Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 407 Eighth Floor Space

"Hahaha... Uncle why are you here?"

Lu Chen, who recognized who it was at a glance, immediately exclaimed in surprise, and an incomparable sense of intimacy suddenly rose in his heart.

Because the person who scolded him just now was actually Qiu Xueming, the law enforcement Elder of Xuantian Sect Anlinzhou Branch.

When Lu Chen first came back from Canglan secret realm, he was brought to Tai Xuan Hall by Qiu Elder.

Who would have thought that on that day, Lu Chen received a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and his own master Hao Nande actually fell.

Later, Qiu Xueming saw that Lu Chen was lonely, so he wanted to accept him as his personal disciple in order to protect him, but Lu Chen declined.

After being rejected, Qiu Elder was not only not angry, but after hearing that Lu Chen wanted to learn pill refining,

He also took the initiative to tell him that Changfen Ridge can collect Yinhuo, and gave Lu Chen a Jade Slip about the introduction information of Cultivation World's kindling, which shows his noble character.

It is precisely because of this that Lu Chen got the Skyfire Wulian Heartfire by accident.

So Lu Chen has always been grateful to Qiu Elder, but later because he was busy with various chores,

Time flies and several years have passed, Lu Chen has been suffering from no chance to repay Qiu Elder.

Now in this foreign land, in the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain, Lu Chen can see his benefactor, so Lu Chen is very excited and happy.

"Hehehe... I really didn't expect it! It's been a few years since I saw you, and you actually broke through to the Gold Core stage, and the Cultivation Base is already comparable to us old guys,

It's a good thing you didn't agree to be my disciple back then, otherwise I would have misunderstood my disciple... Hehehe...

If it wasn't for my repeated confirmation just now, I wouldn't dare to recognize you. To be honest, I'm really proud of you. "

After Qiu Xueming confirmed that he did not admit the wrong person, he said with the same excitement and joy.

"Hehehe... I made you laugh, uncle. There have indeed been some good opportunities in the past few years, but why did you come to the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain, uncle?"

After Lu Chen heard the words, he timely shifted the topic to Qiu Elder.

Because as far as he knows, the existence of the general Elder level will not leave Sect easily without any special things, let alone come to the distant Central Plains.

"I have now been transferred to the headquarters to take care of other matters. As for my coming to the Central Plains, I have some embarrassments. Please forgive me for inconvenient disclosure.

There are nine floors in Tianyinshan secret realm, which floor are you planning to go to? "

Qiu Xueming looked at Lu Chen and asked.

"Which floor are you planning to go to? What does Master Master mean? Isn't every floor accessible?"

After Lu Chen heard the words, he didn't quite understand what Qiu Elder meant.

Seeing Lu Chen's puzzled expression, Qiu Xueming knew that he didn't understand the meaning of Tianyin Mountain's secret realm.

So patiently said what he knew.

It turns out that each layer of the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain has abundant resources, but not all cultivators can enter it according to their own ideas.

The space you want to go to.

It is necessary to determine which floor you can reach based on the comprehensive strength of the cultivator.

And this decisive factor lies in the stone ladders on each floor. There is a mysterious force on the stone stairs that will test the cultivator.

Only by overcoming the mysterious resistance can one enter the next floor... Finally, Qiu Elder added that it is very difficult for non-peerless geniuses to reach the ninth floor.

After hearing the words, Lu Chen finally got a general idea, but he wondered how Qiu Elder knew so much,

It seems that the relationship between the seven sects of southern Xinjiang and the hundred schools of the Central Plains is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

So Lu Chen had the idea to ask Qiu Elder about the former site of the Wangqing Sect and the news about the Shouyuan Fruit, otherwise it would be useless to search for it like a headless chicken.

Qiu Xueming hesitated for a moment after hearing the words, as if he was engaged in some psychological struggle,

In the end, he took out a Jade Slip and handed it to Lu Chen, and told Lu Chen that there is only so much he can help him.

"Okay! Tianyin Mountain's secret realm is only available for half a month. We all have to hurry up. This is my communication line. We will contact you after we leave the secret realm."

After Qiu Xueming finished speaking, he handed Lu Chen a communication bead, and said goodbye to Lu Chen, then took a step ahead and flew up the stone ladder, and quickly disappeared at the end of the stone ladder.

Lu Chen touched own's nose, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and the Divine Sense was injected into the Jade Slip that Qiu Elder gave own,

After seeing the contents clearly, Lu Chen's eyes suddenly lit up, and he thought, no wonder Qiu Elder hesitated.

Because the content recorded in Jade Slip is a more detailed map of the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain, which also includes the approximate content of the next three floors.

You must know that the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain is only opened once in a hundred years, and the seven sects of southern Xinjiang have always agreed with the Central Plains that the high rank cultivators of each sect cannot enter their respective jurisdictions casually, otherwise they will be regarded as provocations.

Of course, if Rogue Cultivators or ordinary people cultivators do not have this restriction.

So it can be seen that this map is not easy to come by. If it were Lu Chen, he probably would not have taken it out.

According to the map, in the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain on the ninth floor, only the word Wuqing Peak appears on the eighth floor, which may have some connection with the Wangqing Sect, and the Shouyuan Fruit is likely to be in the Five Elements Mountain on the ninth floor.

After receiving such precious information, Lu Chen was naturally overjoyed, and then took nine steps to the sky, and also flew towards the top of the stone ladder, passing through the teleportation array.

"Is this the second layer? It's really rich Spiritual Qi, but I'd better find Wangqing Water first, as for other resources.

Hehehe... What if someone comes to your door and asks you to lick the bag? It's not that such a thing has never happened in the secret realm. "

Looking at the stone stairs on the third floor, Lu Chen murmured in his heart.

Then continue to use Movement Technique to fly to the third stone staircase. It is worth mentioning that the mysterious resistance of the third stone staircase

The power has increased more than ten times.

When Lu Chen stepped onto the stone ladder on the fourth floor, that mysterious force instantly enveloped Lu Chen like an overwhelming mountain.

If it wasn't for his quick reaction, his body might be directly knocked into the air by that mysterious force.

But even so, Lu Chen still felt that he couldn't move an inch, his sweat was dripping, and the veins on his neck were bulging.

"Fuck! What should I do? This won't work! Let alone reach the ninth floor if this continues, I won't even be able to reach the fucking fourth floor. Is it because the own Cultivation Base Realm is too low?"

Facing the huge pressure, Lu Chen cursed in his heart. He felt that if he hadn't possessed the Cultivation Base who possessed the state of body refining king, his body would have been flattened by this powerful pressure.

"Huh? Body training? That's right! Why don't I use this mysterious power to increase my body cultivator performance?"

Thinking of this, Lu Chen couldn't help showing a look of surprise in his heart, and immediately began to use the Chaos Body Refining Technique.

A quick silent recitation in the mind:

"He will be strong, let him be strong, the breeze blows the hills, he will let him do what he wants, and the bright moon will shine on the river..."

With the operation of the Chaotic Body Refining Technique, a faint golden light appeared on the surface of Lu Chen's body, and all the functions in his body were undergoing subtle changes.

The pressure on his body also eased a lot, just like that, Lu Chen walked towards the top of the stone ladder again,

The body refining technique King Physique has also been greatly improved, but Lu Chen can clearly feel that there is still a certain gap between breakthrough and Monarch Physique.

When Lu Chen used the technique of Chaos Body Refining to improve his own resistance, thereby reducing the pressure brought by that mysterious force, it can be said that his journey has skyrocketed.

After reaching the seventh floor, the pressure had multiplied countless times, and Lu Chen stopped again.

Because the Chaos Body Refining Technique has reached a critical point, even if it works, it will not be as good as before.

However, Lu Chen wasn't too worried. The corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he flew up the stone stairs leading to the eighth floor again.

With a thought, a few Divine Sense swords, like 3D special effects, slashed at the invisible and invisible mysterious power mysteriously and mysteriously.

At this time, Lu Chen felt the pressure on his body relax again.

"Hehehe... As I guessed, this power is the same as that in the Alchemy tower, and the Divine Sense sword is really useful."

Lu Chen on the stone ladder thought joyfully when he saw that his own Divine Sense broadsword was working miraculously again.

Then continue to move forward, towards the top of the stone stairs leading to the eighth floor space, and soon pass through the circular formation light curtain.

Not long after Lu Chen's body disappeared, another young cultivator came to the stone staircase,

The man frowned slightly, as if he felt the breath of someone entering the eighth floor just now, and then he jumped straight to the top of the stone ladder, resisting the obstruction of that mysterious force with ease, it can be seen that he The Power of Cultivation Base…………………………………

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