then this person's Cultivation Base must be as good as the sky.

I couldn't help but think of Yan Feiyu, recognized as the number one master in the world in Beichen Prefecture, and that mysterious old Taoist priest.

Wang Haocang also looked at Su Zhicheng in shock when he heard the words. He used to be just a small city lord of Longquan City in the southern border. Naturally, he didn't know about these things that happened in the Central Plains.

Su Ruolan also looked at her father expectantly, she also wanted to know the answers to these questions asked by Lu Chen. Biqu library

"Hehehe... I don't know much about the Guardian, but there is one thing,

It is said that the peace between the southern border, the central plains, and the northern region of the three major regions of Beichen Prefecture is maintained because of the existence of guardians. I don't know about the rest.

And that Sect that competes with Huang Fenggu seems to be called Wang Zong? correct! It's called Wangqingzong,

The former site of the Wangqing Sect is in Tianyin Mountain, but after the battle with Huangfeng Valley, the Wangqing Sect disappeared and never reappeared.

As for why his disciples lost their memories, I don’t know, but there are rumors that they have a fairy spring in Sect, and the Spiritual Qi is very strong, which can be said to be made of Spiritual Qi.

However, it is rumored that the Wangqing Sect calls this spiritual fluid Wangqing Water"

Su Zhicheng thought for a while, and then said everything he knew.

"Wangqing Water? Lost memory? Tianyin Mountain? Tianyin Mountain secret realm?"

Lu Chen muttered these words after hearing the words,

I always feel that there is some connection between them, but I can't explain why, and I fell into deep thought for a while.

"Father! Is Tianyin Mountain related to Tianyin Mountain's secret realm?"

After Su Ruolan heard the words, her beautiful eyes moved and she asked.

Regarding the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain, although Su Ruolan is not in the Central Plains, she often heard about it when she was in charge of the Feiyudan Pavilion in Southern Xinjiang.

When serving tea to grandpa last time, didn't that Leng Ye, the third generation of the Leng family, also vowed to go to the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain to find longevity fruit for grandma?

Counting the time, it seems that the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain is about to open.

Hearing this, Su Zhicheng was about to explain the information about the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain to his daughter, when Lu Chen beside him suddenly exclaimed:

"Hahaha... That's right! I understand! I finally understand, so it is so, so it is so... Hahaha..."

"What do you unserstand?"

Su Ruolan asked suspiciously.

When Su Zhicheng and Wang Haocang heard the words, they were also baffled by Lu Chen's sudden bluffing.

Looking at him suspiciously, as if asking what the hell did you understand......

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