Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 412 The Art Of Swallowing The Heavens

On the eighth floor of Tianyin Mountain's secret realm, a Daoist figure flew fast with his sword and landed in front of a large pit with a diameter of at least two hundred meters.

The dilapidated scene around, and the strong thunder and lightning atmosphere in the air, it is obvious that a cultivator just had a big battle here.

And this cultivator sensed a strong energy fluctuation, so Yu Jian rushed to check it, but it was still a step late.

I saw that the man was tall and handsome, with sword-shaped eyebrows, eyes like torches, wearing Jinglun on his head, and looked twenty-four or five-year-old.

He was dressed in a plain white robe, but it couldn't conceal his unique aura of dragon and phoenix.

This person is none other than Nine Stars Sect of Central Plains, the direct disciple of Jiang Zhengchun, head of the Spirit Beast Palace, a peerless genius with ninth-level fire attributes full of Spiritual Roots, and so is Li Changlong.

"It's such a terrifying aura. Even though the battle is over, I can still feel the powerful power emanating from the opponent's attack."

Li Changlong narrowed his eyes, looked at the scene in front of him, and muttered to himself.

As the chosen one, he naturally has his pride. When encountering the aura of a master, a thought of comparing with it naturally arises in his heart.

At first, the Master told him to try his best to find resources on the sixth floor.

It is also considering that he has just broken through to the Gold Core middle stage not long ago, his foundation is unstable and he lacks experience, and he is worried that he will encounter any danger.

But Li Changlong doesn't think so. He thinks that in cultivation, one should be fearless, go forward bravely, and achieve invincibility in constant battles.

So after a simple search on the sixth floor, they came directly to the eighth floor.

I have to say that Li Changlong's training talent and comprehension ability are really high. When passing the stone steps on each floor,

Others are trying to resist that mysterious resistance, but he is using that mysterious power to improve his own Cultivation Base.

Not only did he successfully climb the stone ladder, Cultivation Base even broke through from the Gold Core middle stage to the Gold Core late stage after climbing the seventh stone ladder, which shows how enchanting this kid is.

Of course, it also has a great relationship with the special Cultivation Technique "Hongmeng Swallowing Heaven Jue" he practiced.

In this Cultivation Technique, he once rescued a down-and-out old Taoist priest. At that time, Li Changlong was just a down-and-out poor scholar in the mortal world.

The old Taoist saw that he was plump, with clear bones, and a peerless genius in martial arts, so he sold it to him for ten copper coins.

At that time Li Changlong didn't take it seriously, he just felt sorry for the old Taoist priest, so he bought this "Hongmeng Swallowing the Heaven Art".

However, it was precisely because of this book "The Art of Hongmeng Swallowing Heaven" that completely changed Li Changlong's fate.

After extending Divine Sense to check, seeing nothing special, Li Changlong took out a map Jade Slip, confirmed a direction, and flew away directly with Yujian...

Tianyin Mountain Range, Longtan Lake, even though the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain has been opened for three days, there are still cultivators rushing to Longtan Lake to gather.

Among them were representatives of various large and small chambers of commerce in Helan State, as well as independent small traders with different operations, and quite a few idle cultivators came to join in the fun.

At this moment, directly above Longtan Lake, there stands a huge portal. Mysterious runes flicker around the portal, and a formation light curtain looms in the middle,

The faint golden brilliance on the light curtain filled the entire portal with a mysterious atmosphere.

After Lei Aotian escorted his son Lei Junyi into the secret realm, he opened up a temporary Immortal Cave in the mountains near Longtan Lake by himself as a temporary residence.

Anyway, half a month is equivalent to a cup of tea for him.

However, just after the opening of the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain in the afternoon of the third day, Lei Aotian, who was sitting in the Lotus Position in the cave like an old monk in meditation, suddenly opened his eyes.

Immediately, his face became extremely gloomy, and a look of great pain appeared in his eyes.

Because he sensed that his own Nascent Soul avatar disappeared again, which meant that his eldest son Lei Junyi must have encountered some kind of life crisis in the secret realm.

In the Nascent Soul stage, the cultivator can use the true essence to copy the Nascent Soul in the body, seal the Nascent Soul clone in Magic Treasures, and then refine it into a Movement Technique treasure.

When the wearer receives fatal damage, the movement technique treasure will automatically break open, releasing the Nascent Soul clone.

Of course, it is impossible for Nascent Soul cultivator to copy Nascent Soul avatar without limit, too many copies of Nascent Soul avatar will affect the breakthrough of cultivator late stage,

Even the Cultivation Base will drop due to excessive consumption of Nascent Soul power.

So it is not an unusual relationship, almost no Nascent Soul stage cultivator will copy its own Nascent Soul to refine Movement Technique treasures.

In Lei Aotian's life, he only refined two pieces of protective movement technique treasures, which were given to the eldest son Lei Junyi and the younger son Lei Junjie respectively.

After the younger son Lei Junjie died, the eldest son Lei Junyi became the only hope in Lei Aotian's heart.

However, now that the Nascent Soul clone on Lei Junyi's body has disappeared, I'm afraid Lei Junyi is also in danger.

For Lei Aotian, is this matter really fucking worth it?

So in order to find out what happened, Lei Aotian immediately muttered something, quickly formed seals with both hands, and pointed with one hand, a blue brilliance shot towards the stone wall in the cave.

A picture appeared on the stone wall like a projection. In the picture, a cultivator of the Gold Core early stage was waving a purple knife embryo, slashing at the struggling Lei Junyi with brilliant purple brilliance.

And at this moment, Lei Junyi was covered by blue lightning all over the sky, at this moment, Lei Aotian's Nascent Soul avatar suddenly appeared,

But that barrel-thick lightning arc clearly carried the aura of Heavenly Dao, and soon hit Lei Aotian's Nascent Soul clone.

Then the screen flashed and fell into a black screen, indicating that the avatar of own Nascent Soul had been beheaded by Lei Jie.

However, this does not affect Lei Aotian's ability to see the appearance of the culprit.

"Ah... Lu Chen, you really deserve to die. This old man Lei Aotian swears by Heavenly Dao, if he doesn't chop your body into pieces and cramp your skin, this old man will die a terrible death."

Lei Aotian roared angrily, the murderous intent on his body filled the entire cave like substance.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

Immediately, Lei Aotian slapped out a palm, the powerful destructive force caused the entire cave to explode suddenly, and then the ground shook and rocks flew across.

Then, the figure of the old guy Lei Aotian flashed, and he flew directly towards Longtan Lake, ready to wait for Lu Chen to come out, so that he could be chopped into pieces.

Because the Gold Core early stage cultivator displayed on the screen just now, Lei Aotian recognized it at a glance, it was Lu Chen.

At the beginning, the youngest son Lei Junjie was killed by Lu Chen, Lei Aotian couldn't leave because of something, so he sent two Gold Core stage cultivators to southern Xinjiang to kill him.

But who once thought that Thunder Tiger and Thunder Leopard actually fell in the southern border, and then Lei Aotian sent several waves of people to look for him with Lu Chen's memory crystal ball.

In the end, there was no trace of Lu Chen, but some information about him was obtained.

Lei Aotian's original plan was to go to southern Xinjiang to avenge his son after the secret realm of Tianyin Mountain ended.

But who once thought that before the youngest son Lei Junjie had time to avenge his revenge, the eldest son Lei Junyi was killed by Lu Chen again.

Who the hell can stand this.

Therefore, Lei Aotian spit out a mouthful of old blood immediately, vowing to avenge his son.

Lei Aotian's anger was naturally unknown to Lu Chen.

He is driving the flying boat at the moment, flying towards the direction of Wuqing Peak…………………………

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