Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 394 Could It Be Him?

When Lu Chen Lotus Position was sitting, his body exuded golden light, and slowly soared into the sky like a god,

When it was about a few hundred meters above the ground, it miraculously stayed in the air.


The Gold-eating Toad, who was still playing and fighting with the Heavenly Knife Mantis, stared at Lu Chen in mid-air with doubtful bowl-sized eyes.

I seem to be thinking in my heart, what is the master doing? He exchanged a glance with Tiandao Mantis, but the other party also shook his head in ignorance.

But suddenly, both of them seemed to have thought of something, their eyes showed panic, and then they ran away.

"Chirp, chirp, chirp..." Only the little flame phantom bird chirped a few times, and then fluttered its huge wings and flew towards Lu Chen.

At this time, the situation in the world of Jinzhu suddenly changed suddenly, the wind howled, the dark clouds overwhelmed the top, lightning flashed and thunder thundered, the sky and the earth seemed to collapse, and the earth trembled and the mountains shook.

"Crack, click... boom boom boom..." Countless thunder and lightning suddenly filled the whole world,

Then a terrifying coercion from heaven and earth enveloped the entire Jinzhu world, as if the end of the world was approaching.

In the golden bead world, the gray matter on the other side spread rapidly to the surroundings "rumbling and rumbling".


Even the Gold-eating Toad, who had been mentally prepared for a long time, was inexplicably terrified by this powerful coercion.

Together with the Heavenly Sword Mantis and the ancient mythical beast Pixiu, they crawled beside the bitter bamboo, shivering.

Because of the Sacred breath of bitter bamboo, they can calm down their fear.

"Chirp chirp chirp..."

The little Flame Phantom Bird, which was still full of joy, suddenly changed its expression halfway through the flight. Seeing that the situation was wrong, it immediately turned around and flew towards the Gold-eating Toads like lightning.

Then he curled his head under his body, tears streaming down his face.

The whole process lasted for about a quarter of an hour, and the overall area of ​​the Golden Pearl World was expanded again as Lu Chen Cultivation Base broke through to the Gold Core early stage.

From the original 50 square kilometers, which is equivalent to the area of ​​a city, to 500 square kilometers, a full tenfold increase, equivalent to the area of ​​ten cities.

Lu Chen, sitting in the sky in the Lotus Position, has a mind connected with the world of gold beads, so he is naturally familiar with the changes in the world of gold beads.

After stabilizing the Cultivation Base, Lu Chen exhaled a long breath and slowly opened his eyes, only to be surprised to find that he was already in the sky.

Immediately, the corners of Lu Chen's mouth rose slightly, overlooking the vast and boundless land below, feeling very excited, because this world only belongs to him, and he is the master here.

However, immediately Lu Chen realized a problem,

All I saw was a wasteland overlooking the land

, no rivers, no seasons,

The newly expanded area has nothing but a self-planted Spiritual herbs medicine garden and some trees in the center area.

Lu Chen realized these problems as early as the breakthrough to the fusion early stage, but with his current Cultivation Base,

Lu Chen feels that he still doesn't know the reason.

I can only write it down secretly for the time being, and believe that when my Cultivation Base breakthrough reaches a certain Realm, I should be able to solve these problems.

The most urgent task now is to go to the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain first, and then help Sister Su solve her troubles.

As for the future, let's talk about it later.

Cultivation Base breakthrough to Gold Core early stage, Lu Chen is naturally very happy, you must know that in southern Xinjiang, so Cultivation Base can be used as an Elder.

I remember Hao Nande, who owned Master at the beginning, was also the Cultivation Base of Gold Core Dzogchen, right?

Thinking of Master Hao Nande, Lu Chen's hatred for Shenshou Mountain came to his mind again, and he believed that he would be able to avenge Master's blood hatred in a short time.

When Lu Chen returned to the ground, he looked at the consumption of the Spirit Stones. Even though he was prepared in his heart, he was also taken aback by the consumption of own.

I saw that there were three million mid-grade Spirit Stones that had piled up into mountains, but now there are less than a hundred mid-grade Spirit Stones left.

This consumption can be described as terrifying. You must know that the general integration period, the Dzogchen breakthrough Gold Core period, also needs 100,000 to 200,000 mid-grade Spirit Stones.

According to this amount of consumption, in the future I will hit the Nascent Soul stage, and I will have to prepare at least 10 million mid-grade Spirit Stones, which is a headache to think about.

Then Lu Chen had a thought, and the next second he returned to the room. After putting away the formation, Lu Chen found that the sun was already shining brightly outside the window.

I just didn’t know how much time I spent on this breakthrough, so I sat in the Lotus Position and continued to consolidate the Cultivation Base.

In Zhutian City, Zhongzhou, in a room in a quiet courtyard of the Song Mansion.

At this moment, a young female cultivator, wearing a light blue female nun's plain robe, with big eyes and a round face, revealing innocence and kindness in her eyes, is sitting in the focused Lotus Position,

Beside her is also a small pile of medium-grade Spirit Stones, about 200,000 pieces. With the continuous operation of the Cultivation Technique in her body, the Spiritual Qi in the Spirit Stones is continuously poured into her body.

Then it quickly merged into Dantian, and saw that the original jelly-like essence in her Dantian was rapidly hardening. It was obvious that this young female cultivator was hitting the Gold Core stage.

If Lu Chen sees this scene, he will definitely spit out a mouthful of old blood immediately,

Because this girl is none other than the silly, sweet, baby-fat girl he met by chance in the secret realm of Yinfeng Valley.

, the beeping little beauty Song Wanting.

To know how long it has been, it has been less than a year since the two met in Yinfenggu!

At that time, she had only integrated the Cultivation Base of the early stage, but now she is hitting the Gold Core stage. I have to say that this person is really annoying.

In the small courtyard outside the room, Song Wanting's father, Song Weihe, and mother, Huang Shi, were chatting happily with each other.

Ever since her daughter Song Wanting came back from the secret realm of Yinfeng Valley, the Cultivation Base has broken through several Realms in a row.

At first they didn't feel anything, until this time the daughter yelled that she felt that she could hit the Gold Core stage,

Only then did Song Weihe realize that his daughter must have had some adventure in the secret realm of Yinfeng Valley.

Otherwise, how could it be less than a year, from the early stage of integration, breakthrough to the Cultivation Base of the integration period Dzogchen, actually is not she belittles her own daughter, it is really her daughter's Talent they can't understand it all too well.

However, when they asked about Song Wanting's situation in the secret realm of Yinfeng Valley, the daughter laughed and talked about it, not as if she was telling the truth.

So, Song Wanting's parents approached her cousin, Mei Ye Qing, and wanted to ask a question or two.

Mei Ye Qing got involved with Hua Weiyang after the secret realm of Yinfenggu, and didn't return to the Central Plains until a few months later.

However, after returning, Mei Ye Qing seemed to have a big change in temperament, and she locked herself in the room and lived in seclusion as soon as she came back.

Song Wanting once came to see her cousin Mei Yeqing, but she was also rejected.

When Mei Yeqing heard the news and came to meet Song Wanting's parents, Mei Yeqing also showed an unbelievable expression after learning that her cousin was actually hitting the Gold Core stage.

How old is my cousin? How could there be such a big improvement all of a sudden?

During this period of time, Cultivation Base has not made any progress.

When Song Wanting's parents asked about the secret realm of Yinfeng Valley, Mei Ye Qing told about how she and Song Wanting were randomly teleported at first, and then because of the meeting of the Cloud Piercing Arrow.

That is to say, during the time when the two were separated, Song Wanting must have had some adventures.

"Could it be him?" Mei Yeqing asked doubtfully.

Because she suddenly thought of, that young cultivator who hides the Cultivation Base, doesn't look like a good person at first glance, and is still with his cousin.

According to my cousin, during the time I was separated from her, my cousin was always with that boy named Lu Chen,

If the cousin had any adventures, it must have something to do with that kid.

However, Mei Ye Qing didn't tell Song Wanting's parents these words, she was going to find an opportunity to ask her cousin alone...

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