Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 401 The Turtle In The Urn

The bald-headed cultivator's screams like killing a pig immediately attracted the attention of the tenants in several other rooms, and five cultivators rushed to the yard immediately.

When he saw that the bald cultivator had been beaten so badly that he couldn't see his face clearly, he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

One must know that this person is a Cultivation Base with a Gold Core middle stage, relying on his high Cultivation Base on weekdays, he acts arrogantly and domineeringly, and he is so prosperous in this small courtyard that others call him Bald Brother.

But now he was beaten helplessly by a young cultivator of the Gold Core early stage, that was too horrible to look at, and everyone showed disbelief.

Even Zi Ling'er couldn't bear to look directly at the tragic situation of the bald brother, so she hid behind Su Ruolan in fright.

At this moment, the bald-headed brother no longer had the glory of the past, lying on the ground like a dead dog, groaning in pain,

Both hands were broken off abruptly by Lu Chen, presenting a strange curved shape.

At this time, Lu Chen patted the dust off his hands in satisfaction, and looked at the other tenants with a cold expression.

For a moment, everyone was stunned by Lu Chen's ferocity. Seeing him looking towards them, they didn't dare to look him directly.

They also saw Zi Linger, their little landlord, standing intimately behind that beautiful cultivator.

He immediately guessed in his heart that these two people were probably here to stand up for their little landlord.

Among them is a middle-aged cultivator of the Gold Core middle stage who does not believe in evil, but sees a bald brother with the same Cultivation Base as him being beaten into a pig's head, and does not want to provoke Lu Chen, so he prepares to fly away with a sword.

But as soon as his foot stepped on the Flying Sword, he suddenly let out a painful scream, which was very strange.

Then he held his head in his hands, with a frightened expression on his face, curled up, and kept rolling on the ground, as if his brain had been violently stimulated.

Seeing this, the corners of Lu Chen's mouth rose slightly, showing a harmless smile and looking at everyone.

It wasn't until a long while before the cultivator of the Gold Core middle stage calmed down a little, but his brain was still buzzing, and he sat on the ground looking at Lu Chen in horror, not daring to say another word.

This was because Lu Chen intended to be merciful, otherwise he would have already received the box lunch after a set of tricks.

"Divine Sense attack?" Among the tenants, an older cultivator saw the clue, and immediately screamed, and then looked into Lu Chen's eyes, becoming terrified.

Just now, in order to scare chickens and monkeys, when the cultivator took out the Flying Sword, he knew that he wanted to escape, so he sent out a Divine Sense attack directly on a thought,

It has to be said that this Divine Sense sword is invisible, it moves with the heart, it is weird and unpredictable, and the speed is so fast that it is hard to guard against.

"The former... senior... I don't know if the senior has

Whatever orders, we can do as well. "

Among the tenants was a cultivator with a relatively young appearance. Seeing Lu Chen coming forward, he subconsciously retreated a few steps and asked anxiously.

"Hehehe... I dare not give orders, but I heard from my Little Sister that there are several tenants here who live in our house.

I haven't paid rent for two years, no! As soon as I come back, I want to chat with you about the rent issue. "

Lu Chen smiled politely, as if what happened in front of him had nothing to do with him.

When everyone heard this, they felt speechless for a while, thinking: After a long time, it was just for the rent, but is it necessary to be so ruthless?

I really don't know where our little landlord found such a ruthless person.

As for whether this person is her big brother or not, it doesn't matter anymore, after all, his strength lies here.

Among them, the one who regretted the most was the middle-aged cultivator and the bald brother lying on the ground and pretending to be dead.

If I knew that the other party was only here to collect rent, why should I suffer this crime.

"Hehehe... I'm sorry senior, it's all my fault, I was a little tight before, but now I just have some Spirit Stones, I'll hand it in right away, I'll hand it in right away."

The young cultivator who spoke just now was full of flattery to Lu Chen, forced by Lu Chen's tricks, after hearing the words, he hurriedly smiled embarrassingly.

Then he took out eighty middle-grade Spirit Stones from the storage bag, and Divine Sense controlled the Spirit Stones to automatically fly to Zi Linger.

Seeing this, several other tenants also took out their own Spirit Stones.

Even the bald brother who was lying on the ground no longer pretended to be dead, and quickly got up and handed over the Spirit Stones, hoping to get rid of this killing god as soon as possible.

Zi Ling'er had a panoramic view of the whole process, she never thought that she would not be able to get the rent no matter how hard she asked,

After the big brother came, they actually took the initiative to hand over the rent. Looking at the floating Spirit Stones in front of them, Zi Ling'er felt very complicated for a while, and tears rolled in her eyes.

"Why is the rent for two years so low?"

Seeing that everyone seemed to have only brought out seventy or eighty middle-grade Spirit Stones, Lu Chen asked with an ugly expression.

Seeing Lu Chen's displeased expression, several tenants quickly explained, for fear of offending Lu Chen again.

It turns out that there are three medium-grade Spirit Stones for each room a month, and seventy-two for two years. The 80-plus medium-grade Spirit Stones are already part of the extra payment.

That is to say, Lu Chen is used to seeing Spirit Stones in units of 10,000, and has forgotten the sufferings of ordinary cultivators. In addition, he does not know the housing prices in Tianyin City, and subconsciously feels that they are giving less.

After listening to it, Lu Chen is not good enough to force

Force them to come up with Spirit Stones again, otherwise, what difference does it make between me and their bullying.

"Then let me ask you? Who caused Zi Linger's injuries?"

Lu Chen squinted his eyes and looked at the crowd and asked again.

As a result, everyone unconsciously retreated a few steps, leaving the bald brother alone in front, and the result was self-evident.

When the bald brother saw this, he was frightened to death, because he knew that he was the only one who beat Zi Ling'er on weekdays, so he quickly knelt on the ground and kowtowed for mercy:

"senior! Junior should be damned, Junior should be damned, please spare my life, I am willing to take all my Spirit Stones to compensate Linger,

I also have a map and brief introduction of the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain. This map is more than ten times more detailed than those sold on the market. I am willing to give the map to the senior and ask the senior to spare my life. "

When Lu Chen heard that this person actually had a map of Tianyin Mountain's secret realm, he immediately became interested, and immediately raised his hand to suck the storage bag at his waist into his hand.

Seeing the own storage bag flying into Lu Chen's hands, the bald cultivator knew that he might be doomed today.

While Lu Chen was checking the space in the storage bag, he suddenly exploded, his body ready to escape like lightning.

Seeing this, Lu Chen just glanced at the bald guy lightly, with a disdainful smile on his lips.

It's too late, but it's fast.


I saw that as soon as the figure of the bald brother rushed to the wall of the small courtyard, a buzzing sound suddenly sounded.

Then a lavender formation light curtain suddenly appeared, covering the entire small courtyard.


The figure of the bald brother collided with the formation light curtain, was immediately bounced back, and fell hard to the ground.

This scene immediately made everyone look bitter, especially the cultivator of the Gold Core middle stage, who even laughed at himself. It turned out that he had already taken precautions, and he and others had already become entangled turtles.

The bald brother who fell to the ground was even ashamed when he saw this, he quickly got up and knelt down and begged for mercy again.

However, Lu Chen's eyes froze suddenly, and three Divine Sense knives were released instantly, like 3D special effects, slashing at the bald cultivator with illusion and reality.

Others couldn't see all of this at all. They only saw a purple knife embryo suddenly appearing in Lu Chen's hand.

Then a brilliant purple light suddenly slashed at the bald brother. This move is exactly Lu Chen's Secret Technique, the first form of "Dou Zun" in the nine knives in the early days.

Seeing Lu Chen take out his weapon, the bald man wanted to resist desperately, but then his brain suddenly felt a sharp pain, and in the next second, a purple light suddenly appeared.

Immediately, the bald brother's consciousness fell into endless darkness...

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