Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 400 Controlling Evil With Evil

The little girl's sudden kneeling really confused Lu Chen and Su Ruolan. They thought she was expressing gratitude, and after looking at each other,

Su Ruolan squatted down and smiled:

"Get up! This is a trivial matter, you don't have to do this, get up quickly!"

But after listening to Su Ruolan's words, the little girl not only didn't get up, but tears rolled in her eyes, as if she wanted to say something but couldn't say it.

On the street, the little girl's kneeling, coupled with Su Ruolan's beauty, immediately attracted many cultivators to stop and watch and point.

Seeing this, Lu Chen frowned slightly, and thought to himself, could this be trying to blackmail him?

In my previous life, I used to use TikTok to often see some cases where good deeds were blackmailed, and in the end, good-hearted people were miserable and ended up in a tragic end. Such cases abound.

Lu Chen didn't want to be in this unfamiliar place, because he felt pity for a moment and gave the little girl some more Spirit Stones, and was taken as a bully.

Looking into the crowd, it seemed that nothing unusual was found.

Then he said calmly to the little girl:

"Hurry up if you have anything to do, let's go to other places to talk, otherwise we will cast Movement Technique and leave."

Seeing the displeasure on the big brother's face, and the cultivators who were already watching, the little girl also felt flustered.

After hearing the words, he quickly got up, mustered up his courage and said:

"Thank you! Come with me!"

After speaking, the little girl walked out first, and looked back from time to time to see if Lu Chen and the others were following.

"Let's go! Go and see what's going on!" Seeing Su Ruolan looking at him suspiciously, Lu Chen laughed softly.

After Lu Chen and the others left, the crowd saw that there was nothing exciting to see, and the street returned to its original appearance.

Lu Chen and Su Ruolan came to a remote street under the leadership of the little girl, and the little girl was about to kneel down for Lu Chen and the others again.

But when Lu Chen gently raised his hand and shot out a beam of real energy, the little girl immediately felt that no matter how hard she tried, she would not be able to kneel down.

"Little girl! If you need our help with anything, why don't you tell us first."

Su Ruolan smiled at the right time.

Hearing this, the little girl pulled up her sleeves nervously, revealing two slender and immature arms.

However, there were scabbed wounds and many hideous scars on the arms, which shocked Lu Chen and Su Ruolan.

Seeing this, Lu Chen frowned, subconsciously using Divine Sense to envelop the little girl.

But when it was found that the little girl had no scars on her face, her back, legs, and arms were covered with whip marks, and there was almost no scar on her entire back.

A whole piece of skin.

The scabbed wounds indicated that the little girl had just been beaten up not long ago, and with her five-level Cultivation Base, she didn't recover so quickly at all.

And those horrible scars show that the little girl should have been beaten frequently.

Seeing this, Su Ruolan's beautiful eyes flashed a murderous intent, apparently she also used Divine Sense to examine the little girl's body.

Next, under the comfort of Su Ruolan, the little girl told her story.

The little girl's name was Zi Ling, and she lived with her grandfather in a small courtyard in Tianyin's Shandong city area as long as she could remember.

Zi Linger's grandfather owns the Cultivation Base of the Gold Core early stage. On weekdays, he obtains Spirit Stones by capturing Demonic Beasts, and bought a property in Tianyin City, with a total of five rooms.

Two years ago, her grandfather was seriously injured. In order to maintain the daily expenses of the grandparents, the grandfather rented out four rooms in the small courtyard, and received a certain amount of Spirit Stones every month to make ends meet.

But later, Zi Ling'er's grandfather never came back after going out once, and since then, her fate has fallen into a nightmare.

After the previous tenants discovered that Zi Linger's grandfather was missing, they began to occupy the magpie's nest. Not only did they not pay the rent,

He also forced Zi Ling'er to sell dragon fruit on the street, and basically all the Spirit Stones he got would be handed over to the tenant.

If it is found that the number of Spirit Stones does not match the number of dragon fruits sold, or if the sales are not good, Zi Linger will be severely beaten.

Zi Ling'er also thought about running away, but the other party seemed to have arranged some kind of Restrictions in her body. Every time she ran away, she would be caught accurately, and then she was greeted with a severe beating.

After several unsuccessful attempts, Zi Ling'er did not dare to run away again.

She also thought about asking kind people for help, but no one was willing to help her.

Perhaps it was out of sixth sense, when Lu Chen took the initiative to give her so many extra Spirit Stones, Zi Linger felt that Lu Chen and Su Ruolan belonged to the kind of few good people.

That's why I want to ask Lu Chen and Su Ruolan for help.

"Lu Chen..." Su Ruolan said with a gloomy expression, looking at Lu Chen with questioning eyes.

"Don't say anything, Ling'er, just lead the way, we will take care of this matter."

Lu Chen was also filled with righteous indignation when he heard the words, he never expected that there would be such a brazen and vicious person in this Cultivation World.

Now let Zi Linger lead the way, and made up his mind to seek justice for Linger no matter what.

Under the leadership of Zi Linger, several people came to a dilapidated small courtyard,

Right in front of the small courtyard are five earth-walled houses made of cut-off soil. At first glance, they look a bit like modern bungalows.

It may be that it sensed the breath of Zi Ling'er's return.

Out of the five rooms came out a middle-aged cultivator with a bald head, about forty years old, tall, with a stubble face, a big belly, protruding flesh, and fierce eyes.

All he had to do was match him with a small watch with a big gold chain and a dragon tattoo on his shoulders, which made him more like the image of Dage, a street underworld.

When the man saw that Zi Ling'er had brought back two strangers, his expression turned ugly.

After sizing up, he found that Lu Chen was just the Cultivation Base of the Gold Core early stage, so he directly chose to ignore his existence, and seeing Su Ruolan's beautiful Celestial Immortals appearance, a lustful light flashed in his eyes.

But now he is more concerned about Spirit Stones, so he yelled loudly:

"You damn girl! Are all the dragon fruits sold out? Why did you come back so soon? If you dare to be lazy, see if I don't beat you to death today."

Zi Ling'er, who was scolded, subconsciously hid behind Lu Chen for shelter after hearing the words.

"I heard that you have lived here for two full years without paying a single cent of the rent. Shouldn't you do a good job of calculating the bill today?"

Lu Chen patted Zi Ling'er on the head, signaling her not to be afraid, then stepped forward and asked straight to the point.

But the bald cultivator heard the words, as if he had heard something ridiculous, he immediately laughed out loud, and then cursed fiercely:

"What the hell kind of onion are dare you...ah..."

As a result, before he could finish his sentence, Lu Chen, whose body suddenly turned into an afterimage, punched him in the face, and let out a painful scream on the spot.

Then quickly dodged to keep a certain distance from Lu Chen.

" are fucking looking for death." The bald cultivator who was beaten, spat out the broken teeth in his mouth, looked at Lu Chen viciously, and a big knife appeared in his hand instantly.

But Lu Chen's figure disappeared in front of his eyes again, which shows how fast he is.

The bald cultivator didn't even react, and his body was hit in the abdomen again by Lu Chen's iron fist. The bald cultivator, whose body flew out, was dragged back by Lu Chen again, and several heavy punches followed.

The bald cultivator screamed and nearly passed out.

What Lu Chen hates the most in his life is that others bully the weak because of their own abilities. Zi Linger's experience successfully aroused Lu Chen's sense of justice.

So he was merciless in his shots, almost to the flesh, he wanted to let the bald head feel the feeling of being beaten, otherwise he would kill him with a single knife, wouldn't it be cheap for him.

"Don't hit me, don't hit me anymore... If you hit me again, you'll die! Senior, please spare me! Can't we talk about it if we have something to say?"

The bald cultivator, who couldn't bear the pain, begged for mercy loudly………………………………………

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