Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 395: The Wind Moves Tianyin Mountain

Zhongzhou Zhutian City, in a quiet courtyard of the Song Mansion.


When a powerful aura emerged from the room, Song Weihe and Huang shi showed surprise. With their Cultivation Base, they could naturally feel from this aura that their daughter had already broken through to the Gold Core early stage.

Mei Ye Qing also showed surprise on her face, and she couldn't help wondering: "Is this a success?"

Not long after, the door suddenly opened, and a young female cultivator, wearing a light blue female cultivator's plain robe, with big eyes and a round face, revealing innocence and kindness in her eyes, came out of the room.

"Hee hee hee... Dad! Mother! I succeeded, hahaha... I succeeded in breaking through to the Gold Core early stage.

Huh? Cousin, you are here too! look! I am now also a cultivator of the Gold Core period! "

Song Wanting smiled happily, and spread out her right hand as she spoke, a golden Lotus flower condensed from true essence immediately appeared in her palm, very bright and eye-catching.

"Congratulations to your cousin! I didn't expect your Cultivation Base to break through so quickly."

After Mei Yeqing saw the true essence flower, a slight envy flashed in her eyes, and she smiled happily.

Song Wanting, who was praised by others, naturally cheered and jumped up, as happy as a child. She also intended to increase the output of true energy, making the flower of true energy in her hand more beautiful.

"Hehehe...well, well...Wanting, you should put away your true energy quickly, the most taboo thing for cultivators in my generation is impatience, how can you be so frizzy like you!"

Song Wanting's father, Song Weihe, lightly brushed his beard and said with a smile when he saw this, but he still didn't forget to warn his daughter.

Mother Huang looked at her daughter equally happily, and told her husband via voice transmission to tell him to keep his words down.

"Oh... I know Dad, I'm just happy for a while! By the way, Dad, you must not go back on what you said before. This time, I will go to the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain with my cousin,"

Song Wanting smiled with bright eyes.

When she heard that her cousin was going to the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain, she clamored to go together.

As a result, her father Song Wei and Wen Yan directly said that if you can break through to the Gold Core period, I will let you go.

We must know that Song Wanting only integrated the middle stage's Cultivation Base at that time, and Song Weihe agreed without taking it seriously.

Her daughter is abusive by nature and loves to get into trouble. Normally, Song Weihe would not allow Song Wanting to leave Casting Sky City casually.

But who once thought that it really made her go from fusion middle stage, breakthrough to Gold Core early stage in a short period of time, which made Song Weihe feel unreal.

Seeing that her father didn't answer her, Song Wanting snorted coquettishly, showing displeasure on her face.

In the end, it was Song Wanting's mother who came forward to persuade Song Weihe, and Song Weihe reluctantly agreed to let Song Wanting and Mei Ye Qing go to the Tianyin Mountain secret realm.

Song Wanting was naturally very happy when she heard the words, like a lark, Dang Shi held Mei Ye Qing's hand, discussing when to leave.

The secret realm of Tianyin Mountain is now alive

A thousand years ago, it was automatically opened every hundred years, and each time it was opened for a period of one month, the cultivators who were still alive after one month would be automatically sent out of the secret realm.

According to historical records, the secret realm is a realm of its own, with nine floors in total, that is to say, it is equivalent to nine spaces, which is very magical.

According to current records, only a small number of people have entered the ninth floor during the Cultivation Base of the Gold Core period.

Among them, the most representative ones are Yan Feiyu, the number one master in the world, Kuangdao Xiaotian, the second master in the world, Qingxu Zhenren and so on.

Most of the other cultivators have only reached the seventh floor at most, and some have not even been to the second floor.

As for whether other cultivators have entered the ninth floor, or if they have entered and denied it after they came out, it is unknown.

However, each layer of Tianyin Mountain's secret realm has rich cultivation resources, so as long as you can enter the secret realm, no matter how many floors you can reach, the gains will definitely be huge.

Almost on the same day as Song Wanting's breakthrough Gold Core stage, Yan Zixia, a charming girl from the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce, also successfully broke through to the Gold Core early stage.

She originally practiced Closed Door Training in order to participate in the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain, and now she is just in time for the opening of the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain, and it takes about half a month to leave the customs, which is just right.

For the opening of the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain, all sects and aristocratic families in the Central Plains sent their outstanding disciples there.

It not only demonstrates the strength of the big Sect juniors, but also allows them to get a good experience, and at the same time get rich resources.

It is worth mentioning that Li Changlong, a peerless genius disciple from the nine-star Sect spirit beast palace, will also participate in the opening of the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain.

You must know that when Li Changlong joined the spirit beast palace in Wuliang Mountain a few months ago, the Cultivation Base was only at the Foundation Establishment early stage, and only a few months later, he broke through to the Gold Core middle stage.

It can be seen how terrifying the cultivation speed of Spiritual Roots with full ninth-level fire attributes is.

As many talented disciples of the Gold Core stage set off for Helan State,

For a while, the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain became a hot topic in the mouths of many cultivators in the Central Plains.

However, on a fairy mountain in Zhongzhou, there is a comprehension Immortal Cave. The Immortal Cave is about the size of a basketball court.

There is a spring in the cave, and a large amount of Spiritual Qi is constantly gushing out of the spring water. The concentration of Spiritual Qi is so high that it can be clearly seen like white mist.

A middle-aged man sat on the lotus position above the spring water, his eyes suddenly opened, a sharp light flashed, and then he got up slowly and came to the altar next to the cave.

This person is Lei Aotian, the current Patriarch of Lei Family.

The altar is 1.2 meters high and 30 centimeters wide, about the size of a shoe cabinet at home.

There is an incense burner in the middle of the altar, and behind the incense burner stands a spiritual tablet with the three ancient Chinese characters Lei Junjie engraved on it.

I saw Lei Aotian picked up the three sticks of incense placed beside him, pointed with his right hand, the three sticks of incense burned automatically, and then

Wisps of blue smoke curled up.

After the incense was burnt, Lei Aotian looked at the spirit card, and couldn't help but think of his son Lei Junjie's appearance before he was alive, and said with a sad expression:

"Hey... Junjie! Dad is sorry for you. It is because of his incompetence that he has not caught the kid from the Foundation Establishment period who killed you.

But don't worry, after Dad escorts you Dage to participate in the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain, Dad will go to Southern Xinjiang himself,

Father will find the boy who killed you at all costs and avenge you. "

After speaking, Lei Aotian's figure flashed, and he disappeared into the cave, and soon came to a waterfall on the fairy mountain.

At this moment, directly below the waterfall, sitting in the Lotus Position is a young cultivator of about twenty-four,

The cultivator was naked from the upper body, with sword-like eyebrows and starry eyes, a waist that was ten circumferences wide, and muscles all over his body that were well-proportioned, giving him an explosive feeling.

A wide and thick giant sword is placed across his leg. It is not so much a sword as it is more appropriate to say that it is a giant oar for rowing.

If you watch carefully, you will find that the young cultivator's body flashes faint lightning arcs from time to time.

But when the powerful water flow of the waterfall fell, it automatically separated from the top of the young cultivator's head to the two sides.

At this time, the young cultivator suddenly opened his eyes, and a faint lightning arc flashed in his eyes.

Then he raised the giant sword in front of him and flew up, then stared at the waterfall in front of him with fixed eyes,

True essence was poured into the giant sword in his hand, and the surface of the giant sword immediately flashed with blue lightning arcs as thick as water pipes, making a sizzling sound. Biqu library

Then swung the sword and slashed at the waterfall from top to bottom. At this time, a powerful lightning arc as thick as an electric pole shot out from the giant sword.



A terrifying lightning arc hit the waterfall, making a huge bang, and the entire waterfall was instantly flooded with powerful electric current.

Immediately, a white mist filled the air, as if the water in the entire waterfall was about to evaporate, showing the power of that sword.

The young cultivator stepped on a Flying Sword and held a huge sword in the air in front of the waterfall, with a happy smile on his face, as if he was very satisfied with owning the sword.

"Hehehe...Junyi!" Lei Aotian looked at his son Lei Junyi with satisfaction, and shouted with a smile.

"Father!" Lei Junyi heard the words, with a thought, stepped on the Flying Sword, his body turned into a stream of light, and soon appeared in front of Lei Aotian, showing his extraordinary speed.

"Hehehe... not bad! My son's Thirteen Thunder Sword has improved again, you prepare, we will leave for Helan State tomorrow."

Lei Aotian looked at his son Lei Junyi with satisfaction, and said with a smile.

When Lei Junyi heard that he knew that the Tianyin Mountain secret realm was about to open, he immediately nodded in agreement.

After the two exchanged a few more words of pleasantries, Lei Junyi left with the sword in hand, getting ready for departure………………………………………………

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