Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 392: Nine Yin Treasures

Seeing that several people were looking at him suspiciously, Lu Chen said what he thought.

It is definitely not a coincidence that all the disciples recruited by the Wangqing Sect lost their memories. It should be some method used by Sect to completely control the disciples.

And the only news is that kind of spiritual fluid called Wangqingshui, since that kind of spiritual fluid is named Wangqingshui, literally, it means forgetting feelings?

Maybe that kind of spiritual fluid has the effect of sealing off spiritual wisdom, thus making the cultivator lose its original memory.

Combined with the mysterious liquid he saw in Wang Jingxuan's sea of ​​knowledge, Lu Chen estimated that Wang Jingxuan must have drank the water of Wang Jingxuan,

And the old nun who looked like Miejue Shitai before might be the remnants of Wangqing Sect.

Therefore, if I want to find a solution to Wang Jingxuan's amnesia, I just need to find that old nun.

Or go to the former site of Wangqing Sect in Tianyin Mountain to see if I can find that kind of spiritual fluid, then I will have a way to solve the mystery.

Lu Chen stopped talking at this point, and added something in his heart.

If you can find that kind of spiritual fluid, and then use the powerful analysis function of your Chaos Dao Shengjue, then the problem will be solved.

"Damn it! If I knew it would be like this, even if I desperately wanted to keep that old witch, it might be too late to find that old witch now.

Why don't we go to Tianyin Mountain now to find the old site of the Wangqing Sect? "

After Wang Haocang heard the words, he was annoyed at first that he didn't use all his strength to keep the real Miexin, and then he eagerly wanted to go to Tianyin Mountain to find clues.

But what Su Zhicheng said next undoubtedly poured a basin of cold water on Lu Chen and Wang Haocang's heads.

Because of the two great battles thousands of years ago, the undead inspired a powerful formation left over from an ancient time, causing the entire Tianyin Mountain to disappear into the formation.

It was only later that people discovered that the powerful formation was one of the secret realms sealed by the ancient sages for the consideration of future generations.

It is the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain that people are familiar with now, but there are fewer people who know about this secret from thousands of years ago.

Therefore, if you want to find the old site of the Wangqing Sect, you must enter the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain. The key is that you may not be able to find it yet.

Moreover, entering the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain is restricted to the realm of the cultivator. Only the cultivators of the Gold Core stage can enter it, otherwise they will be strangled by the Restrictions inside.

Obviously, except for Su Ruolan who met the requirements, Lu Chen's Cultivation Base was too low, and Wang Haocang's Cultivation Base was too high, neither of them could enter the secret realm.

"What can I do? Is there no other way to restore my daughter's memory? If it doesn't work, I will go to Dan City to ask Kong Qiu, the God of Dan, and I believe he should be able to solve this problem."

question. "

After Wang Haocang heard the words, his face showed a look of powerlessness, and he said with righteous indignation.

"Uncle, please be safe and don't be impatient. I originally intended to go to Tianyinshan secret realm. Wang Jingxuan is my friend again. I also hope that she can recover her memory sooner.

At that time, I will find a way to find the former site of the Wangqing Sect. During this time, you can temporarily live in the Su Mansion.

As for my Cultivation Base, please rest assured that I will breakthrough to the Gold Core stage in a short period of time. "

Lu Chen smiled.

As early as the third generation of the Leng family said that there was a Shouyuan fruit in the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain, Lu Chen planned to go to the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain to find the Shouyuan fruit to refine Medicine Pill, so as to increase the longevity of his parents .

Now it's just an added reason to go.

As for the period from breakthrough to Gold Core, Lu Chen is not worried. After this period of tempering,

Lu Chen felt that his mood had improved a lot, so he dared to say that.

"Yes! Wang senior! Why don't you stay in our Su Mansion temporarily and wait until Lu Chen comes back from the secret realm.

You know, it is not easy to meet the god of alchemy, Kong Qiu, than to enter the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain. "

Su Zhicheng cupped hands to Wang Haocang, and suggested own.

Hearing this, Wang Haocang looked at Lu Chen, then at Su Zhicheng, sighed lightly, and finally agreed.

After all, what he said just now was just angry words, so why didn't he know how difficult it is to ask to see the Alchemy God Kong Qiu.

"Hehehe... That's really great. Originally, I didn't really want to go to the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain, but since Lu Chen is going, I'll reluctantly go with you!

If you're in danger, I'll take care of you, too,"

When Su Ruolan heard this, a bright light flashed in her beautiful eyes, and she said with a coquettish smile.

Seeing that his daughter knew how to take the initiative, Su Zhicheng naturally helped her speak. To be honest, the more he looks at Lu Chen now, the more satisfied he becomes.

Next, Su Zhicheng invited Lu Chen and Wang Haocang to have a few drinks together.

Lu Chen and Wang Haocang couldn't resist their kindness, so they agreed.

I have to say that Mother Su did prepare a large table of delicacies,

Such as bear paws from the mountains, wild abalones, colorful lobsters, small pearl chicken wings, etc. are all valuable rare animals.

Seeing Lu Chen's arrival, Su's mother greeted him warmly, not treating Lu Chen as an outsider at all, which made Lu Chen feel a warm current in his heart.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Su Mu and Su Ruolan left in good time, so there were only Lu Chen and the other three elders left, and they were more open-minded in speaking.

There is an unwritten rule in Cultivation World, that is, when drinking at the wine table, one cannot use real energy to dispel the alcohol, otherwise it will be regarded as disrespect to others.

So no matter how high your Cultivation Base is, you will always be drunk.

No, Wang Haocang, Su Zhicheng, and Lu Chen were all a little bit drunk after more than a dozen rounds of pushing cups and changing cups.

He even lost his appearance when speaking, Wang Haocang directly pulled Su Zhicheng and Lu Chen to call him brothers, without any appearance of a senior.

Roll up your sleeves and shout a toast, and put your feet on the chair, a Rivers and Lakes Dage demeanor.

However, Su Zhicheng always insisted on calling Lu Chen a good son-in-law. Wang Haocang became a little unhappy after hearing too much, so he followed Su Zhicheng's example and called Lu Chen a good son-in-law.

He also promised to marry the two of them when his daughter recovered her memory. This time it was Su Zhicheng's turn to be unhappy, clamoring for Lu Chen and Su Ruolan to get married tomorrow.

There is a saying called "drunken heart understands". After Lu Chen heard the words, he felt speechless for a while, and he had two more wives in the effort of cooperating with one meal.

He really doubted for a while whether Su Ruolan and Wang Jingxuan were their biological children.

So Lu Chen quickly changed the subject and asked Wang Haocang why he became crazy after being rescued by him.

As a result, it seemed that Wang Haocang's sadness was touched, and his face suddenly became ugly after hearing the words.

Fortunately, the old guy was not angry with Lu Chen, and after drinking a large pot of spiritual wine, he still told the story.

It turned out that the reason why he was poisoned by the Jiuyou mandala flower was because he was plotted against by his good friend Zhang Bingtian.

The reason is also very bloody, that is, when the brothers were young, they obtained a heaven-level Cultivation Technique called "Nine Yin Treasures" in a certain Immortal Cave.

The opening chapter of Cultivation Technique wrote: "If you want to practice this skill, you must first go out of the palace, drink blood and devour your soul, connect internally and externally, see the sky and understand the law, and look down upon the world......"

So the two immediately thought that this Cultivation Technique was an evil skill of the heavenly rank, and planned to destroy him.

Later, they were stopped by Zhang Bingtian, so the two brothers decided to divide each of them into half, and neither of them allowed the other to study.

However, Zhang Bingtian's lifespan is approaching in middle age, and Cultivation Base can't rely on its own breakthrough to increase its lifespan.

So he put his mind on the "Nine Yin Treasures". It is estimated that what Zhang Bingtian thought was that anyway, he was free and happy enough, and he also had a son. In order to survive, he should do what he has to do!

Afterwards, Wang Haocang, who was poisoned by the Nine Nether Mandala Flowers in his body, happened to be rescued by Lu Chen who was passing by.

After Wang Haocang was rescued, under the effect of Wannian Stone Marrow Dew, his Cultivation Base improved, and he broke through to the Cultivation Base of Nascent Soul Dzogchen in a short time.

Therefore, Wang Haocang aggressively went to seek revenge on Zhang Bingtian, but who thought that Zhang Bingtian's strength would increase greatly after being cut off.

As soon as Wang Haocang went up, he was crippled and his head was injured. In the end, he was able to escape by burning the Blood Essence in his body.

Afterwards, he became like a crazy beggar......

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