Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 396 Hu Qianchou

Zhongzhou Tai Baicheng has several first-class families, the first ones are the Yan family, Hu family, Zhao family, and Zhuge family of the world's number one chamber of commerce.

Like the Su family where Su Ruolan lives, it can only be regarded as a third-class cultivation family in the huge Tai Bai Cheng.

The Feiyu Chamber of Commerce, the number one chamber of commerce in the world, is the property of the Yan family, and the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce under the Hu family is not much to compare with the Feiyu Chamber of Commerce.

Especially after Yan Feiyu disappeared, the Yan family was even more vulnerable.

Without Kuangdao Xiaotian's protection, I am afraid that there would be no place for the Yan family in Beichen Continent.

As for the Hu family, since the death of Hu Shilong, the hope of the old Hu family, the old ancestor Hu Guangyi seems to have changed his temperament drastically. He didn't pay much attention to the affairs of the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce.

The operation and management of the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce was handed over to his confidant Hu Guangsheng.

Hu Guangsheng was originally a direct descendant of the Hu family. Naturally, no one dared to have any objections to such an arrangement. As long as the ancestors were around, the Hu family would not be in chaos. This was something everyone knew well.

In a separate courtyard of the Hu family's compound, Xia Ji was sitting on the head of the bed, looking at the newborn baby next to her with tenderness and love in her eyes.

This baby was pregnant when she was with Hu Shilong, just a few days after birth.

The little guy is already sleeping soundly at the moment, with delicate features, resembling Hu Shilong's childhood appearance, very cute and cute.

It is said that only by raising children can you know the kindness of your parents. At this moment, Xia Ji is becoming more and more like an ordinary mother.

All the previous hatred and desires have been left behind by her, and now she only wants to let the child grow up happily.

But when she saw only her and the child in Nuo Da's room, Xia Ji suddenly felt very lonely in her heart.

Because of her pregnancy, Hu Guangyi had long ordered that Xia Ji could not leave the half step in the other hospital.

So for the past few months, she has been almost in captivity.

Whenever the night was quiet, Xia Ji felt more empty and lonely.

To be honest, sometimes she doesn't know whether she is doing right or wrong.

It stands to reason that although he did not destroy the Hu family, he ruined the hope of the Hu family and made Hu Guangyi fall into the pain of losing his son.

But every time I think of what Hu Shilong said before he died: "Hey... Actually, I really like you a little bit."

Own always felt as if he was being stabbed by a knife. At that time, he was dazzled by anger, and he sneered at Hu Shilong's words.

But now that I think about it, Hu Shilong is such an arrogant person, and his words are good when he is about to die, it should be impossible to say those words for no reason.

Could it be that he really fell in love because of "days"? Have you fallen in love with yourself?

Thinking of this, Xia Ji's eyes shed silent tears.

At this time, a female cultivator dressed in a light blue maid costume lowered her head and held a tray with a small bowl on it.

An unknown brown medicinal liquid was trembling into the room.

"Xiao Cui! Didn't I tell you? I don't need you to take care of me at night."

Xia Ji saw a female cultivator dressed as a maid, walked in with her head down, and said with displeasure on her face.

Because since the maid Xiao Taohong might have heard her talking in her sleep, Xia Ji has been extra careful,

Since then, maidservants are no longer allowed to stay in their own room at night.

However, the maid obviously paused when she heard the words, but she didn't answer aloud, she still walked forward with the tray on her own.

"Xiao Cui! What's the matter with you? Don't you dare not listen to what I say?"

Seeing that the servant girl was unmoved by the own order, Xia Ji immediately reprimanded her in a cold voice.

Immediately, an aura surged out of her body, and the powerful aura made the maid named Xiaocui retreat several steps.

In the tray, the liquid in the small bowl was shaking back and forth, almost spilling out.

After stabilizing her figure, the maid continued to bite the bullet and approached the bed with a tray.

Xia Ji couldn't help frowning when something went wrong, and immediately realized that something was wrong, Divine Sense quickly extended.

When she saw the servant girl's appearance clearly, Xia Ji's face suddenly changed, she looked at the visitor in horror, and said in a panic:

" you a human or a ghost? Aren't you dead?"

Because what Divine Sense saw, this maid is not Xiaocui, but the maid who served her before, Xiao Taohong.

Because Xiao Taohong might overhear Xia Ji's secret, Xia Ji found out the next day that she had escaped from Hu's residence.

This made Xia Ji immediately realize that something was wrong, and quickly made up a reason why Xiao Taohong stole her things and absconded in fear of crime.

And immediately sent people to hunt down Xiao Taohong, but the news he received was that Xiao Taohong was already dead, how could it be possible to appear in the own room majestically now?

Maybe it was because Xia Ji's words stimulated the servant girl, Xiao Taohong, who no longer kept her secrets, and raised her head directly, sneering and mocking:

"Thank you, master, for your concern. Little Taohong has a big life, so I came back here to serve you on purpose. Please drink this bowl of medicine!" Biquku

Xia Ji heard that after confirming that the maid in front of her was really Xiao Taohong, she immediately realized that something might have happened.

A vicious look flashed in his eyes, he raised his hand and shot a beam of true energy at Xiao Taohong, in the dark room, a golden beam of true energy flew towards Xiao Taohong like lightning.

Seeing this, Xiao Taohong was immediately frightened and panicked, knowing that she was only the Cultivation Base of the Foundation Establishment early stage, how could she possibly resist the master's attack.

However, seeing Xia Ji's attack approaching Xiao Taohong's body, a ghostly figure appeared in front of Xiao Taohong's body.

The man raised his right hand lightly, defusing Xia Ji's attack very lightly, and then looked at Xia Ji on the bed indifferently.

"Old... Patriarch?" Xia Ji Divine Sense immediately sensed the person who was coming.

Get creepy.

Because the person who came was none other than Hu Guangyi, the leader of the Tianyuan Chamber of Commerce and the patriarch of the Hu family.

"Thank you, Patriarch, for saving me..." Xiao Taohong was about to thank Hu Guangyi for saving her, but when she was about to thank him with tears of gratitude,

Before he finished speaking, a fire suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and he was swallowed by the flames in the blink of an eye.

Without even a chance to scream, Xiao Taohong was reduced to ashes.


The cup fell to the ground with a clanging sound.

Seeing this, Xia Ji felt her scalp go numb for a while. Looking at the indifferent eyes of her ancestor, her heart skipped a beat. It seemed that she was doomed today.

Quickly thinking about how to escape from death in his mind.

"Why? Why did you kill my son Hu Shilong?"

Hu Guangyi's face was condescending, expressionless, but he looked at Xia Ji with complicated eyes, and asked lightly.

But Xia Ji heard the words and did not answer Hu Guangyi's words. Now that Xiao Taohong appeared, she knew that there was no point in arguing.

Now the only thing she is reluctant to part with is the newborn child, and no one has even come to give him a name.

Seeing that Xia Ji didn't pay attention to him, Hu Guangyi raised his hand and shot out a beam of real energy to envelop Xia Ji.

Zhenyuan quickly entered Xia Ji's sea of ​​consciousness, and then Linghui used the soul search technique to read her memory.

Xia Ji also showed a painful expression, and Hu Guangyi took back the true essence after a while.

What he didn't expect was that the death of his son Hu Shilong was actually caused by Xia Ji's revenge when he destroyed the Xia family.

From Xia Ji's memory, Hu Guangyi saw his son Hu Shilong was seriously injured by the cultivator named Lu Chen, and he was adjusting his breath to recover from his injury.

Then Xia Ji appeared, and later his son cut off his heart and died because of Xia Ji's words.

Through memory, Hu Guangyi saw his son's appearance again, and couldn't help crying, and then there was a strong murderous intent in his eyes.

"Wow... wow..."

Perhaps sensing Hu Guangyi's murderous intent, the baby on the bed suddenly burst into tears.

Seeing this, Xia Ji didn't care about her own ending, she picked up the child and began to comfort her softly.

Seeing this, Hu Guangyi's eyes softened a lot, but his heart was full of mixed emotions. Xia Ji's life and death could be said to be in his mind.

Under Xia Ji's reassurance, the baby soon stopped crying. At this moment, Xia Ji stared at the ancestor of the Hu family, with an attitude of resignation if he wanted to kill him.

Just like this, the two looked at each other for more than ten seconds, and Hu Guangyi suddenly asked lightly:

"Is it a boy? Or a girl?"

"Uh... Hui... Hui Patriarch is... a boy!"

Xia Ji thought she had heard it wrong when she heard the words, and she didn't know why the ancestor would suddenly ask this.

"Hey... let's call him Hu Qianchou! I hope he will have no sorrow or resentment in the future."

Hu Guangyi sighed lightly.

After speaking, the figure flashed and disappeared into the room directly...

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