Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 406 Jiang Shimei

The first floor of Tianyin Mountain's secret realm, about 30 kilometers away from the entrance to the second floor, is basically a vast grassy plain.

At this moment, a team of six cultivators, three men and three men each, was walking on the plain.

"Junior Sister Jiang! I have long heard that Junior Sister Jiang is one of the top ten most beautiful women in the Central Plains. It is a great honor to be able to walk with Sister Jiang today."

The one walking in the front among the six people was dressed in a white robe, with clear facial features, a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, a young cultivator who looked like a handsome young man, and said with a smile.

While walking, he deliberately approached the beautiful cultivator, but the beautiful cultivator saw it, but avoided it without leaving a trace, keeping a certain distance from her.

If it is not considered that the road is dangerous and abnormal, it will be relatively safer to walk together in a group. Coupled with the fact that several of them had just experienced a life-and-death battle, it is estimated that the beautiful cultivator had long wanted to leave alone.

Before, when the few people were just teleported in, they were attacked by a large number of sixth-order Demonic Beasts storm wolves, and they happened to be teleported together at random.

Facing the Gale Wolf pack with a fighting power comparable to that of the Gold Core early stage.

With one head and two ends, they can still deal with it calmly. With such a large number, even with their Cultivation Base of four Gold Core early stages and two Gold Core middle stages, they cannot escape unscathed.

So the situation was urgent at that time, and several people all chose to join forces to retreat from the enemy.

After a life-and-death struggle, several people finally beat the wind wolf away, and then they met and went together.

But who once thought that Mr. Pianpian was deeply attracted by the most beautiful beauty among the three female cultivators at a glance, and he seemed to fall in love all of a sudden.

So, on the way, he kept licking the dog, but he had a hot face and a cold butt, but he still couldn't get tired of it.

"Senior Brother Leng is overrated."

The stunning woman smiled faintly after hearing the words, and then prepared to leave with the sword,

Because she really can't stand this young master who calls himself Leng Jiahao.

Along the way, he kept getting close to himself, and the intention of admiration was undoubtedly revealed, but the key was that he didn't have any vision.

She couldn't help thinking, couldn't this person see that she repulsed him? "

"Junior Sister Jiang, be careful, have you forgotten that there are shadowless eagles in this area, so don't act carelessly, otherwise, do you think there is a cultivator who dares to fly with a sword?"

When Leng Jiahao saw the woman take out the Flying Sword, he immediately took the opportunity to grab her arm, eagerly caring


In fact, he took the opportunity to get stuck. When he grabbed the woman's arm, his heart suddenly jumped, he was very excited, and he sighed that it was so slippery, soft and fragrant.

"Let me go! Otherwise, I'll be impolite. What do you think is that?"

Suddenly being pulled by the arm by a strange man, the female cultivator immediately said with a displeased face.

Immediately, he broke free his arm from Leng Jiahao's hand, then threw out the Flying Sword and flew away directly with the sword.

All of this, the accompanying people naturally saw it, but because of Leng Jiahao's strength, the others chose to ignore it for their own sake.

And Leng Jiahao also followed the eyes of that stunning beauty, but saw a cultivator who was about twenty-four or five years old, with a delicate figure, distinct facial features, and a handsome appearance, flying towards him with a sword.

Because the man flew very low, and the speed was not too fast, so several people saw him flying over the heads of themselves and others.

"How dare that cultivator fly in Yujian's territory? Doesn't he know that Wuying Eagle specializes in attacking cultivators flying Yujian?"

A cultivator standing next to Leng Jiahao said in shock.

His words immediately attracted the attention of the rest of the people, and then they all showed surprised expressions.

"Hmph! That kid is just a stunned young man. I guess he was lucky not to meet the Shadowless Eagle.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to survive until now? You must know that some Shadowless Eagles have combat power comparable to cultivators in the Nascent Soul period. "

Leng Jiahao sneered dismissively.

Immediately after realizing that the beautiful woman had gone away, Leng Jiahao's face immediately became gloomy, and he thought to himself:

"Jiang Shimei, just wait for me, one day daddy will hold you under his crotch and gallop, so that you can't live or die.

And that kid, who dared to show off at this time, if I met him, I would definitely tear you to pieces. "

After speaking, a poisonous look flashed in his eyes.

Jiang Shimei was the stunning beauty in white just now, and she was also one of the ten beauties in the Central Plains, and she was the woman in white who separated Lu Chen and Su Ruolan with a sword.

But Lu Chen didn't know that passing by would attract hatred. He was flying with his sword at the moment, heading for the entrance of the second floor.

It can be said that they have gained a lot along the way. They hunted and killed twelve shadowless vultures and obtained twelve pairs of shadowless vultures' wings.

However, as Lu Chen kept hunting the shadowless vultures, the other shadowless vultures seemed to know that there was such a human being who could see them and successfully hunted down many of their companions.

So it seemed that everyone was hiding, so that after Lu Chen, he never encountered a shadowless vulture again.

In addition, it is impossible for Lu Chen to find it deliberately, so after trying to find it for a certain distance, it was fruitless.

Lu Chen accelerated Yu Jian's flying speed and went straight to the entrance of the second floor.

After getting rid of Leng Jiahao, Jiang Shimei was in a particularly happy mood. At first, she was also a little worried that she would be attacked by Wuyingdiao.

But after flying for a certain distance, she found that she did not meet the Shadowless Eagle, so she was relieved, and then increased her flying speed.

When Lu Chen came to the entrance of the second floor according to the prompts in the map, he saw a stone staircase at the entrance, which was directly connected to the top from the first floor.

At the top of the stone staircase is a circular formation light curtain the size of a room.

The formation light curtain flashed a white halo, and mysterious runes danced around it.

Lu Chen knew that this should also be something similar to a portal, as long as he climbed to the top of the stone ladder, he could be teleported directly to the second floor.


However, when Lu Chen stepped on the first stone step, an invisible force suddenly struck, as if to push Lu Chen away,

Although that force wasn't very strong, it didn't prevent Lu Chen from guessing that the force got stronger the further back he went.

From this, it can be deduced why there is no information on the eighth and ninth floors in the map Jade Slip.

I am afraid that the person who drew the map Jade Slip has reached the seventh floor at most. After encountering danger, they either retreated in time, or were sent out of the secret realm when the time was up.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen couldn't help frowning slightly. At first, he thought he could climb to the ninth floor.

Now it seems that things are far from as simple as I imagined.

"Hey..." Are you going or not? If you don't, don't get in the way, otherwise don't blame me for being rude to you. "

Just as Lu Chen was thinking about the stone ladder, an unpleasant scolding sound suddenly sounded.

Lu Chen frowned slightly when he heard this. This stone staircase is at least three meters wide, and four or five people will not look crowded side by side at the same time. Why did he get in the way?

Immediately following the prestige, a middle-aged cultivator appeared in front of him.

I saw that the man was only slender, dressed in long robes of various colors, and his hair was combed into a bun. He was about forty years old, with a clean face and no beard, his eyes were like torches, and he looked at himself with a smile.

Lu Chen also recognized who this person was at a glance, and then a look of surprise appeared on his face...

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